Seeking testers for Rustup 1.24.2 (beta)

Hi everyone,

Like before, we're seeking some beta testers for Rustup 1.24.2 -- the main reason for this release is to deal with a nasty problem we think is down to system allocators on some systems interacting badly with the new streamed file installation code. We've made some changes which hopefully will prevent this problem. As such we're looking for people who were still struggling with memory issues with 1.24.1 to give it a go.

You may have seen this manifest as a failure to install, because it couldn't allocate a 16777216 byte block of memory or similar. This seems to be more prevalent in Windows systems and often in CI situations.

If you set RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT in your environment to point at then you can install/use 1.24.2 which will help us to understand if this fix is right.

Obviously we'll also appreciate any problem reports people find on other platforms, but we particularly want someone who was reliably encountering problems before to have a go with 1.24.2 for us, since we weren't seeing it ourselves.

If you need help arranging your CI to do this, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help you work things out. I'm not a travis or actions expert, but I can try.




Well, now I know why my CI was routinely failing on Windows.

I'll give this a try tomorrow.

I'm really sorry about that.

Thank you. Let me know either here or on #wg-rustup in the rust-lang discord how you get on.


We've found one potential issue, so the current version is not going to work for everyone.

If you run rustup dump-testament then rustup will tell you how it was built. The following testament is bad:

Rustup version renders as: 1.24.2 (c900f7030 2021-05-04)
Current crate version: 1.24.2
Built from branch: stable
Commit info: 1.24.1+58 (c900f7030 2021-05-04)
Working tree is clean

However this testament is good:

Rustup version renders as: 1.24.2 (ed1470058 2021-05-05)
Current crate version: 1.24.2
Built from branch: stable
Commit info: 1.24.1+59 (ed1470058 2021-05-05)
Working tree is clean

We intend to push another version to dev-static later today if we can, which will be the good version. For now, if you have the bad version, just remove RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT from your environment and rustup self update back to 1.24.1.

I'll update this thread when we've pushed the new 1.24.2 beta.

And the new version is up, so you can feel free to try again. Thanks to anyone who is testing this.

Hi everyone,

We've pushed a new version to the beta testing stage for you all to try.

Remember, first uninstall the beta version you had (rustup self update without the RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT variable set) and then you can install the new beta.

If you're updating an existing system, then set RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT= and then run rustup self update. If you're fixing up CI, then ensure that environment variable is set before you start the rustup installation process and things should proceed properly.

You can tell if you have the right version by running rustup dump-testament which for the current beta should read:

Rustup version renders as: 1.24.2 (34cd8a5b7 2021-05-10)
Current crate version: 1.24.2
Built from branch: stable
Commit info: 1.24.1+76 (34cd8a5b7 2021-05-10)
Working tree is clean

This beta contains a new slab allocator for the unpacker which should ameliorate the VMA space fragmentation experienced on some platforms.

We would very much appreciate feedback.

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I tried this in an AppVeyor build which installs 1.37.0-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.

With 1.24.1, this fails consistently with the 16777216 error.

With the 34cd8a5b7 build, that is after running rustup self update with RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT set as above, the installation works. The testament printed was slightly different, printint 1.24.1+440 instead of 1.24.1+76, though the commit hash is the same:

Rustup version renders as: 1.24.2 (34cd8a5b7 2021-05-10)
Current crate version: 1.24.2
Built from branch: stable
Commit info: 1.24.1+440 (34cd8a5b7 2021-05-10)
Working tree is clean

PS. The AppVeyor configuration I used to test is here.

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While the difference in the number is harmless I do wonder how/why it occurred. Oddness. Still, everything looking good so far for 1.24.2 - if anyone encounters any new or unusual issues, now's the time to speak up.

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We're into what we hope is the home-straight here.

A new version of 1.24.2 has been pushed (if you're beta testing now, remember to revert to 1.24.1 before you try to update the beta copy).

This time, the SHA and date stamp should be 755e2b07e 2021-05-12

Please give this a final test - if all is well we'll be releasing this before the end of the week I hope.

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My test still works with the 755e2b07e build.


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