We would be happy to receive regression/breakage reports of any kind, especially regarding the installation/usage on the following platforms/environments:
fish shell: This version should automatically handle PATH configs for your Rustup installation;
Raspberry Pi 4 and up with Pi OS installed: The target triple detection on 32-bit userland + 64-bit Linux chimera should have been fixed now;
loongarch64-unknown-linux-gnu: This will be the first release to support this host platform.
To begin, all you need to do is simply switching to the dev environment by setting the RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT=https://dev-static.rust-lang.org/rustup environment variable and update (or install) rustup. [1]
Many thanks in advance!
To switch out of the dev environment, just remove that environment variable and do a rustup self update. ↩︎
It seems to work on Fedora39/fish. I never noticed anything bothersome with my workflow; is there something I can do for you to give it a little exercise?
The thing for fish users is that, IIRC on previous versions of Rustup you had to configure the PATH variable manually. The consequence is twofold:
Right after a new Rust installation the binaries are still not included into PATH so you'll have to source something to make it usable, but we didn't include a script for fish until now.
Now you should get a prompt informing you that a .fish script is available, which will make it possible to execute something like cargo --version right after being sourced:
You should be able to remove the manual inclusion of the Rustup PATH in your fish config now, since we'll install ~/.config/fish/conf.d/rustup.fish during setup.
You might need to reinstall Rustup to see if it works alright.
I did some experimentation and got the newcomer experience to work. (Rustup is so easy to work with, I had zero qualms just deleting it and reinstalling it a few times).
~ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | RUSTUP_UPDATE_ROOT=https://dev-static.rust-lang.org/rustup sh
... snipped ...
This path will then be added to your PATH environment variable by
modifying the profile files located at:
This is usually done by running one of the following (note the leading DOT):
. "$HOME/.cargo/env" # For sh/bash/zsh/ash/dash/pdksh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env.fish" # For fish
~ source "$HOME/.cargo/env.fish"
~ rustc --version
rustc 1.76.0 (07dca489a 2024-02-04)
Starting a new terminal window shows that the environment script gets picked up as expected. It truly "just works," even more smoothly than before (which IMHO was a pretty high bar).
In my experimentation I was not able to get the fish script to be output when updating from rustup-1.26 to rustup-1.27. I reckon that's probably fine, since if you already have rustup you're using something like Oh My Fish's rustup plugin (like I was; I uninstalled it for this experiment), or have modified your PATH manually.
Good work, let me know if there are any other things you'd like me to test.