RFC: Rust SemVer 2 Alpha

This RFC is not really mean for RFCS repository of rust yet, it's mean as a real RFC as request for comment. This RFC try to open the debate about current rules of version requirement. It doesn't focus on if it's possible or not to apply it to Cargo yet. This RFC is far from being stable

  • RFC Version: 2.0.0-alpha.0

  • Feature Name: rust-semver-2

  • Start Date: 2022-05-11


This RFC defines the Rust's SemVer 2 rules. It's define version requirement operator that can be used in Cargo to define the version of dependencies that Cargo can choose. The rules use SemVer 2.


Cargo never officially state most of current behavior of version requirement resolution. SemVer 2 have been used as reference to define it with some addition in Cargo doc It's unclear what rules follow Cargo cause there have been no formal decision to clearly decide what Cargo should do. Cargo Specifying Dependencies define compatibly rules of ^ for release, there are clear and logic for a release but never mention pre-release existence, rules for pre-release are well hidden and doesn't fully describe the current observed behavior of ^1.0.0-alpha, the current behavior create a lot of problems when a user put a pre-release version like 1.0.0-alpha in their Cargo.toml.

This lead to RFC 3263 motivation. The main proposed solution was to change the default of Cargo that consider 1.0.0-alpha as ^1.0.0-alpha to =1.0.0-alpha. But while this work to solve a specific problem, this introduces an exception to Cargo behavior for pre-release and this actually reveal the real problem that we never decided compatibility rule for pre-release. SemVer 2.0 said "pre-release version indicates that the version is unstable and might not satisfy the intended compatibility requirements as denoted by its associated normal version." this clearly indicate there is no compatibility obligation between pre-release and final version. Despite that the current behavior of ^ do this assumption and consider higher pre-release version and final version compatible ! This mean currently ^1.0.0-alpha match 1.0.0-beta or even 1.0.0 (up to 1.*.*) this behavior come from NPM rules.

There is a trap when using range operator, precedence in SemVer 2.0 say that 1.0.0 < 1.1.0 < 1.1.1 < 2.0.0-alpha < 2.0.0. In theory this mean that range would include pre-release. Let's say user want something either version 1 or 2 their would write >=1 && <3, but this could be interpreted as include pre-release between 1 and 3 so include 2.0.0-alpha and worse 3.0.0-alpha even if user know this trap and try using >=1 && <3-0 it would still match 2.0.0-alpha or 2.9.9-alpha! We need a solution to this problem. Since Cargo didn't define clearly the behavior of pre-release behavior. It's unclear what Cargo do for example, doc say that >=1.2.3, <2.0.0 match "Any SemVer-compatible version of at least the given value.", this according to SemVer INCLUDE pre-release of 2.0.0. Currently, the behavior of Cargo are more or less a copy of what NPM do. NPM behavior is complex it's allow pre-release on certain condition notably when the range has a pre-release too: >=1.0.0-alpha && <2 would match 1.0.0-alpha, but this does not look consistent with something like >=1.0.0-alpha && <1 that would not match 1.0.0-alpha. Cargo never talk about pre-release and range. Instead of having complex rules to avoid this problem, we should have rules that can be instantly be clear to anybody if possible.

Some maintainers are just not using pre-release feature at all because it's currently annoying in Rust. They just prefer to avoid them entirely. Sometimes a duplicate of crate is publish like a standalone crates clap-v3. Some maintainer use pre-release but are not happy about it. Clap 3 pre-release experience reveal they needed to carefully deal with default ^ operator behavior, by changing every dep to = for pre-release and again for the final release changing every = operator back to ^. Rocket fall into this trap and a new pre-release break a previous pre-release because of the ^ current behavior and there is no good solution to fix the breaking. The only thing to do is to avoid it next time by using = operator in requirement version of their pre-release internal dependencies. It's annoying to be afraid of using pre-release feature of SemVer because there are very useful when MAJOR > 0 in Rust. This make maintainers of Rust crate that want to introduce a preview version a more complicated job. User will be afraid to use pre-release version if trap like this make their project break, this mean less user will test pre-release. Maintainer do not like to have to deal with this issue. We need rules that make pre-release more usable in practice without the trap of range.

Rust ecosystem have always followed SemVer. When a version break SemVer rules it can be yanked so Rust ecosystem is pretty healthy about compatibility versioning. This is show by the almost absence of range operator use because maintainer simply trust SemVer compatible rules with ^ behavior, there is 1.49% of dependence requirement version on crates.io that are using range operator, this includes every version of every crate available on crates.io even the yanked. Rust being a strongly typed language there is way less occasion to be able to use two different major versions of a crate. This mean Rust ecosystem use case of range is very limited. We can reasonably think most of the use of range operator in Rust could be replaced by simple Component requirement and caret operator. Non-exhaustive list of case of misuse of range operator in Rust crate:

  • alice: clap = ">= 2.33, <2.34"

  • ascon-aead: almost all dependencies use range while it's should use ^ operator the very next version 0.1.3 removed all these ranges and replace them by ^. This show ranges operator are not only a trap for pre-release but also for release, they are easily badly used. There are 9874 requirement versions than include a single range without bound like this.

  • slog-envlogger: Use range to opt in for pre-release the next 2.0.0-3.0 version of this crate switched to use ~ that was doing the equivalent but is simpler.

List of "good" range use case used in Rust ecosystem:

  • webbrowser: while >=0.3, <=0.6 is okish it's unclear what user want, why exclude 0.6.1 of 0.6 ? ndk-glue have a 0.6.2, it's unclear if this is on purpose or not.

There is currently crate on crates.io version and requirement version that break syntax of SemVer:

Pre-release tag are allowed to be very flexible, almost too much. SemVer 2.0 implicitly say that pre-release MAY be compatible with associate stable version but this mean we must not expect it. This mean that behavior actual of ^ to take the higher version with the same MAJOR is broken on pre-release in Rust, this operator is expected to not allow breaking change by Rust user. This is why we should restrict this behavior, and have a rule to define compatible version between pre-release. The problem is that actually there is no rule for pre-release tag. We should have a rule that are both logical and used by most. A list of most used pre-release tag in dependencies requirement version of all available crate in crates.io including yanked crate. We can see the top 3 are alpha.1, alpha.2, alpha. Most people use alpha, beta, etc... or rc.1, rc.2, etc... or rc1, rc2, etc... convention. Rust ecosystem seem for the most part using a logical way to define compatible pre-release with the first identifier. On the contrary some crate use very weird pre-release tag air-interpreter-wasm have more than 800 version and most of them are pre-release tag than doesn't follow any compatible logic.

Finally, the real question is, what do we need ? What do we want ? What operator Rust community want for SemVer ? We should not take previous rules that doesn't fit Rust user expectation. We must choose rules that fit Rust need. Do we really need a range operator in Rust ?

What features Rust user need in version requirement ? This RFC is bias toward this:

  • We need to be able to trust Cargo default behavior, user want thing that work naturally

  • We want to trust ^ and ~ to do the right thing

  • We need to have rules that SHOULD avoid cargo update break our build (Cargo update or a fresh lock file like in workflow of CI/CD of gitlab.com or github.com action)

  • We need to avoid implicitly include pre-release version

  • We need a way to use a pre-release version without fear of unexpected breaking change with cargo update, we want stability above all even for pre-release like how we expect 0.5.x version to not break our build.

