Refining RFCs part 2: RFC staging

Some thoughts on staging:

  • separate motivation RFCs seems like a really excellent idea!
  • also very much like the idea of expanding the pool of shepherds
  • I’m a bit worried by the role of shepherds as scribes - shepheds are already overworked and not properly fulfilling their duties. I’d also like to encourage authors to be more responsible for RFCs and this seems a bit like babysitting. In the future I’d like writing and ‘maintaining’ an RFC to be more work, but much better supported, rather than less work, per se.
  • others have mentioned collaborative authorship of RFCs, this sounds good to me and we have the tools (GitHub) and culture (OSS) to make this work.
  • I’m not keen about moving more work to Discourse, I like it for conversation, but not for serious editing, etc. (Not that GitHub is perfect by a long shot, but still).
  • The summary/state of the art conversation seems like a good candidate for being a living document/wiki on the dashboard.
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