Seeking beta testers for Rustup v1.27.1

Hi everyone!

Following dist: bump `rustup` version to `1.27.1` by rami3l · Pull Request #3773 · rust-lang/rustup · GitHub, I'd like to announce on behalf of the Rustup team that Rustup v1.27.1 beta is now available for testing and we are currently looking for beta testers to ensure that this update does deliver the improvements that we would like it to include.

We would be happy to receive regression/breakage reports of any kind, especially regarding the following use cases:

To begin, all you need to do is simply switching to the dev environment by setting the RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT= environment variable and update (or install) rustup. [1]

Many thanks in advance!

  1. To switch out of the dev environment, just remove that environment variable and do a rustup self update. Also, if you want to be sure you’re using the right environment, we have added a debug message for RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT which will appear after setting the RUSTUP_DEBUG flag (feat: log `RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT`, `RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER` or `RUSTUP_DIST_ROOT` on `RUSTUP_DEBUG` by rami3l · Pull Request #3722 · rust-lang/rustup · GitHub). ↩︎


tl;dr: it works for me (the #3708 case):

RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT= rustup self update


rustup self update


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT= sh


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

That url seems to be 404(hmm, only on safari, not on firefox/gentoo, odd), but anyway I tried this:

users-iMac:45 user$ RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT=
users-iMac:45 user$ rustup self update
info: checking for self-update
  rustup unchanged - 1.27.0

What should I replace the below url with, to get it to install? because I've uninstalled it and #3708 is in effect.

users-iMac:45 user$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

ok, nevermind, it seems to work if I prepend export to the env. var. setting! ie. export RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT= instead of just RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT= it makes sense in retrospect.

EDIT: For both commands it's required to have export-ed one. (that is, for both: rustup self update and the curl one)

EDIT2: I didn't know there was a difference between these 2 ways to pass the env. var., the one on cmdline does an implicit export, it seems, had no idea until now:

users-iMac:45 user$ RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT= rustup self update
debug: `RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT` has been set to ``
info: checking for self-update
debug: `RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT` has been set to ``
  rustup unchanged - 1.27.1

users-iMac:45 user$ RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT=
users-iMac:45 user$ rustup self update
info: checking for self-update
info: downloading self-update
  rustup updated - (unknown) (from 1.27.1)

dyld: cannot load 'rustup-init' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
error: self-updated failed to replace rustup executable

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From Ubuntu 22.04, the update worked without error. Trying multiple projects, I am not seeing any issues with both stable and nightly installed.

I also don't see any issues with VSCode or RustRover after updating.

rustup doc doesn't work; but that's because it is trying to open them in the default snap version of Firefox. Opening the page in Chrome works.

Also verified the completions generations is working.

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Thanks a lot for your detailed report! I'm not quite sure why rustup doc part didn't work on your side, but I do know that we depend on GitHub - Seeker14491/opener: Open a file or link in the system default program. for this feature, and detecting the default browser is harder than it seems... Setting the BROWSER environment variable to your default browser should help in general.

It would be particularly helpful if you file a GitHub issue on this one, and then we can decide whether it should be forwarded upstream.

Hi @rami3l . I took a look at that repo. rustup doc does successfully launch Firefox, it's just not allowed to access documentation generated by rustup.

There are multiple tickets filed for it. I had commented on this one in 2022.

A couple other places that it was mentioned:

In general, rustup doc does not work on a default install of Ubuntu. You'd have to uninstall the default Firefox browser and reinstall it as a .deb since both the snap and flatpak are broken with respect to rust documentation. Or switch to a different default browser.

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