  • We need simple Rules

  • We need crates that apply these rules

Guide-level explanation

package.rust_semver = "2" use Rust's SemVer, these rules are defined on the base of SemVer 2 plus the following rules:

  1. When the MAJOR is 0, MINOR number is considered as the MAJOR number and the PATCH number is considered as the MINOR number, there is no number considered as PATCH:

    • 0.5.5 is compatible with 0.5.2.

    • 0.5.5 is not compatible with 0.6.0.

  2. A VERSION text representation can omit field, when omitted field will default to 0, MAJOR can't be omitted, if a pre-release is present version need to be complete:

    • 0 is invalid. /* this is due to 0.MAJOR.MINOR exception */

    • 0.5 mean 0.5.0

    • 1 mean 1.0.0

    • 1.1 mean 1.1.0

    • 2-alpha or 2.0-beta is not valid

  3. A "Pre-release" version can only be compatible with another pre-release version. The first identifier of a pre-release tag is call PREMAJOR for two pre-release versions to be compatible MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH and PREMAJOR must be equal. In alpha.0, alpha is the PREMAJOR. The rest of following identifiers is only used to determine order between same PREMAJOR alpha < alpha.0.1 < alpha.1.0 < alpha.alpha as define in rule 11.4. A pre-release compatible version MUST not be breaking change:

    • 1.0.0-alpha.1 is compatible with 1.0.0-alpha.0

    • 1.0.0-alpha is compatible with 1.0.0-alpha.0

    • 1.0.0-alpha.0 is not compatible with 1.0.0-alpha

    • 1.0.0-beta.0 is not compatible with 1.0.0-alpha.0

    • 1.0.0-alpha0 is not compatible with 1.0.0-alpha.0

    • 1.0.0 is not compatible with 1.0.0-alpha.0

  4. A "Requirement Version" defines when version is "matched", unless specified requirement version MUST be the combination between an OPERATOR terminated by a REQVERSION, for example ^1.0.0 is a requirement version that have OPERATOR ^ and REQVERSION 1.0.0, this requirement version will define how Cargo will choose the best suitable version of a crate to use.

  5. The OPERATOR "exact", = operator match if VERSION == REQVERSION that mean when MAJOR == REQMAJOR and MINOR == REQMINOR and PATCH == REQPATCH and PRERELEASE == REQPRERELEASE:

    • 1.0.0 match =1.0.0

    • 1 match =1.0.0

    • 1.0.1 doesn't match =1.0.0.

    • 1.0.0-alpha match 1.0.0-alpha

    • 1.0.0-alpha.0 doesn't match 1.0.0-alpha

  6. The OPERATOR "caret", ^ operator match the highest compatible version with the VERSION associate with the OPERATOR, ^ operator is the default operator when a version requirement don't have operator in Cargo.

    • 1.2.3 match ^1.0.0

    • 1.0.0-alpha.1 match ^1.0.0-alpha.0

    • 1.0.0-alpha.0 match ^1.0.0-alpha

    • 1.0.0-alpha doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha.0

    • 2.0.0 doesn't match ^1.2.3

    • 0.5.0 doesn't match ^0.4.0

    • 1.0.0 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha.0

    • 1.0.0-alpha0 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha

    • 1.0.0-beta doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha

  7. The OPERATOR "tilde", ~ operator match the highest compatible version up to the precision of the associate VERSION.

    • ~1 is equivalent to ~1.y.z with y >= 0 and z >= 0

    • ~1.1 is equivalent to ~1.y.z with y >= 1 and z >= 0

    • ~1.0.9 is equivalent to ~1.0.z with z >= 9

    • ~1.0.0-alpha is equivalent to ~1.0.0-alpha.PREMINOR with PREMINOR being any pre-release tag like 1.0.0-the.turbofish.remains.undefeated or just empty

    • ~1.0.0-1.2.3 is equivalent to ~1.0.0-1.2.PREPATCH with PREPATCH >= 3 like 1.0.0-1.2.4.

    • ~0 is equivalent to ~0.0.z with z >= 0 /* this is due to 0.MAJOR.MINOR exception */

    • ~0.1 is equivalent to ~0.1.z with z >= 0 /* this is due to 0.MAJOR.MINOR exception */

    • ~0.0.2 is equivalent to ~0.0.z with z >= 2

    • ~0.0.0-0 is equivalent to ~0.0.0-0.PREMINOR with PREMINOR being any pre-release tag.

    • ~1.2 is equivalent to ~1.y.z with y >= 2 and z >= 0

    It's RECOMMENDED to use the ^ operator when ~ or ^ would have the same matching behavior. It is the case when only the MAJOR is specified in ~, ~1 is equivalent to ^1.0.0, ^1.0 or ^1. The same apply for pre-release when only PREMAJOR is specified, ~1.2.3-alpha is equivalent to ^1.2.3-alpha.

  8. The OPERATOR "or". || operator requirement is the combination between two requirement versions. || MUST be preceded by a requirement version and terminated by another requirement version. || matches any of the two requirement version. || can be chained. It's RECOMMENDED to write requirement version from the smaller on the left to the higher on the right ordering with precedence rules.

    • ^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 match all release of either 1 or 2

    • ~1.7.0 || ~1.8.0 || ~1.9.0 match all release between 1.7 and 1.9 included.

    • ~1.2.0 || ^1.3.0 should be written ^1.2.0

    • ~1.2.0 || ^1.4.0 is valid but SHOULD not be needed if a crate respect SemVer.

    • 1.0.0 || || 2.0.0, ||1.0.0, 1.0.0|| ||^1.0.0, ^1.0.0|| are not a valid syntax

  9. A Wildcard * is a special requirement operator, it's not associate with any VERSION, this operator match ANY the release. 1.0.* is not a valid syntax, ~ operator SHOULD be used instead ~1.0.0.

    • * match 0.4

    • * match 1

    • * doesn't match 2.0.0-alpha

    • =*, ^* and ~* are not valid

  10. A pre-release wildcard can be written as *, this mean you can write 1.0.0-* this will match anything pre-release tag this EXCLUDING empty release tag:

    • 1.0.0-* match 1.0.0-alpha.

    • 1.0.0-* match 1.0.0-alpha-0.

    • 1.0.0-* match 1.0.0-beta

    • 1.0.0-* doesn't match 1.0.0

    • 1.0.0-* doesn't match 1.5.5-alpha.

    • *-* match any pre-release /* do we allow this ? */

    • * || *-* match anything

    • 1.0.0-* || ^1.0.0 match any pre-release of 1.0.0 or any compatible version of 1.0.0

    • 1.0.0-alpha.* is not valid

    • ^1.0.0-* is not valid

    • ~1.0.0-* is not valid

Cargo.toml have a new option in package field package.dep_prerelease by default it's warn. warn Cargo will emit a warning if a requirement dep include a pre-release. deny Cargo will emit an error. allow Cargo will accept pre-release.

Reference-level explanation

Cargo should stick to use the same SemVer crate version to not change its behavior for crates that doesn't specify rust_semver = 2. We call Rust SemVer 1 the actual behavior of Cargo (there is no formal definition yet). SemVer crate version should match the evolution of Rust SemVer version. So have a 2 version that implement Rust SemVer 2 rules.

Ideally, when using rust_semver = 2 Cargo would detect <, <=, >=, > and , usage to offer a clear error message about their removal in Rust SemVer 2.

crates.io or any alternate registry SHOULD disallow using any *.


These change make Cargo registry live with mixed rules, it's currently the case some crates are not valid. Cargo would need to differentiate crates that use the new convention since we remove , operator. This drawback can be reduced by not removing any existent operator and not remove 1.0.*. That can clearly be considered, but is still not the focus of this RFC.

