[Solved] `transpose` for iterators?

I’ve just noticed that we now have https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html?search=transpose for Result<Option<>> <-> Option<Result<>> conversion. Very nice!

Have anyone consider adding it to iterators as well? I was maintaining a small crate implementing exactly this: https://github.com/dpc/insideout/blob/564614969e7c6400d34e8d4a03882e2549255aad/src/lib.rs#L59 and I would be happy to retire it.

This seems just like

let iterator : impl Iterator<Item = Result<Option<T>, E>>;


// or

let iterator : impl Iterator<Item = Option<Result<T, E>>>;


Duh. Thank you!:smiley:

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