Here I've discussed the dangers of wild-west casts in Rust code:
The two main points of that thread are still unaddressed. True casts are dangerous, and Rust has to do what it can to help the programmers minimize their number, replacing as many as possible with safer alternatives. (I'll discuss Value Range Analysis better in another specific post.)
The main source of casts are the "as usize" casts needed to index arrays/vectors/slices. I am now porting C code to Rust, and this is an example:
const N1: usize = 324;
const N2: usize = 729;
struct Sudoku {
r: [[u16; 9]; N1],
c: [[u16; 4]; N2]
type Tsc = [u8; N1];
type Tsr = [i8; N2];
impl Sudoku {
pub fn new() -> Sudoku {
let mut s = Sudoku { r: [[0; 9]; N1], c: [[0; 4]; N2] };
let mut nr = [0; N1];
let mut r = 0;
for i in 0u16 .. 9 {
for j in 0u16 .. 9 {
for k in 0u16 .. 9 {
s.c[r] = [9 * i + j,
(i / 3 * 3 + j / 3) * 9 + k + 81,
9 * i + k + 162,
9 * j + k + 243];
r += 1;
for r in 0 .. N2 {
for c2 in 0 .. 4 {
let k = s.c[r][c2] as usize;
s.r[k][nr[k]] = r as u16;
nr[k] += 1;
fn forward(&self, sr: &mut Tsr, sc: &mut Tsc, c: u16, min: &mut u8, min_c: &mut u16) {
for &rr in self.r[c as usize].iter() {
// Take a pointer to avoid repeated bounds checks.
let srrr = &mut sr[rr as usize];
*srrr += 1;
if *srrr == 1 {
for &cc in self.c[rr as usize].iter() {
// Take a pointer to avoid repeated bounds checks.
let sccc = &mut sc[cc as usize];
*sccc -= 1;
if *sccc < *min {
*min = *sccc;
*min_c = cc;
fn revert(&self, sr: &mut Tsr, sc: &mut Tsc, c: u16) {
for &rr in self.r[c as usize].iter() {
// Take a pointer to avoid repeated bounds checks.
let srrr = &mut sr[rr as usize];
*srrr -= 1;
if *srrr == 0 {
for &i in self.c[rr as usize].iter() {
sc[i as usize] += 1;
fn update(&self, sr: &mut Tsr, sc: &mut Tsc, r: u16, v: i32) -> u32 {
let mut min = 10;
let mut min_c = 0;
for &i in self.c[r as usize].iter() {
sc[i as usize] = sc[i as usize].wrapping_add((v << 7) as u8);
for &c in self.c[r as usize].iter() {
if v > 0 { // Move forward.
self.forward(sr, sc, c, &mut min, &mut min_c);
} else {
self.revert(sr, sc, c);
return ((min as u32) << 16) | (min_c as u32);
pub fn solve(&self, inp: &str) -> Vec<String> {
let mut sc: Tsc = [9u8; N1];
let mut sr: Tsr = [0i8; N2];
let mut cr = [-1i8; 81];
let mut cc = [-1i16; 81];
let mut s = [0; 81];
let mut s8 = [48u8; 81];
let mut hints = 0;
for i in 0 .. 81 {
let c = inp.as_bytes()[i];
s[i] = -1;
if c >= b'1' && c <= b'9' {
s[i] = (c - b'1') as i32;
self.update(&mut sr, &mut sc, (i as u16 * 9 + s[i] as u16), 1);
hints += 1;
s8[i] = c;
let mut ret: Vec<String> = vec![];
let mut i: i32 = 0;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum Dir { Left, Right }
let mut dir = Dir::Right;
let mut cand: u32 = 10 << 16;
loop {
while i >= 0 && i < 81 - hints {
if dir == Dir::Right {
let mut min = (cand >> 16) as u8;
cc[i as usize] = (cand & 0xffff) as i16;
if min > 1 {
for (c, &v) in sc.iter().enumerate() {
if v < min {
min = v;
cc[i as usize] = c as i16;
if min <= 1 { break; }
if min == 0 || min == 10 {
cr[i as usize] = -1;
dir = Dir::Left;
i -= 1;
let c = cc[i as usize];
if dir == Dir::Left && cr[i as usize] >= 0 {
self.update(&mut sr, &mut sc, self.r[c as usize][cr[i as usize] as usize], -1);
let mut tmp = 9i8;
for r2 in cr[i as usize] + 1 .. 9 {
if sr[self.r[c as usize][r2 as usize] as usize] == 0 {
tmp = r2;
if tmp < 9 {
cand = self.update(&mut sr, &mut sc, self.r[c as usize][tmp as usize], 1);
cr[i as usize] = tmp;
dir = Dir::Right;
i += 1;
} else {
cr[i as usize] = -1;
dir = Dir::Left;
i -= 1;
if i < 0 { break; }
for j in 0 .. i {
let r = self.r[cc[j as usize] as usize][cr[j as usize] as usize];
s8[r as usize / 9] = (r % 9 + u16::from(b'1')) as u8;
i -= 1;
dir = Dir::Left;
fn main() {
use std::io::{ stdin, BufRead };
let s = Sudoku::new();
let stdin = stdin();
for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
for l in s.solve(&line.unwrap()).iter() {
println!("{}", l);
This Rust code is 166 lines long and it contains 30 casts (I've managed to remove some of them, they were more before), 25 casts are "as usize" for array/vector/slice indexing. (The types u8/u16 aren't always necessary, but they useful to make the code faster, and if you want the port C code to Rust you often need to keep the original types, otherwise sometimes the ported code doesn't work correctly).
This is a lot. And in my precedent post I've shown Rustc and Servo have a large amount of "as usize" hard casts despite they are not translations from C code.
So, if possible, I suggest to let Rust array/vector/slices accept indexes of type u8/u16/u32/usize, performing implicit safe type conversions.
This special cast rule allows to remove a ton of true casts from the code, making Rust code shorter, more readable and safer. This way all the other (five) casts stand out better from the code, and you can audit their safety better.
I have also a smaller enhancement request. Now you can perform some safe numerical conversions with into() and from():
fn main() {
let x: u32 = 10;
let y: u64 = x.into();
let z: u64 = u64::from(x);
I'd like the following program to give a warning (using -W trivial-casts or -W trivial-numeric-casts or something similar):
fn main() {
let x: u32 = 10;
let y: u64 = x as u64;
The warning should suggest the use of into() or from() instead of "as".