sync::Once, per instance

sync::Once::call_once requires &'static self. Why not &self?

On several occasions I needed something like this to run once per instance of an object, but this API is too limited for this:

impl Handle {
    fn do_stuff(&mut self) {
        self.once.call_once(|| self.stuff.lazy_initialization());

so I roll my own with Mutex<bool>, which isn’t as elegant, and probably isn’t as efficient as it could be.

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    pub fn call_once<F>(&'static self, f: F) where F: FnOnce() {
        // Fast path, just see if we've completed initialization.
        if self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == COMPLETE {

        let mut f = Some(f);
        self.call_inner(false, &mut |_| f.take().unwrap()());

    fn call_inner(&'static self,
                  ignore_poisoning: bool,
                  init: &mut FnMut(bool)) {
        let mut state = self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst);

        'outer: loop {
            match state {
                // If we're complete, then there's nothing to do, we just
                // jettison out as we shouldn't run the closure.
                COMPLETE => return,

                // If we're poisoned and we're not in a mode to ignore
                // poisoning, then we panic here to propagate the poison.
                POISONED if !ignore_poisoning => {
                    panic!("Once instance has previously been poisoned");

                // Otherwise if we see a poisoned or otherwise incomplete state
                // we will attempt to move ourselves into the RUNNING state. If
                // we succeed, then the queue of waiters starts at null (all 0
                // bits).
                POISONED |
                INCOMPLETE => {
                    let old = self.state.compare_and_swap(state, RUNNING,
                    if old != state {
                        state = old;

                    // Run the initialization routine, letting it know if we're
                    // poisoned or not. The `Finish` struct is then dropped, and
                    // the `Drop` implementation here is responsible for waking
                    // up other waiters both in the normal return and panicking
                    // case.
                    let mut complete = Finish {
                        panicked: true,
                        me: self,
                    init(state == POISONED);
                    complete.panicked = false;

                // All other values we find should correspond to the RUNNING
                // state with an encoded waiter list in the more significant
                // bits. We attempt to enqueue ourselves by moving us to the
                // head of the list and bail out if we ever see a state that's
                // not RUNNING.
                _ => {
                    assert!(state & STATE_MASK == RUNNING);
                    let mut node = Waiter {
                        thread: Some(thread::current()),
                        signaled: AtomicBool::new(false),
                        next: ptr::null_mut(),
                    let me = &mut node as *mut Waiter as usize;
                    assert!(me & STATE_MASK == 0);

                    while state & STATE_MASK == RUNNING {
               = (state & !STATE_MASK) as *mut Waiter;
                        let old = self.state.compare_and_swap(state,
                                                              me | RUNNING,
                        if old != state {
                            state = old;

                        // Once we've enqueued ourselves, wait in a loop.
                        // Afterwards reload the state and continue with what we
                        // were doing from before.
                        while !node.signaled.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
                        state = self.state.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
                        continue 'outer

I personally don’t see any reason for the 'static bound. Here’s the routine extracted for ease of reference.


Fun git blame dive:

  • std: Second pass stabilization of sync (Dec 2014)

    -    pub fn doit<F>(&'static self, f: F) where F: FnOnce() {
    +    #[stable]
    +    pub fn call_once<F>(&'static self, f: F) where F: FnOnce() {
  • libstd: use unboxed closures (Dec 2014)

    -    pub fn doit(&'static self, f: ||) {
    +    pub fn doit<F>(&'static self, f: F) where F: FnOnce() {
  • std: Rewrite the sync module (Nov 2014)

    -    pub fn doit(&self, f: ||) {
    +    pub fn doit(&'static self, f: ||) {
     The second layer is the layer provided by `std::sync` which is intended to be
     the thinnest possible layer on top of `sys_common` which is entirely safe to
     use. There are a few concerns which need to be addressed when making these
     system primitives safe:
       * Once used, the OS primitives can never be **moved**. This means that they
         essentially need to have a stable address. The static primitives use
         `&'static self` to enforce this, and the non-static primitives all use a
         `Box` to provide this guarantee.

The author of this diff is @alexcrichton. sync::Once contains only a pointer to (privately hidden) Waiters, which are all stack-allocated. The 'static bound to sync::Once is thus unnecessary to guarantee that any OS primitives are non-relocatable.

I've submitted this PR to change this, along with this reasoning as to why it was 'static and why it shouldn't need to be. I was unable to find any other discussions within rust-lang/rust. At the very least the PR should provide prior art and documentation for why the 'static bound is required.


For a workaround, consider using parking_lot's Once, which takes &self.

Differences from the standard library Once

  • Only requires 1 byte of space, instead of 1 word.
  • Not required to be 'static.
  • Relaxed memory barriers in the fast path, which can significantly improve performance on some architectures.
  • Efficient handling of micro-contention using adaptive spinning.

The PR has been merged! std::sync::Once::call_once now does not require 'static self on master!


Looking at this, does anyone know why sync::Once uses SeqCst ordering? Release/Acquire is strong enough for the kind of synchronization done here.


It’s almost certainly just because it was more “obviously correct” during the initial implementation. We should be able to relax it.

That, and load(SeqCst) generates the same assembly as load(Acquire), so there is no performance degradation on the hot path (Once has already been executed).

oO how can that be? There should be a fence, even on x86!

See C/C++11 mappings to processors.

Since x86 loads and stores implicitly have Acquire and Release semantics, you only need to add a fence to stores to make them SeqCst.

Ah, that makes sense. You need a fence in either loads or stores, not both - and then it makes more sense to have them on stores, I guess.

On other platforms (e.g. ARM) there will be more differences, though.

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Stores are less frequent than loads and delayed stores have less impact on any processing pipeline than would delayed loads.

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