For a user the drawbacks are:

  • Change rules

  • Replace features

  • It doesn't have the same rules as NPM

Rationale and alternatives

There are 57412 dependence requirements in crates.io that use range operator this represents 1.50% of the total. And there are 68167 dependence requirements that use tilde operator this represents 1.78% of the total. This excluding yank version this time.

Operator range make our life complicated in Rust, remove them for Rust SemVer 2 mean:

  • No more trap with pre-release, ^ and ~ have a simple behavior that follow compatible versioning rules with clear rules that allow to not be afraid that a pre-release is included implicitly. Or on the contrary that a final version is included implicitly.

  • No more wrong use of range operator like version = ">=1"

  • That we need to define compatible rule for pre-release. Without compatibly rule for pre-release and without range operator we could only use exact operator on pre-release. The additional rule that consider the first identifier as PREMAJOR allows ruling out the need of range to handle pre-release opt in. A user who wanted to opt in for alpha release of a crate can now do it with ^, it will work as expect and the user should not have any breaking change. Previously a user would have done >= 2.0.0-alpha, < 2.0.0-b now a user can just write 2.0.0-alpha it's will naturally work as expected if maintainer follow the Rust SemVer 2 rule. It's a trust contract between users and maintainers. All already existing pre-release will probably not all respect pre-release compatibility rules, but new one will very likely.

  • Include || operator will cover the case where user want to support several non-compatible version. The only drawback is this could be very explicit if a crate release a hundred of major version; but currently there have never been such case, on the contrary, most crate in Rust try to not break without good reason. There is very low chance that users would ever need more than 2 major releases. Previously a user would have done >= 0.6, <0.9 now a user can just write 0.6 || 0.7 || 0.8 it's will naturally avoid non-compatible version such as pre-release. It's even better because we can now make a jump that was impossible before we can now do 0.6 || 0.8. Of course, this operator need to be used with care. It's a very specific use case where two major release are considered compatible by the user.

    • Instead of writing >1.0 && <3.0 write 1.0 || 2.0

    • Instead of writing >1.4 && <2.0 write 1.4

    • Instead of writing >1.5 && <1.6 write ~1.5

    • Instead of writing >1.7 && <1.9 write ~1.7 || ~1.8

    • Instead of writing >1.0.0-0 && <2.0.0-0 write 1.0.0-* || ^1

    • Instead of writing >1.0 && <2.3 write 1.0 || ~2.0 || ~2.1 || ~2.2 (That would be incredibly rare in Rust)

  • Without range operator, the "and" operator (&& or ,) is not needed. All operators only allow to go to higher or equal version. This mean we don't need to have ( and ) to handle prevalence of logical operator. || is the only logical operator similar to before where that was && the only available logical operator. Also, , is quite unclear for new user of Rust, we should probably have used && before.

Rust can remove range operator cause Rust's tool force to respect SemVer. Any small breaking change is often detected instantly in Rust, user will implicitly get the incompatible version and Rust being a strongly typed language user will directly spot the problem. Maintainers will likely just yank the release and the problem will be gone. But NPM needs to deal with the incredible flexibility of JavaScript. JavaScript try as hard as possible to run no matter what. This mean that even if on paper two releases are not compatible in practice a user can hope it will "work". Also, the speed of JavaScript release is also higher, there is a lot of user, a lot of movement, more major release, more quickly. The tool for these two languages are likely to need different approach. It's not rare for a JavaScript project to be able to handle few major releases while in Rust it's very rare. So rare that it's hard to find example of it. The way the two languages use SemVer is very different. NPM need range feature and so try to make them usable despite the pre-release nightmare. This RFC try to argue that we don't need to range feature in Rust, and so we can avoid the complicated rule needed to protect user from range trap.

We could want to keep the range operator as optional, the user would opt in (package.allow_range_reqversion = true) to be able to use range.

To choice how we consider a compatible pre-release with another pre-release is not arbitrary. It's follow the ordering precedence define by SemVer. Take the first identifier as PREMAJOR seem like a natural choice that a lot of maintainers are doing. The problem is that there was no previous advice about this before and even when maintainers use this pattern isn't certain that make pre-release really compatible. That where the dep_prerelease come handy, it will allow Cargo to warn user about that and check if the pre-release they want to use follow this pattern, in case of doubt it could probably be better to use the = operator to avoid any surprise. This RFC by defining these rules will allow to have more and more case where a user can opt for a pre-release without expecting breaking when running Cargo update or just from a fresh cargo build. If a maintainer doesn't want to have pre-release compatible version or expect a lot of breaking change it's RECOMMENDED to use a numerical identifier for the PREMAJOR like 1.0.0-0, 1.0.0-1, 1.0.0-2-rc.

package.dep_prerelease serve a clear purpose to explicitly know if a crate want to use pre-release. A maintainer can opt in this for its pre-release version than opt-out. Cargo will warn the maintainer of a mistake about having a pre-release dep.

* is just a Q&D feature, it would be a very bad practice to not at least choice a major version for a dependence when you make a release and as doc said "Note: crates.io does not allow bare * versions.". Removing the sugar of 1.* serve two purposes, first ~ behavior is exactly this, secondly it doesn't follow SemVer ABNF. We don't need to introduce exception when ~ do the job. Specially 1.*.0 case is considered not valid make the rule annoying to implement. The only thing ~ can't do is what wildcard operator define in the rule, "match any release". So you can't express the notion of "any non-pre-release version" with ~ alone. Having * handle this special case isolate the feature and cost very little to the ABNF. It's allow to just add a rule <valid rust semver> = <valid semver> | "*" it doesn't change valid semver rule it's encapsulate it. We could also say that ~ alone do that, but this would contradict the compatible rule and make an expectation on an operator parsing. ~0 should not be currently accepted as it's make no sense.

An alternative to this RFC could be to follow the exact same rule than NPM or similar other tools that manage requirement version. We could think, NPM do it, why shouldn't we too ? Because NPM users have problems and needs very different from Cargo users. NPM handle of SemVer are not necessary good solution for other ecosystem.

Prior art

There is a formal RFC in preparation in SemVer#584. This proposition try to reach a consensus on range operator. Range operator have a lot of problems when interacting with pre-release.

Unresolved questions

  • Should || operator be written or. ^1 or ^2, it's mostly equivalent, matter of taste, but || have the advantage to not have any character allowed in SemVer ABNF.

  • Should we keep range operator as optional opt-in feature ? If yes we would probably need &&, ( and ).

  • Should * take the highest of either pre-release or release version available instead of just pick release ?

  • Should we define recommended pre-release convention ? A simple recommendation could be, use alpha then beta and so on. An alternative recommendation could be use rc0 then rc1 and so on. We could also propose to merge them saying to use alpha convention until it's reasonable to think a release is for very soon and here you use release candidate convention, alpha then beta then rc then x.0.0 release. The majority of the most used crates use these conventions. I think it would be a very idea to define guideline for pre-release convention. This would make these rule more easy to understand, examples are always more simple to understand.

  • Should we keep the syntax sugar 1.* ? The problem of this sugar is that while 1.* is valid 1.*.0 is not, also it's equivalent to tilde operator. It's look there are more cons than pros to this sugar.

  • What is the percentage of requirement version use range or tilde usages in NPM ecosystem ? This to compare with Rust one.

  • Should rule 13 allow 0 be 0.0.0 ? This make an exception to an exception.

