Regression report stable-2015-08-06 vs. nightly-2015-09-08

This is a quick followup to the previous report.

Here we’re using a slightly more up to date nightly and the ICE is fixed. Haven’t looked closely at the rest but it otherwise appears similar to the previous report.

Regression report stable-2015-08-06 vs. nightly-2015-09-08

  • From: stable-2015-08-06
  • To: nightly-2015-09-08


  • 2970 crates tested: 1616 working / 1118 broken / 13 regressed / 186 fixed / 37 unknown.


  • There are 8 root regressions
  • There are 13 regressions

Root regressions, sorted by rank:

Non-root regressions, sorted by rank:

Full report.

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