Rust libz blitz status update 2017-05-12
Ok, here’s what we accomplished this week.
- log
- We filled out most of the log evaluation
- There are a few remaining sections of the guidelines checklist
- Thanks to everyone who contributed to the discussion
- url
- memmap
- bitflags
- tempdir
- flate2
- cookbook
- @brson posted recipe ideas
- @budziq and @rap2hpoutre made lots of cookbook improvements!
- @rap2hpoutre added a “Log messages with a custom logger” cookbook recipe
- @budziq added a “Log to the Unix syslog” cookbook recipe
- @budziq added a “Remove fragment identifiers and query pairs from a URL” cookbook recipe
- @budziq added a “Make a HTTP GET request” cookbook recipe
- @mikeastock added a “Create new URLs from a base URL” cookbook recipe
- @Piripant added several url cookbook recipes
- @mikeastock added a “Create a base URL by removing path segments” cookbook recipe
- @bostelk add a “Parse a URL from a string to a
type” cookbook recipe
- guidelines
- other
- We added a number of new crates to the crate list. Thanks for all the suggestions.
Also @dtolnay @danburkert @SimonSapin @sfackler and @alexcrichton reviewed tons of stuff.
Wow. So that’s pretty amazing. Thanks everyone!