<a href="https://github.com/eddyb"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.c…om/u/77424?v=2" align="left" width="96" height="96" hspace="10"></img></a> **Issue by [eddyb](https://github.com/eddyb)**
_Monday Oct 28, 2013 at 17:39 GMT_
_For earlier discussion, see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/10124_
_This issue was labelled with: B-RFC in the Rust repository_
## The Problem
- [fn types need a reform](http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2013/10/10/fn-types-in-rust/), and being able to define a trait with a variable number of type parameters would help
- working with functions which have a variable number of arguments is impossible right now (e.g. a generic `bind` method, `f.bind(a, b)(c) == f(a, b, c)`) and defining such functions may only be done (in a limited fashion) with macros
- tuples also have similar restrictions right now, there is no way to define a function which takes any tuple and returns the first element, for example
## The Solution: Part One
C++11 sets a decent precedent, with its variadic templates, which can be used to define type-safe variadic functions, among other things.
I propose a similar syntax, a trailing `..T` in generic formal type parameters:
``` rust
type Tuple<..T> = (..T); // the parens here are the same as the ones around a tuple.
// use => expansion
Tuple<> => ()
Tuple<int> => (int,)
Tuple<A, B, C> => (A, B, C)
The simple example above only uses `..T`, but not `T` itself.
The question which arises is this: what is `T`? C++11 has a special case for variadic parameter packs, but we can do better.
We have tuples. We can use them to store the actual variadic generic type parameters:
``` rust
// Completely equivalent definition:
type Tuple<..T> = T;
// Detailed expansion of (..T) from above:
Tuple<> => (..()) => ()
Tuple<int> => (..(int,)) => (int,)
Tuple<A, B, C> => (..(A, B, C)) => (A, B, C)
## The Solution: Part Two
Now that we know the answer is "tuples", everything else is about extending them.
The prefix `..` operator would expand a tuple type:
``` rust
// in another tuple type:
type AppendTuple<T, U> = (..T, U);
type PrependTuple<T, U> = (U, ..T);
AppendTuple<PrependTuple<Tuple<B>, A>, C> => (A, B, C)
// in a fn type's parameter list:
type VoidFn<..Args> = fn(..Args);
VoidFn<A, B, C> => fn(A, B, C);
// in a variadic generic parameter list:
Tuple<..(A, B, C), ..(D, E, F)> => (A, B, C, D, E, F)
Then we can do the same thing with values:
``` rust
// in another tuple:
(..(true, false), ..(1, "foo"), "bar") => (true, false, 1, "foo", "bar")
// in a function call:
f(..(a, b), ..(c, d, e), f) => f(a, b, c, d, e, f)
There's only one piece missing: we're still not able to define a function which takes a variable number of arguments.
For this, I propose `..x: T` (where T is a tuple type) in a pattern, which can be used to "capture" multiple arguments when used in fn formal arguments:
``` rust
// Destructure a tuple.
let (head, ..tail) = foo;
// This function has the type fn(int, A, B, C), and can be called as such:
fn bar(_: int, ..x: (A, B, C)) -> R {...}
A type bound for `..T` (i.e. `impl<..T: Trait>`) could mean that the tuple `T` has to satisfy the bound (or each type in `T`, but that's generally less useful).
## Examples:
``` rust
// The highly anticipated Fn trait.
trait Fn<Ret, ..Args> {
fn call(self, .._: Args) -> Ret;
impl Fn<Ret, ..Args> for fn(..Args) -> Ret {
fn call(self, ..args: Args) -> Ret {
impl Fn<Ret, ..Args> for |..Args| -> Ret {
fn call(self, ..args: Args) -> Ret {
// Cloning tuples (all cons-list-like algorithms can be implemented this way).
impl<Head, ..Tail: Clone> Clone for (Head, ..Tail) {
fn clone(&self @ &(ref head, ..ref tail)) -> (Head, ..Tail) {
(head.clone(), ..tail.clone())
impl Clone for () {
fn clone(&self) -> () {
// Restricting all types in a variadic tuple to one type.
trait ArrayLikeTuple<T> {
fn len() -> uint;
impl<T> ArrayLikeTuple<T> for () {
fn len() -> uint {0}
impl<T, ..Tail: ArrayLikeTuple<T>> ArrayLikeTuple<T> for (T, ..Tail) {
fn len() -> uint {
1 + Tail::len()
// And using that trait to write variadic container constructors.
impl<T> Vec<T> {
fn new<..Args: ArrayLikeTuple<T>>(..args: Args) -> Vec<T> {
let v: Vec<T> = Vec::with_capacity(Args::len());
// Use an unsafe move_iter-like pattern to move all the args
// directly into the newly allocated vector.
// Alternatively, implement &move [T] and move_iter on that.
// Zipping tuples, using a `Tuple` kind and associated items.
trait TupleZip<Other>: Tuple {
type Result: Tuple;
fn zip(self, other: Other) -> Result;
impl TupleZip<()> for () {
type Result = ();
fn zip(self, _: ()) -> () {}
impl<A, ATail: TupleZip<BTail>, B, BTail: Tuple> TupleZip<(B, ..BTail)> for (A, ..ATail) {
type Result = ((A, B), ..ATail::Result);
fn zip(self @ (a, ..a_tail), (b, ..b_tail): (B, ..BTail)) -> Result {
((a, b), ..a_tail.zip(b_tail))
## Todo
- better formal descriptions
- figure out the details of pattern matching
- more examples