Apologies if this is not the right forum for an announcement like this
The International Workshop on Aliasing, Capabilities and Ownership has extended its submission deadline to May 3rd (anywhere on Earth). We would like to encourage you all to submit work on Rust that you would like to discuss with other researchers, or work that you think might be interesting for others to hear about.
The workshop accepts full papers (8 pages) describing (preliminary) research results, as well as short papers (3 pages) describing new ideas and open questions for discussion. Consider submitting a 3 page paper on that cool type-system extension that you (yes you!) have been thinking about!
See below for the full Call for Papers
What, where and when?
8th IWACO International Workshop on Aliasing, Capabilities and Ownership (IWACO) Co-located with ECOOP Monday June 19th, 2017, Barcelona, Spain http://2017.ecoop.org/track/iwaco-2017-papers
Important Dates:
Paper submission: May 3rd, 2017 Notification: May 25th, 2017 Final version: June 8th, 2017 Workshop: June 19th, 2017
(All deadlines AoE)
Aim and Scope
Stable object identity and shared mutable state are two powerful principles in object oriented programming. The ability to create aliases to mutable objects allows a direct modelling of sharing that occurs naturally in a domain, and lies at the heart of efficient programming patterns where aliases provide shortcuts to key places in a data structure. In a concurrent setting however, aliasing is at the root of data-races and low-level bugs as multiple threads can directly access shared objects.
Coping with pointers, aliasing and the proliferation of shared mutable state is a problem that crosscuts the software development stack, from compilers and run-times to bug-finding tools and end-user software. They complicate modular reasoning and program analysis, efficient code generation, efficient use of memory, and obfuscate program logic.
Several techniques have been introduced to describe and reason about stateful programs, and to restrict, analyze, and prevent aliases. These include various forms of ownership types, capabilities, separation logic, linear logic, uniqueness, sharing control, escape analysis, argument independence, read-only references, linear references, effect systems, and access control mechanisms. These tools have found their way into type systems, compilers and interpreters, run-time systems and bug-finding tools.
IWACO’17 will focus on these techniques, on how they can be used to reason about stateful (sequential or concurrent) programs, and how they have been applied to programming languages. In particular, we will consider papers on:
- models, type systems and other formal systems, programming language mechanisms, analysis and design techniques, patterns and notations for expressing ownership, aliasing, capabilities, uniqueness, and related topics;
- empirical studies of programs or experience reports from programming systems designed with these techniques in mind;
- programming logics that deal with aliasing and/or shared state, or use ownership, capabilities or resourcing;
- applications of capabilities, ownership and other similar type systems in low-level systems such as programming languages runtimes, virtual machines, or compilers; and
- optimization techniques, analysis algorithms, libraries, applications, and novel approaches exploiting ownership, aliasing, capabilities, uniqueness, and related topics.
Contributions may be submitted in two formats:
- Short papers (up to 3 pages, excluding references and clearly marked appendices) describing new ideas and open questions for discussion.
- Full papers (up to 8 pages, excluding references and clearly marked appendices) describing (preliminary) research results.
Submissions must be in English and use the LNCS template.
Papers must be submitted via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwaco2017, by May 3rd.
There will be a post-proceedings special issue at JOT (http://www.jot.fm) for full papers, which will be subject to a further round of reviews.
Organizing Committee
Elias Castegren (Uppsala University, Sweden) elias.castegren@it.uu.se
Juliana Franco (Imperial College London, United Kingdom) j.vicente-franco@imperial.ac.uk
Workshop Program committee
Colin Gordon (Drexel University, United States) Philipp Haller (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) Tony Hosking (Australian National University, Data61, and Purdue University, United States) Felix Klock (Mozilla Corporation) James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) Azalea Raad (Imperial College London, United Kingdom)