Come Join the Rust and WebAssembly Working Group!

We’re kicking off a working group to polish the end-to-end user experience of targeting WebAssembly from Rust and we want your help. Check out rust-lang-nursery/rust-wasm to learn more and get involved!

As called out in Rust’s 2018 roadmap RFC, we believe that Rust and WebAssembly is a compelling combination. Rust gives programmers low-level control and reliable performance. Its minuscule runtime enables small .wasm binaries and incremental adoption. Binary size is of huge importance since the .wasm must be downloaded over the network. Incrementality means that existing code bases don’t need to be thrown away; programmers can start by porting their most performance-sensitive JavaScript functions or modules to Rust to gain immediate benefits. Furthermore, Rust has many of the amenities that Web developers have come to expect, such as strong package management, expressive abstractions, and a welcoming community.

The working group will do cross-cutting work that ranges from hacking on the rustc and LLVM toolchains, to implementing a WebAssembly version of bindgen, to designing code size profilers, to writing a Rust and WebAssembly book. There are a wide variety of exciting problems to tackle, mentors to provide guidance, and opportunities to make an impact!

Come join us and let’s make Rust + WebAssembly = :sparkling_heart:!


I just want to say how excited I am by this and also you should definitely look at supporting yew as part of the work. The elm architecture is something to be emulated, and yew is already coming through as an extremely usable web framework.

I’m already in two WG so I won’t be able to be part of this one, but I wanted to make sure yew got some love :heart:

Edit: heads up that I am currently rewriting artifact in yew and plan to port the backend from Nickel to Gotham. Hopefully I’ll have rust as an end-to-end modern web+cli application up in no time :smiley:


Yep! I’ve already reached out to the author of yew about participating :slight_smile:

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