  • Do we really need pre-release wildcard rule 21 ? This look complex to use correctly. This only exist for user that want "the last possible pre-release or release", should we advise use git feature of cargo for that ? Even rule 20 do we really need wildcard ?

Future possibilities

Since, we introduce || operator, it would be easy to add && operator later, even (, ) if needed. With this RFC as base we could make upgrade to Rust SemVer more easily.

Thanks to have come to my TED talk to have read this document, I would like to apologize if there is a lot of English mistake, I'm not the best for write words specially in English

I don't think changing version resolution is impactful enough to introduce another breaking change here. We already have resolver = "2" that made it so dev dependencies no longer unify with runtime dependencies, and that broke a number of crates.

A fundamental issue here is that this is a top-level decision made by whomever is doing the final binary compilation, not a decision made individually by each crate[1].

I do think that it would be better if cargo were to consider only pre-release versions with the same initial pre-release segment, rather than any arbitrary pre-release versions as compatible. However, I think this can and should be done for everyone by default, especially given the unusability of the current behavior, as you note.

The final nail in the coffin though is that any changes to cargo's version resolver are pretty much blocked on pubgrub being integrated, and that's still a ways off since the cargo team doesn't have much bandwidth at the moment.

  1. It might be possible to implement a change to how version ranges are "desugared" at a crate level, but that would definitely complicate such a change further. ↩︎

~ is too complex to understand, it's maybe a good idea to change the behavior to something simpler that doesn't guaranty compatibility.

Alternative rule: The OPERATOR "tilde", ~ operator match the highest version up to the precision of the associate VERSION.

  • ~1 is equivalent to ~x.y.z with x >= 1, y >= 0 and z >= 0
  • ~1.1 is equivalent to ~1.y.z with y >= 1 and z >= 0
  • ~1.0.9 is equivalent to ~1.0.z with z >= 9
  • ~1.0.0-alpha is equivalent to ~1.0.0-PRERELEASE with PRERELEASE>= alpha
  • ~1.0.0-1.2.3 is equivalent to ~1.0.0-1.2.PREPATCH with PREPATCH >= 3 like 1.0.0-1.2.4.
  • ~0 is equivalent to ~x.y.z with x >= 0, y >= 0 and z >= 0 so any release
  • ~0.1 is equivalent to ~0.y.z with y >= 1 and z >= 0
  • ~0.0.9 is equivalent to ~1.0.z with z >= 9
  • ~0.0.0-0 is equivalent to ~0.0.0-0.PREMINOR with PREMINOR >= 0 so any pre-release of 0.0.0

This has many advantage, saying that ~0 can be use to express >=0 mean we don't need * that also mean ~1.0.0-0 would allow >=1.0.0-0 && < 1.0.0 so we also doesn't need * in pre-release tag. It's more simple. It's give a sense to ~0. It remove the too most resemblance between ~ and ^.

I think I didn't first think to that cause I wanted to keep as much as possible the same behavior that current rules. But at this point I don't see why not.

There is a mistake here:

~1.0.0-alpha is equivalent to ~1.0.0-alpha.PREMINOR with PREMINOR being any pre-release tag like 1.0.0-the.turbofish.remains.undefeated or just empty

should be 1.0.0-alpha-the.turbofish.remains.undefeated according to Rust SemVer 2.0.0-alpha.0

I strongly agree this is broken. I find myself always trying to manually lock to prereleases with =. But sometimes I forget, and when this happens, it's often in tandem with breaking changes.

This is especially bad when it occurs in a final release as you describe. This breaks everyone using prereleases, and there is no fix because the very act of making a final release triggers the breakage.

I very strongly support fixing this behavior. I personally consider it one of the biggest design mistakes in Cargo.


Including comment from @vi0

Shouldn't -rc prereleases be upgradable to releases, unlike -alpha or -beta ?

That an idea but it's not something I would advice, first it's very opinion oriented, why rc and not final or release-candidate, beta, etc... then what if this pre-release is finally not chosen for the real release ? Finally, it's make an exception to the rule and personally exception is my kryptonite and I try to avoid them as much as possible.

Thus, your comment make me think that maybe we should limit this compatibility rule of pre-release tag to numerical operator.

Let's say that pre-release are only compatible with another pre-release if the first identifier if both a numerical identifier and equal. All other pre-release are only compatible with themself. Example:

  • 1.0.0-alpha.1 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha.0
  • 1.0.0-1.2.3 match ^1.0.0-1.0.0
  • 1.0.0-2.0 match ^1.0.0-2

Pre-release are very useful to have a way to made a lot of breaking change without the need to update the MAJOR number. This is very similar to MAJOR = 0 exception. Using a numerical operator at first tag could make more obvious that the next pre-release tag with the same first identifier should be compatible. This could avoid trap like alpha10 < alpha9. It's more obvious what are the order of numeric identifier than alphanumeric identifier. Also, alpha => beta => gamma => ??? personally I don't know the suite and worst it could not be the same than alphabetic precedence. Finally, the hint about a pre-release being considered as alpha beta rc can be put after instead, like 1.0.0-0.0.alpha. We could also advice to use build metadata for that 1.0.0-0.0+alpha not sure of this last idea, I don't have much experience with metadata usage.

With usable pre-release tag, we could even consider MAJOR = 0 exception removal, thus this would make current Rust versioning a BIG boom. It's totally out of the question, I would have love remove this exception cause I like to index collection from 0 not 1 like SQL. I'm in love with 0 number :smile: .

I think a "how this is different from today" and a summary of the motivation would be useful. It'll take some dedicated time for me to evaluate this as-is with having to track what is changing.

I did want to call out one thing:

All pre-release versions should be incompatible with each other. If someone has to reserve breaking changes for the next development-phase bump, then people will burn through them. I think for clap 3.0.0, nearly every pre-release made had a breaking change from prior pre-releases. This is especially true in earlier development phases but even in rc we were making breaking changes.

Something like ?

Rust SemVer 2 Alpha change:

  • Remove range <=, <, >, >=
  • Remove , ("and" logical)
  • Add || ("or" logical)
  • pre-release are only compatible with other pre-release tag with the same first identifier
  • 0 is not valid version, only 0.0, 0.1 or 1 version who precise a MAJOR number at least
  • remove * sugar like 1.* or 2.*.*
  • ~ was considered a range operator is now considerer as a compatibility operator
  • Add * as pre-release tag that match any pre-release tag

I'm not sure this list is exhaustive since there is no clear definition of actual behavior. For motivation summary I try to sum up in "What features Rust user need in version requirement ? This RFC is bias toward this:" list. I will try to make a TL;DR in the next version.

Yes, I also agree that most crate pre-release will not follow this for now. And, alpha doesn't look like a robust way to define a MAJOR version. That the subject of my previous comment, pre-release rules will probably change in the next version of this RFC. I wanted to allow some degree of minor change concept to pre-release, have a middle ground. Allow maintainer to be able to have the concept of 0.y in pre-release. Thus, my first though about pre-release was the same than you, no compatible pre-release at all. BTW, with my new proposition of ~ we could let the user decide if their opt to a conversion and so remove this rules about pre-release compatibility and entirely left this as opt-in with ~.

I think I will go for a even more restrict rule than this, only make assumption about pre-release compatibility when the pre-release tag can be parsed as valid version. This would be both very explicit and will allow a very smooth transition.

Maybe the new standard should prescribe usage of specific prerelease names with specific meanings?


