Thoughts on adding `Option::err_or` and `Option::err_or_else` to libstd

I recently found myself needing to do the following

match opt {
    None => Ok(()),
    Some(e) => Err(e)

But I think it would be nice to do this with opt.err_or(())

It seems odd to me that the following exist

  • Option::ok_or
  • Option::ok_or_else

But not the corresponding

  • Option::err_or
  • Option::err_or_else

I feel like they belong for both completeness sake, and usefulness. (Albeit this is the first time I have needed them, and I have used the others a lot more often).

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


This is odd. Usually Some(ok) is the success case, so you use ok_or(err). I haven’t seen Some(err).

I’m afraid it’d encourage functions returning Option<Error> instead of Result<(), Error>, and that would end up working backwards with the ? operator.


That is a good point. Interestingly, I need it for the very case of a function returning a Result<(), Error>. My use case is where I am parallelizing a task on a bunch of data and end up with an iterator of Results. I then

fn my_function() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // some setup code ...

    let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();

    // some code to spawn threads and parallelize stuff ...


I’m sure there might be better way of doing what I want to do, but this is how I ended up with wanting Option::err_or.

.map(|_| ()).collect() does what you want. Collect has special handling for Results (stops on first error) and special handling for () (it knows to flatten them).


This works, but it is not at all clear why at first glance. Turning it into a separate function might still be worth it to improve readability.

Yeah, I’ve occasionally needed to flip the meaning while also going from Option to Result. A sort of “transpose” if you will.

I would never, ever, have figured out that nonsense map.collect() thing though

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No not like that XD

That’s the wrong type.

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Nope, still wrong. I want flat to flat, no layers building when going between forms

Then why did you say transpose, that confused me. For that you can use Result::ok or Option::ok_or

well, I did not know about the existing methods literally named “transpose”. I might also have used the word in error somewhat.

Option::ok_or turns Some into Ok and None into Err. Result::ok turns Ok into Some and Err into None. What I wanted in the past was what’s described in the match in the first post: Some becomes Err, and None becomes Ok (and the similar inverse for Result to Option).

Oh, sorry my bad.

A probably-crazy idea: impl Not for Result that turns a Result<A, B> into a Result<B, A>.

fn my_function() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // some setup code ...
    let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
    // some code to spawn threads and parallelize stuff ...
    use std::ops::Not;

I admit you can read it, but it still seems odd.

My main argument for Option::err_or() and Option::err_or_else would be that Result::err() already exists and adding them would make the API less surprising.

I would prefer we added a flip method to Result<T,E> that looks like this:

impl<T,E> Result<T,E>{
    fn flip(self)->Result<E,T>{
        match self {

instead of having Result<T,E> implement Not.

I don’t know how useful it would be to add this method,since I’ve rarely needed to do it.

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