Setting our vision for the 2017 cycle

I was one of those people who bounced off Rust. It has a lot of things I like, so I keep checking back to see if it has what I need yet. I’m glad you’re looking into usability and learning curve. We evaluated Rust vs Go at my last company, and a couple of us found that after 2 days learning Go we were productive, and after 2 days learning Rust we were fighting it. I feel like I need a few things: better error messages, an IDE that can tell me “what type is this expression”. The hardest thing was the type system and especially around the reference checking types. I got stuck between the difference of “what type needs to go here” and “what type is the expression I just wrote”. Error messages got better lately, more of that please! I hope the IDE support comes along soon too. (I like Emacs, but could see switching to Sublime). Thanks! I hope Rust keeps growing.