  • alpha - breaking changes are expected often - incompatible between each other.
  • beta - breaking changes are not planned anymore, but possible. Maybe ^-compatible, but not ~-compatible. Or maybe technically the same as alpha.
  • rc - Like a negative patchlevel. Expected to be compatible with one another and with the release (and further patches). Serious incompatible change => bump majver again and start with "alpha"/"beta" again, just as when change is needed in a released version. A gap in majver numbers is unfortunate, but not critical.

Custom names (release-candidate, gamma, etc.) to be discouraged, maybe even warned against; maybe also prerelease version strings without a trailing number or with more than one trailing number.


I agree, we need guide line about pre-release tag convention, guide line that would advice how to use of pre-release tag.

But I think your proposition is too complex and error prone. I really think that any rule that says pre-release => release will be broken, because, what if finally rc have been refused as real release ? your rule would force a maintainer to commit to this and so maintainer will never want use rc as pre-release tag cause it would defeat the first purpose of pre-release that they may not be the final desired change. There is too many cons to this.

An crate that would use such convention could advice an user to do 1.0.0-rc || 1.0.0 but I would not recommand this to maintainer of crate cause this make them commit final change to rc, I prefer let the user opt in explicitly to such behavior instead of including many exceptions to a rule:

match version.pre_release.first() {
  Some("alpha") => /* do a rule */,
  Some("beta") => /* do another rule */,
  Some("rc") => /* do another another rule */
  Some(x) => /* do another another another rule */
  None => /* not a pre-release */

doesn't look good.

Perhaps cargo could only issue a warning for these almost compatible versions: dep is on version 1.0.0-alpha.0 when 1.0.0-alpha.1 exists.

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I try to find a middle ground, the good new is that there is very few crates that publish pre-release that follow this rule (plotly-types, rdedup-lib, rdedup, bitcoinconsensus) and anyway theses crates probably follow this rule:

A "Pre-release" version can only be compatible with another pre-release version. General, pre-release will only be compatible with themselves, so when all pre-release identifiers are equal and in the same order and when VERSION numbers are equals. But if a VERSION pre-release tag contains exactly 3 numerical identifiers then it's of the form of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH number version and MUST follow SemVer 2 rules. A pre-release VERSION SHOULD NOT omit field. But a REQVERSION MAY:

  • 1.0.0-0.0.1 is a PRE-MAJOR upgrade of 1.0.0-0.0.0
  • 1.0.0-0.1.0 is a PRE-MAJOR upgrade of 1.0.0-0.0.1
  • 1.0.0-0.1.1 is a PRE-MINOR upgrade of 1.0.0-0.1.0
  • 1.0.0-1.0.0 is a PRE-MAJOR upgrade of 1.0.0-0.1.1
  • 1.0.0-1.1.0 is a PRE-MINOR upgrade of 1.0.0-1.0.0
  • 1.0.0-1.1.1 is a PRE-PATCH upgrade of 1.0.0-1.1.0
  • 1.0.0-2.0.0 is a PRE-PATCH upgrade of 1.0.0-1.1.1
  • 1.0.0-alpha is compatible with 1.0.0-alpha
  • 1.0.0-1.1.0.alpha is not compatible with 1.0.0-1.0.0.alpha
  • 1.0.0-alpha.1 is not compatible with 1.0.0-alpha.0
  • 1.0.0-beta is not compatible with 1.0.0-alpha
  • 1.0.0-alpha.0 is not compatible with 1.0.0

Pre-release are considered as alpha when both PRE-MAJOR and PRE-MINOR are zero, 1.0.0-0.0.0 or 1.0.0-0.0.1 are incompatible and alpha of 1.0.0. They are considered as beta when only PRE-MAJOR is zero, 1.0.0-0.1.0 or 1.0.0-0.2.0 are incompatible and beta of 1.0.0. They are considered as release candidate when PRE-MAJOR > 0, 1.0.0-1.0.0 or 1.0.0-2.0.0 are incompatible and release candidate of 1.0.0.

This mean that an if a crate publish version like 1.0.0-0.1.0, 1.0.0-0.1.1, 1.0.0-0.1.3, etc... a user can write ^1.0.0-0.1 or ^1.0.0-0.1.0. I think that a nice middle ground between "no pre-release automatic compat" and "all pre-release and final version are compat" :sweat_smile: . It's like a recursive version, a pre-release tag that is a version of the version.

PS: I never knew this rule of Cargo but I used it to define alpha state of a pre-release (why not)

The version 0.0.x is not considered compatible with any other version.

PS2: Do we really want pre-release have this ability ? should we not just left this to user with ~ operator... WAY more simple. I'm not a fan of this rule for now.

PS3: I completely remove this rule, back to no compatibility rule for ^ and pre-release. It's much more simpler to let this be handle by advanced user with ~ and ||.

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Here the new alpha version, I recommand to skip motivation since it almost didn't change, I recommand to read only rules definitions. The unresolved-questions can also be interesting. Hope this new version is better. @vi0 you may be interested by "Pre-release Guideline" part thus I removed any concept of automatic pre-release compatibility with ^.

This RFC is not really mean for RFCS repository of rust yet, it's mean as a real RFC as request for comment. This RFC try to open the debate about current rules of version requirement. It doesn't focus on if it's possible or not to apply it to Cargo yet. This RFC is far from being stable

  • RFC Version: 2.0.0-alpha.1
  • Feature Name: rust-semver-2
  • Start Date: 2022-05-11


This RFC defines the Rust's SemVer 2 rules. It's define version requirement operator that can be used in Cargo to define the version of dependencies that Cargo can choose. The rules use SemVer 2.

Empirical change from Rust SemVer 1:

  • Remove ranges >=, >, <=, <
  • Remove logical "and" ,
  • Add logical "or" ||
  • ~ can now update MAJOR
  • ^ will never consider a pre-release compatible with any other pre-release or release
  • 0 and 0.0 are not any more valid version requirement
  • Remove sugar 1.* or 1.0.*


Cargo never officially state most of current behavior of version requirement resolution. SemVer 2 have been used as reference to define it with some addition in Cargo doc, It's unclear what rules follow Cargo cause there have been no formal decision to clearly decide what Cargo should do. Cargo Specifying Dependencies define compatibly rules of ^ for release, there are clear and logic for a release but never mention pre-release existence, rules for pre-release are well hidden and doesn't fully describe the current observed behavior of ^1.0.0-alpha, the current behavior create a lot of problems when a user put a pre-release version like 1.0.0-alpha in their Cargo.toml.

This lead to RFC 3263 motivation. The main proposed solution was to change the default of Cargo that consider 1.0.0-alpha as ^1.0.0-alpha to =1.0.0-alpha. But while this work to solve a specific problem, this introduces an exception to Cargo behavior for pre-release and this actually reveal the real problem that we never decided compatibility rule for pre-release. SemVer 2.0 said "pre-release version indicates that the version is unstable and might not satisfy the intended compatibility requirements as denoted by its associated normal version." this clearly indicate there is no compatibility obligation between pre-release and final version. Despite that the current behavior of ^ do this assumption and consider higher pre-release version and final version compatible ! This mean currently ^1.0.0-alpha match 1.0.0-beta or even 1.0.0 (up to 1.*.*) this behavior come from NPM rules.

