ML workshop 2018 (September 28th, St Louis, USA): call for presentations

Hi internals,

I would like to relay the Call for Presentations of the ML workshop 2018 – as was done last year for the workshop 2017. The ML workshop is a yearly research-oriented workshop that is dedicated to the family of ML languages (OCaml, SML, F#, Haskell…) but also, in a larger sense, to design discussion across languages that share a goal for elegance, expressivity, and rigor – Scala and Rust have been discussed at the ML workshop before, with a presentation of Rust by Felix Klock and Nicholas Matsakis at the ML workshop 2014. If you want to get an idea of what the ML workshop typically looks like, here is the program of the previous year.

This call for presentation is in particular relevant to people working on the design of some aspects of Rust. If you have a well-defined design problem that you have been working with, and a clear description of the solution you propose, and you think this might interest other language designers, this is a perfect fit for a presentation at the ML workshop. If you have a problem and a solution in mind but they are not well-defined and clear yet, the act of writing an extended abstract to submit to the workshop could help you get there!

The typical submission format is a three-page PDF, often produced using LaTeX (LibreOffice also works). The proposal is reviewed and evaluated, and those that get accepted are invited to present at the workshop. For more details on the work and its submission process, see the workshop website. The selection committee this year is the following – including in particular Felix Klock from the Rust community:

  • Zena Ariola, University of Oregon, US
  • Jacques Garrigue, Nagoya University, Japan
  • Troels Henriksen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Andrew Kennedy, Facebook, UK
  • Felix Klock, Mozilla, Germany
  • Ramana Kumar, DeepMind, UK
  • Guido Martinez, CIFASIS-CONICET, Argentina
  • Heather Miller, Northeastern University, US and EPFL, Switzerland
  • Gabriel Scherer, INRIA Saclay, France
  • Filip Sieczkowski, Wrocław University, Poland
  • Antonis Stampoulis, Originate Inc., US

Even if you don’t consider submitting a presentation, you could think of attending the workshop. It is just one day, but is colocated with the ICFP conference, the international research conference on functional programming languages, which can be an excellent place to hear about ongoing research and meet interesting people (such as the designers of any of the languages mentioned in my post) to discuss with. Another workshop of interest for the Rust community at ICFP is HOPE (Higher-Order Programming with Effects) – it may a bit more theoretical than the ML workshop. This year, ICFP is also colocated with Strange Loop 2018, a more industry-oriented programming conference.

I am the organizer of this year’s workshop. Feel free to ask any question, here or privately (gabriel dot scherer at gmail).


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