Feature request: optional arguments/struct fields etc

Currently, the best you get for optional arguments is to use an Option, or something like this:

fn maybe_plus_5<T: Into<Option<i32>>>(x: T) -> i32 {
    x.into().unwrap_or(0) + 5

This works, but it looks pretty messy. My suggestion is to be able to specify optional arguments by adding an = after the type or the name, like this:

fn hello(name: &str = "world") {
    format!("Hello {}!", name)

// or
fn hello(name = "world": &str) {
    format!("Hello {}!", name)

This is a pretty common feature of most languages, and I'm surprised Rust doesn't have this. It would make creating functions, structs etc much easier. Thank you!


This has been discussed at length at least a few times. A quick search turned up this discussion: Named & Default Arguments - A Review, Proposal and Macro Implementation


See also:

(this is talking about named arguments, but many of the links talk about default arguments, i.e. optional arguments, as well)


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