There is a trap when using range operator, precedence in SemVer 2.0 say that 1.0.0 < 1.1.0 < 1.1.1 < 2.0.0-alpha < 2.0.0. In theory this mean that range would include pre-release. Let's say user want something either version 1 or 2 their would write >=1 && <3, but this could be interpreted as include pre-release between 1 and 3 so include 2.0.0-alpha and worse 3.0.0-alpha even if user know this trap and try using >=1 && <3-0 it would still match 2.0.0-alpha or 2.9.9-alpha! We need a solution to this problem. Since Cargo didn't define clearly the behavior of pre-release behavior. It's unclear what Cargo do for example, doc say that >=1.2.3, <2.0.0 match "Any SemVer-compatible version of at least the given value.", this according to SemVer INCLUDE pre-release of 2.0.0. Currently, the behavior of Cargo are more or less a copy of what NPM do. NPM behavior is complex it's allow pre-release on certain condition notably when the range has a pre-release too: >=1.0.0-alpha && <2 would match 1.0.0-alpha, but this does not look consistent with something like >=1.0.0-alpha && <1 that would not match 1.0.0-alpha. Cargo never talk about pre-release and range. Instead of having complex rules to avoid this problem, we should have rules that can be instantly be clear to anybody if possible.

Some maintainers are just not using pre-release feature at all because it's currently annoying in Rust. They just prefer to avoid them entirely. Sometimes a duplicate of crate is publish like a standalone crates clap-v3. Some maintainer use pre-release but are not happy about it. Clap 3 pre-release experience reveal they needed to carefully deal with default ^ operator behavior, by changing every dep to = for pre-release and again for the final release changing every = operator back to ^. Rocket fall into this trap and a new pre-release break a previous pre-release because of the ^ current behavior and there is no good solution to fix the breaking. The only thing to do is to avoid it next time by using = operator in requirement version of their pre-release internal dependencies. It's annoying to be afraid of using pre-release feature of SemVer because there are very useful when MAJOR > 0 in Rust. This make maintainers of Rust crate that want to introduce a preview version a more complicated job. User will be afraid to use pre-release version if trap like this make their project break, this mean less user will test pre-release. Maintainer do not like to have to deal with this issue. We need rules that make pre-release more usable in practice without the trap of range.

Rust ecosystem have always followed SemVer. When a version break SemVer rules it can be yanked so Rust ecosystem is pretty healthy about compatibility versioning. This is show by the almost absence of range operator use because maintainer simply trust SemVer compatible rules with ^ behavior, there is 1.49% of dependence requirement version on crates.io that are using range operator, this includes every version of every crate available on crates.io even the yanked. Rust being a strongly typed language there is way less occasion to be able to use two different major versions of a crate. This mean Rust ecosystem use case of range is very limited. We can reasonably think most of the use of range operator in Rust could be replaced by simple Component requirement and caret operator. Non-exhaustive list of case of misuse of range operator in Rust crate:

  • alice: clap = ">= 2.33, <2.34"
  • ascon-aead: almost all dependencies use range while it's should use ^ operator the very next version 0.1.3 removed all these ranges and replace them by ^. This show ranges operator are not only a trap for pre-release but also for release, they are easily badly used. There are 9874 requirement versions than include a single range without bound like this.
  • slog-envlogger: Use range to opt in for pre-release the next 2.0.0-3.0 version of this crate switched to use ~ that was doing the equivalent but is simpler.

List of "good" range use case used in Rust ecosystem:

  • webbrowser: while >=0.3, <=0.6 is okish it's unclear what user want, why exclude 0.6.1 of 0.6 ? ndk-glue have a 0.6.2, it's unclear if this is on purpose or not.

There is currently crate on crates.io version and requirement version that break syntax of SemVer:

Pre-release tag are allowed to be very flexible, almost too much. SemVer 2.0 implicitly say that pre-release MAY be compatible with associate stable version but this mean we must not expect it. This mean that behavior actual of ^ to take the higher version with the same MAJOR is broken on pre-release in Rust, this operator is expected to not allow breaking change by Rust user. This is why we should restrict this behavior, and have a rule to define compatible version between pre-release. The problem is that actually there is no rule for pre-release tag. We should have a rule that are both logical and used by most. A list of most used pre-release tag in dependencies requirement version of all available crate in crates.io including yanked crate. We can see the top 3 are alpha.1, alpha.2, alpha. Most people use alpha, beta, etc... or rc.1, rc.2, etc... or rc1, rc2, etc... convention. Rust ecosystem seem for the most part using a logical way to define compatible pre-release with the first identifier. On the contrary some crate use very weird pre-release tag air-interpreter-wasm have more than 800 version and most of them are pre-release tag than doesn't follow any compatible logic.

Finally, the real question is, what do we need ? What do we want ? What operator Rust community want for SemVer ? We should not take previous rules that doesn't fit Rust user expectation. We must choose rules that fit Rust need. Do we really need a range operator in Rust ?

What features Rust user need in version requirement ? This RFC is bias toward this:

  • We need to be able to trust Cargo default behavior, user want thing that work naturally
  • We want to trust ^ to do the right thing, since it's the default behavior of Cargo
  • We need to have rules that SHOULD avoid cargo update break our build (Cargo update or a fresh lock file like in workflow of CI/CD of gitlab.com or github.com action)
  • We need to avoid implicitly include pre-release version
  • We need a way to use a pre-release version without fear of unexpected breaking change with cargo update, we want stability above all even for pre-release like how we expect 0.5.x version to not break our build.
  • We need simple Rules
  • We need crates that apply these rules

Guide-level explanation

Rust SemVer 2

Rust SemVer 2 rules are defined on the top of SemVer 2 plus the following rules:

  1. When MAJOR is zero, MINOR is considered as MAJOR, PATCH is considered as MINOR, there is no number considered as PATCH, 0.MAJOR.MINOR. When MAJOR and MINOR are both zero, PATCH is considered as MAJOR, there is no number considered as MINOR or PATCH, 0.0.MAJOR.

  2. A Requirement Version defines when version is "matched", unless specified requirement version MUST be the combination between an OPERATOR terminated by a REQVERSION, for example ^1.0.0 is a requirement version that have OPERATOR ^ and REQVERSION 1.0.0, this requirement version will define how Cargo will choose the best suitable version of a crate to use.

  3. A REQVERSION numbers text representation can omit field, when omitted a REQVERSION number will default to 0, MAJOR number can't be omitted, if a pre-release is present REQVERSION MUST NOT omit any numbers.

  4. A pre-release version can only be compatible with itself, so when MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH and PRE-RELEASE are equals.

  5. The OPERATOR "exact", with = REQ-VERSION match only itself, so when MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH and PRE-RELEASE are equals.

  6. The OPERATOR "caret", with ^ REQ-VERSION match the highest COMPATIBLE VERSION of REQVERSION, ^ operator is the default operator when a version requirement don't have operator.

  7. The OPERATOR "tilde", with ~ REQ-VERSION operator match the highest VERSION up to the precision of REQVERSION. This operator MAY match INCOMPATIBLE version.

  8. The LOGICAL OPERATOR "or". || operator is a union between two requirement versions. || MUST be preceded by a requirement version and terminated by another requirement version. || matches if any of the two requirement version match. || can be chained. It's RECOMMENDED to write text requirement version representation from the smaller REQVERSION on the left to the higher REQVERSION on the right ordering with precedence rules.


