If you're talking about the blog link removal, that was an urgent need from the release team, since we needed to get 1.31.1 out and the link was still pointing to 1.31.0. After the fact we opened a thread here on internals to ask for help/suggestions on how to add it back without requiring us to deploy new changes to the website each release. There is still no comment on the post, so if you have any idea/suggestion please post on it!
While the core team initially proposed the move to Discord, every single Rust team decided in autonomy if they wanted to move away from IRC and where. For example, the Infra team decided to move away because we were getting a lot of spam in the IRC channel, and Discord provides better moderation tools to prevent that kind of stuff. Other teams are still on IRC, and other migrated to Zulip, all in full autonomy.
Using Discord/Zulip as a chat platform instead of IRC can actually help more people outside of the European/US timezones to be involved in the discussions, since you don't need to have a bouncer up and running somewhere to be able to read all the messages when you log in.
Are you suggesting the Rust project should stop using chat and just use issues for every discussion? That would kill the productivity of a lot of teams :(