首先,在这里最好用英语,中文的话可以去 rustcc.cn
Firstly, it is better using English here. In case you want to talk with Chinese, please go to rustcc.cn.
This is because, in case you are not good at English, you may not understand what others say, and cannot communicate with those people.
Secondly, if it is possible, please give at least one example, to illustrate what you are proposed.
Finally, for those English user, IMHO, what this thread post is might not even worth a translator.
There are always rust beginners who are guided by the " Ask a Question on the Users Forum" or similar things (even the language is not English, 在用户论坛提问, Kullanıcılar Forumunda Bir Soru Sorun Poser une question sur le forum utilisateurs Preguntar en el foro de usuarios)
All the different link in the www.rust-lang.org guided users to URLO and then IRLO, which encourages many freshman use their native language rather than English communicated here.
I know there is no rule for URLO and IRLO that users must speak English, but guide freshman in this forum might not be the best choice.
Maybe adding some native rust community in the official page is a solution, which might significantly reduce the misuse of URLO (and IRLO)