Hey all! At the all-hands, the docs team came up with an interesting idea for some docs Rust doesn’t currently have. At Rustbridge events, we teach Rust with https://github.com/ashleygwilliams/a-very-brief-intro-to-rust, a really short presentation that gets them enough knowledge to get going.
I thought to myself, what if we could do this, but a bunch of them! On all kinds of topics. Ten slides are easy to write, and easy to read: there’s only ten of them!
I’m going to start tossing some together; I’ve already done two this morning. I’d love for people to pitch in, on whatever topic they’d like! These first two are beginner ones, but I think it works well for more advanced stuff as well.
That is exactly how https://github.com/skade/rust-three-days-course is structured and intended to be used, and already translated to German and partially to Spanish. It’s less text-heavy (as it assumes an experienced presenter) and could use a little brushup here and there, but it has a lot of machinery in place.
I kinda fair that people kinda overuse the term “slide” here. A kinda strict definition would be “no more then 5 lines, 5 words each”, which of course may be too strict for code samples and some explanations that don’t require an additional audio line. But, the example that @steveklabnik started seems to overload the slides heavily.
Great resource! I can see them being extremely useful for beginners.
Just a small note on the title rust in ten slide, I might be wrong, but won’t it be ten slides of rust ?