  1. A Wildcard * MAY be used as REQVERSION, it's a sugar for ~0.0.0 || ~0.0 || ~1.


  • 0.5.5 is MINOR upgrade of 0.5.2.
  • 0.5.5 is MAJOR upgrade of 0.6.0.
  • 0.0.1 is MAJOR upgrade of 0.0.0.
  • Version requirement 0.5 mean 0.5.0
  • Version requirement 1 mean 1.0.0
  • Version requirement 1.1 mean 1.1.0
  • 0 is invalid. /* this is due to 0.MAJOR.MINOR exception */
  • 0.0 is invalid. /* this is due to 0.0.MAJOR exception */
  • 2-alpha is not valid
  • 2.0-beta is not valid
  • 1.0.0-alpha match ^1.0.0-alpha
  • 1.0.0-alpha.1 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha.0
  • 1.0.0-beta doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha
  • 1.0.0 match =1.0.0
  • 1 match =1.0.0
  • 1.0.1 doesn't match =1.0.0.
  • 1.0.0-alpha match ^1.0.0-alpha
  • 1.0.0-alpha.0 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha
  • 1.2.3 match ^1.0.0
  • 2.0.0 doesn't match ^1.2.3
  • 0.4.2 match ^0.4.0
  • 0.5.0 doesn't match ^0.4.0
  • 0.0.0 match ^0.0.0
  • 0.0.1 doesn't match ^0.0.0
  • 1.0.0 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha.0
  • 1.0.0-alpha0 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha
  • 1.0.0-beta doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha
  • 2.0.0-0.6.6 doesn't ^2.0.0-0.6.0
  • 1.0.0-alpha.1 doesn't match ^1.0.0-alpha.0
  • ~1 is equivalent to ~x.y.z with x >= 1, y >= 0 and z >= 0
  • ~1.1 is equivalent to ~1.y.z with y >= 1 and z >= 0
  • ~1.0.9 is equivalent to ~1.0.z with z >= 9
  • ~1.0.0-alpha is equivalent to ~1.0.0-IDENTIFIERS with IDENTIFIERS >= alpha
  • ~1.0.0-alpha.0 is equivalent to ~1.0.0-alpha.IDENTIFIERs with IDENTIFIERs >= 0 like 1.0.0-alpha.1 or 1.0.0-alpha.the.turbofish.remains.undefeated.
  • ~0 is equivalent invalid
  • ~0.0 is equivalent invalid
  • ~0.1 is equivalent to ~0.y.z with y >= 1 and z >= 0
  • ~0.0.9 is equivalent to ~1.0.z with z >= 9
  • ~0.0.0-0 is equivalent to ~0.0.0-0.PREMINOR with PREMINOR >= 0 so any pre-release of 0.0.0
  • ^1.0.0 || ^2.0.0 match all release of either 1 or 2
  • ~1.7.0 || ~1.8.0 || ~1.9.0 match all releases between 1.7 and 1.9 included.
  • ~1.2.0 || ^1.3.0 should be written ^1.2.0
  • ~1.2.0 || ^1.4.0 is valid but SHOULD not be needed if a crate respect SemVer.
  • 1.0.0 || || 2.0.0, ||1.0.0, 1.0.0|| ||^1.0.0, ^1.0.0|| are not a valid
  • ~1.0.0-0 || ^1 match pre-release or release of 1.0.0. This should be used with care.
  • ~0.0.0 || ~0.0 || ~1 match any release. It's call the wildcard.
  • =*, ^*, ~*, * || ~1.0.0-beta.0 are not valid.


The following is the ABNF rules of Rust SemVer 2

; Rust SemVer 2
reqversion = "*" / logical-or

logical-or = req-core *("||" req-core)

req-core = *SP [operator *SP] (version / numbers-partial) *SP

operator = "=" / "^" / "~"

; 0.0 and 0 are not accepted
numbers-partial = numbers / (num-ident "." num-ident-non-zero) / num-ident-non-zero

; SemVer 2
version = numbers ["-" pre-release] ["+" build]

numbers = num-ident "." num-ident "." num-ident

pre-release = pre-ident *("." pre-ident)
pre-ident = alphanum-ident / num-ident

build = build-ident *("." build-ident)
build-ident = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / word-join)

; need at least one alpha or word-join
alphanum-ident = *DIGIT (ALPHA / word-join) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / word-join)

; leading zero are not accepted like 01 or 001
num-ident = num-ident-non-zero / "0"
num-ident-non-zero = digit-non-zero *DIGIT
digit-non-zero = "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9"

word-join = "-"

We thank bap and abnfgen to have provided free tool to test this ABNF.


Cargo.toml has 2 new fields:

  • package.rust-semver, define what Rust SemVer version Cargo should use for this Cargo.toml, the default is 1 for 2021 edition of Rust.

  • dependencies.foo.allow-advanced-operator, the default is warn for rust-semver = "1" and deny for rust-semver = "2":

    • warn will emit a warning if a requirement version use ~ or || operator.
    • allow will accept tilde ~ or || operator.
    • deny will emit an error if a requirement version use ~ or || operator.

package.version will now default to 0.0.0.

Cargo should emit a warning when ^ should be used instead of ~. It is the case when only the MAJOR and MINOR are specified in ~ like ~1.2 == ^1.2 or ~0.2.5 == ^0.2.5.

Pre-release Guideline

A pre-release tag MAY follow such convention:

  • Alpha pre-release are considered very unstable that is similar to 0.0.z. Alpha version should not have any compatibility expectation. It's recommended for an Alpha pre-release to set version like 1.0.0-alpha.PRE-MAJOR where PRE-MAJOR is a numeric identifier incremented at each Alpha pre-release. 1.0.0-alpha.0 and 1.0.0-alpha.1 don't have any compatibility expectation.
  • Beta pre-release are considered unstable that are similar to 0.y.z when y > 0. Beta version may have compatibility expectation. It's recommended for a Beta pre-release to set version like 1.0.0-beta.PRE-MAJOR.PRE-MINOR where PRE-MAJOR is a numeric identifier incremented at each breaking change and PRE-MINOR is a numeric identifier incremented at each non-breaking change. 1.0.0-beta.0.1 MAY be compatible with 1.0.0-beta.0.0 or 1.0.0-beta.2.0 MAY be compatible with 1.0.0-beta.2.4

OPTIONAL: If a pre-release is considerate to be used as the release version we call them Candidate Release, if you desire hint your user about Candidate Release, it's recommended to use build tag like 1.0.0-beta.4.0+rc. There is no compatible expectation between a Candidate Release and the final release. They may be any number of Candidate Release.

The following example use spaces to show version that MAY be compatible:


As you can see 1.0.0-beta.1.0+rc was a release candidate, but we change our mind at 1.0.0-beta.1.1. If a crate use this pre-release guideline user MAY use ~ operator to receive Beta upgrade, for example ~1.0.0-beta.0.0 would have match ~1.0.0-beta.0.0, ~1.0.0-beta.0.1, ~1.0.0-beta.0.2 pre-release. A crate should state its pre-release policy for example at end of a readme.md file, it's perfectly allowed to not follow this guideline about pre-release policy. A user should not make any assumption of pre-release policy of a crate if the crate doesn't specify it.

Reference-level explanation

Cargo should stick to use the same SemVer crate version to not change its behavior for crates that doesn't specify rust-semver = 2. We call Rust SemVer 1 the actual behavior of Cargo (there is no formal definition yet). SemVer crate version should match the evolution of Rust SemVer version. So have a 2 version that implement Rust SemVer 2 rules.

Ideally, when using rust-semver = 2 Cargo would detect <, <=, >=, > and , usage to offer a clear error message about their removal in Rust SemVer 2. And explain how to replace then with the new operator.

crates.io or any alternate registry SHOULD disallow using any * in requirement version.


These changes make Cargo registry live with mixed rules, it's currently the case some crates are not valid. Cargo would need to differentiate crates that use the new convention since we remove , operator. This drawback can be reduced by not removing any existent operator and not remove 1.0.*. That can clearly be considered, but is still not the focus of this RFC.

