Notice how the stable is still 1.55.0 and the beta is already 1.57.0, with 1.56.0 missing.
I was this close to start digging through git log an see when the 1.56.0 branched from master, and which nightly i should get to approximate the behavior.
The blog post at 1.56.0 pre-release testing | Inside Rust Blog surely exists, but it is poorly discoverable, and i needed to have a random person on the internet share the link to it with me, for me to fix my issue.
For my use case, i would have been happy if beta release channel stayed at 1.56.0 until the stable 1.56.0 is actually available via rustup.
(Sorry, i'm not sure if this is the correct place for feedback. I will be happy to frame this as a github issue if needed)
P.s.: i just had a brilliant idea
> rustup install beta-1.56.0
info: syncing channel updates for 'beta-1.56.0'
info: latest update on 2021-10-19, rust version 1.57.0-beta.1 (d4647278c 2021-10-18)
error: target '1.56.0' not found in channel. Perhaps check for available targets