I'm currently writing an RFC about named arguments here.
For now I am not looking for comments about the RFC itself but for help with its organisation/presentation:
- Is the language clear enough (English is not my first language, despite all the work I put in learning it) ?
- Is the style/tone ok ?
- Am I missing a section that is usually present in RFCs (I hope not) ?
- Should I repeat informations across sections or instead remove duplicates and add more links to others sections ?
- Am I missing references to previous RFCs or threads that could be interesting to review before proposing it (probably) ?
If you want to discuss named arguments and the content of the text, please open an issue on the repo or come find me on Discord/Zulip (I am Poliorcetics on both), I will gladly answer you, but please do not flood this thread with it.
(Mods: is 'community' the correct category for such a topic ?)