usually i make minimal repros of diagnostic bug in the playground to avoid making a temporary project (especially since i'm running on an old hdd system, so creating files isn't instant)
this is pretty smooth, but there's two main roadbumps:
- it's not possible to get the output of
rustc --version --verbose
on the playground, as far as i can tell, so i end up re-typing just the X.Y.Z version - the source and error message have to be carefully copied and pasted as to not accidentally copy too much (such as the "standard error" header)
I believe github has a feature where you can autofill issue forms with url parameters, so it should be possible to create a button (probably in the "tools" menu) to easily grab the text from the playground and marshal it into an issue report, that way only the "expected output" field needs to be filled in.
although perhaps this would be better served by a userscript or bookmarklet.