The `as` keyword is well-suited for use with postfix operator syntax

The as keyword was part of Rust’s early syntax, a time before postfix operators like .await were introduced. Consider the following example using as:

let index = y as usize * width.get() as usize + x as usize;


  1. The as keyword’s precedence is mixed with other operators, making the expression less clear.
  2. as does not support chained operations.


Introduce a postfix operator for as, such as .as(). Then the above expression could be written as:

let index = * width.get().as(usize) +;

This approach makes the code much clearer.

Alternatively, considering that generics typically use <>, we could introduce an .as<> syntax. However, this would lead to the "turbo fish" problem:

let index =<usize> * width.get().as::<usize> +<usize>;

I find myself missing this.

The first time I encountered it, I thought "oh, well that's fine, I'll just call .into()":

error[E0277]: the trait bound `u8: From<i32>` is not satisfied

Use .try_into() for fallible conversions like this.

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(off-topic) For information there is an open issue to add a lint to suggest using try_into().


Regardless of whether it's into or try_into, their method implementations are non-generic. This means that when the compiler cannot automatically infer the return type, you need to use an intermediate variable to explicitly specify it. This approach is not very user-friendly.

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I usually prefer using the conv metho provided by the tap crate. It's just a function that has a generic parameter T and it calls the From<Self> for T impl. I think that's how the Into trait should have been implemented, but I guess it's too late now...

Also, I'm highly in favour of a postfix as! I don't think turbofish syntax is a problem, it's a unique syntax of Rust that solves a very common parser issue (generics or lesser than), and it also has a sad history I don't think we should look over

That said, since it would be a keyword postfix, I think it would be possible to have a parser rule to allow the syntax to be<T>


If this were accepted, it couldn't be called as. Since that's a keyword, it would mean everyone would end up writing .r#as() (if that's even valid today) rather than .as().

I think a better plan is to have more specific functions that replace the various meanings of as, such as:

let a: u16 = 257;
let b: u8 = a.wrap();
assert_eq!(b, 1);

That woulds definitely help pick apart its subtleties, and make the various behaviors more explicit.

How about removing the rule that an as expression can't be followed by a dot? There is nothing preventing us from allowing
    .baz() as usize

The precedence rules for as are actually almost the same as for the dot; the only difference is that its precedence is lower than prefix operators, so -x as i32 is the same as (-x) as i32, whereas -x.into() is the same as -(x.into()). But this is usually not a problem in practice. Actually, I consider it an advantage of as.

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This could lead to misunderstanding, as people are more likely to perceive this visually as:

( as (usize.quux())

Not when the dot is in the next line. But rustfmt would have to always insert a line break between as <type> and .

Not when the dot is in the next line. But rustfmt would have to always insert a line break between as <type> and .

This clearly seems like a bad restriction for a syntax, having to require a line break


So now it's three function calls, but neither the function is an actual function, nor the argument is an expression. This is confusing at best.


.await isn't a field access either, so I think that's fine assuming proper syntax highlighting.

I'm against the turbofish version, since when you need to use as, you usually use a lot of it in one expression, so every character counts.

I think .as<...> is actually good.

  • Putting a type in parentheses (.as(i32)) is pretty unfamiliar
  • The lack of :: is ok because this is special syntax where only types are allowed, the same way you don't need :: in type annotations

I think this proposal or the-like would be a no-brainer before v1, but I'm not sure if such a big change is worth making today...

Continuing the the thought though... I would actually like there to be more than just as. Specifically ways to control lossy conversions: whether they should wrap, saturate, truncate, etc. Of course, in that case, special syntax is probably no good since that's a lot of keywords. The straightforward way is obviously to just introduce them as methods. It's a lot of characters but at least it doesn't mess with precedence and chains well. Also, no breaking changes.


  • as should become a method with a generic parameter that only performs lossless conversions
  • Have methods for specific kinds of lossy conversions (trunc, wrap, sat, etc)
  • Deprecate the usage of as for conversions