Mozilla is hiring for the Rust Team! (2019)

From the job listing:

We are looking for a software engineer who is excited about becoming part of Rust's infrastructure and/or teams. As a member of these teams, you will

  • improve the Rust project’s development infrastructure, including continuous integration, build artifact generation, GitHub bots, and other development workflows.
  • help develop, the central package manager for Rust
  • help develop related components to, for example custom private registries and cached binaries

As Rust is an open-source project, a big focus for this role is collaboration and mentorship. You will work with people from both inside and outside of Mozilla. You should have experience in back-end server and operations work. Some experience with AWS and CI systems like Travis and AppVeyor would be a plus. Development work will primarily be in Rust.


cc @nasa42 for TWiR?


Since this is a remote job, is anyone willing to comment on Mozilla’s capacity to have a worker located in Australia, for example? I presume the majority of teams like this are co-located in similar timezones? I guess I’m really asking how well does Mozilla handle globally distributed teams, specifically where they don’t have offices.

While I can’t speak to this particular Rust job, I’ve been on teams at Mozilla that were distributed across the world (including Australia). We make an effort to schedule synchronous communication at times that don’t unfairly penalize particular team members, and prioritize asynchronous communication when possible.


I just want to say that it’s really exciting to see some resources possibly being steered towards some kind of support for cached binaries! This is easily one of our organisation’s biggest pain-points with Rust dev and seeing this as a possible focus is exciting :slight_smile:

Great information. Thanks for this information. I am interested in it.

I am interested in it.

Hello, I applied May 15th and have not received an answer, how often are the applications processed? Thanks


thanks for applying for the job. I have notified the responsible recruiter and he will contact you as soon as the hiring manager reviews your profile. Usually it takes 2 weeks to get back to the candidates, but it depends how many resumes we receive for the applied job.

Hope I could help.




Hi all,

Has anyone heard back about this position? I applied around May 15th as well and have not heard a peep.



I wanted to let anyone following along know that I’ve unfortunately been told by Mozilla that due to a change in business needs, they’ve decided not to fulfill this role at this time.

Obviously I’m super sad to hear this. I was really excited for the community as a whole what this role could bring for the future of Rust. I think the library and CI infrastructure are a vital part of any healthy project, and while I have deep respect for all the work being done on this front by (mostly?) spare-time contributors moving the these projects forward, I also think having a full time addition to the contributions and management of it could have been a real boon for the project.

As for myself, I’ve had two very pleasant interviews at Mozilla, and was really excited for the opportunity. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be at this point in time.

I’m writing this from a throw-away account as I’m cautious not to jeopardize my current income (however small the chance of something happening), but if there’s any other company reading this, willing to help the community and interested in talking to me, send me a DM, as I'm still confident I had a perfectly matching resume to what was being asked, and an equal amount of passion and dedication for Rust and open-source in general. I’m keen on seeing if we can make this work in some other way that benefits the community, your company and myself.

Thanks to the recruiters and interviewers for their time, and to Mozilla for moving Rust forward, even if it didn’t work out in this particular case.


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