For a user the drawbacks are:

  • Change rules
  • Replace features
  • It doesn't have the same rules as NPM

Rationale and alternatives


There are 57412 dependence requirements in crates.io that use range operator this represents 1.50% of the total. And there are 68167 dependence requirements that use tilde operator this represents 1.78% of the total. This excluding yank version this time.

The philosophy of Rust SemVer 2 is to use the opposite mindset of Rust SemVer 1, where && is about intersection, || is about union. This is the main difference between the two designs, this RFC try to argue that union is simpler and more flexible than intersection for user. Rust SemVer 2 try to be KISS, quoting a famous French personality:

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Operator range make our life complicated in Rust, remove them for Rust SemVer 2 mean:

  • No more trap with pre-release, ^ have a simple behavior that follow compatible versioning rules with clear rules that allow to not be afraid that a pre-release is included implicitly. Or on the contrary that a final version is included implicitly. ^ alone represent 97% of dependence operator of Rust.

  • It's remove the ambiguity of range including pre-release or not.

  • No more possible unclear use of range operator like:

    • >=1 this represents 17.2% of range use of Rust ecosystem, mean that a majority of people probably make a mistake here. Replaceable with ~1 now (use of tilde will at least emit a warning by default).
    • >=1, <2.0 instead of ^1.
    • >=1.2, <1.3 instead of ~1.2.0
  • That we need to change tilde behavior. Without compatibly rule for pre-release and without range operator, they are no way to opt-in for a range of pre-release identifiers. Change rule of tilde also remove the exception to the tilde operator for MAJOR number. This make ~ more general and more clear, it's allow a user to opt in to potentially breaking change versions of a crate. allow-advanced-operator make Cargo to warn a user that it's dangerous to use this operator and link to documentation to help a user to not use tilde operator if this can be avoided. Only advanced user should use it, so there is an opt-in option. It's also nice cause the behavior of tilde slightly change, so we can also warn the user of the change in the same time.

  • Include || operator will cover the case where user want to support several non-compatible version. The only drawback is this could be very explicit if a crate release a hundred of major version; but currently there have never been such case, on the contrary, most crate in Rust try to not break without good reason. There is very low chance that users would ever need more than 2 major releases. Previously a user would have done >= 0.6, <0.9 now a user can just write 0.6 || 0.7 || 0.8 it's will naturally avoid non-compatible version such as pre-release. It's even better because we can now make a jump that was impossible before we can now do 0.6 || 0.8. Of course, this operator need to be used with care. It's a very specific use case where two major release are considered compatible by the user.

    • Instead of writing >1.0, <3.0 write 1.0 || 2.0
    • Instead of writing >1.4, <2.0 write 1.4
    • Instead of writing >1.5, <1.6 write ~1.5
    • Instead of writing >1.7, <1.9 write ~1.7 || ~1.8
    • Instead of writing >1.0.0-0, <2.0.0-0 write 1.0.0-* || ^1
    • Instead of writing >1.0, <2.3 write 1.0 || ~2.0 || ~2.1 || ~2.2 (That would be incredibly rare in Rust)
  • Without range operator, the "and" operator (&& or ,) is not needed. All operators only allow to go to higher or equal version. This mean we don't need to have ( and ) to handle prevalence of logical operator. || is the only logical operator similar to before where that was && the only available logical operator. Also, , is quite unclear for new user of Rust, we should probably have used && before.

Rust can remove range operator cause Rust's tool force to respect SemVer, so we generally never need them. Any small breaking change is often detected instantly in Rust, user will implicitly get the incompatible version and Rust being a strongly typed language user will directly spot the breaking change. Maintainers will likely just yank the release and the problem will be gone. But NPM needs to deal with the incredible flexibility of JavaScript. JavaScript try as hard as possible to run no matter what. This mean that even if on paper two releases are incompatible in practice a user can hope it will "work". Also, the speed of JavaScript release is also higher, there is a lot of user, a lot of movement, more major release, more quickly. The tool for these two languages are likely to need different approach. It's not rare for a JavaScript project to want to handle few major releases while in Rust it's very rare. So rare that it's hard to find example of it. The way the two languages use SemVer is very different. NPM need range feature and so try to make them usable despite the pre-release nightmare. This RFC try to argue that we don't need to range feature in Rust, and so we can avoid the complicated rule needed to protect user from range trap.

It's hard to choice how we consider a pre-release compatible with another pre-release. There is a lot of convention existing and there may not be respected since Rust ecosystem has already many pre-release versions. Rust SemVer 2 choices to let this choice to advanced user. Have guideline about RECOMMENDED behavior will allow to have a standard convention about it, but a user will need to explicitly ask Cargo to opt in for pre-release convention using ~ operator. It's RECOMMENDED that user verify twice that a crate clearly state its pre-release compatible convention. In case of doubt, a user should not use advanced operator.

Removing the sugar of 1.0.* serve two purposes, first ~ behavior is exactly this, secondly it doesn't follow SemVer ABNF. We don't need to introduce exception when ~ do the job. Specially 1.*.0 case is considered not valid make the rule annoying to implement, while ~ can't represent 1.*.0 so no need of specially handle of ~ in the code of Cargo.

* is just a Q&D feature, it's a very bad practice to not at least choice a major version for a dependence, a registry should not accept * as doc of Cargo say "Note: crates.io does not allow bare * versions.". The sugar * is acceptable. It's compatible with SemVer 2 BNF.


  • We could only change the ^ rules about match all pre-release and release of a version. This let open other problem of current Rust SemVer 1. User can implicitly make mistake, trying to prevent user to make a mistake follow Rust philosophies, Cargo should reflect that.

  • We could follow the exact same rule than NPM or similar other tools that manage requirement version. We could think "NPM do it, why shouldn't we too ?". Because NPM (or other tools) users have problems and needs very different from Cargo users. NPM handle of SemVer are not necessary good solution for other ecosystem.

Prior art

There is a formal RFC in preparation in SemVer#584. This proposition try to reach a consensus on range operator. Range operator have a lot of problems when interacting with pre-release.

Unresolved questions

  • Should || operator be written or. ^1 or ^2, it's mostly equivalent, matter of taste, but || have the advantage to not have any character allowed in SemVer ABNF.
  • Should we keep range operator as optional opt-in feature ? If yes we would probably need &&, ( and ).
  • Do we need a way to say any release or any pre-release *-* ?
  • What is the percentage of requirement version use range or tilde usages in NPM ecosystem ? This to compare with Rust one.
  • The BNF of SemVer 2, allow 1.0.0------------- or even 1.0.0------------+----------, should we limit this behavior ? 1.0.0-alpha-beta could be miss leading, SemVer should probably have used _ instead or just not allowed - in identifier. crates.io should probably refuse such version and Rust SemVer 2 could force to have alpha between -. Or we could not care.
  • Should we define limit to identifier and number of version ?
  • Should the ABNF, use relativity for || rule instead of just being a list ? It's not needed for now.
  • Rule 15 is redundant with SemVer 2 but clarify the situation, should we remove it ?

Future possibilities

Since, we introduce || operator, it would be easy to add && operator later, even (, ) if needed. With this RFC as base we could make upgrade to Rust SemVer more easily.

Honestly I liked the original proposed solution of interpreting prereleases as =1.0.0-alpha.

Prereleases are very much exceptional within the SemVer spec, so IMO there's nothing wrong with handling them different than other types of versions.

My personal expectation is prereleases have no compatibility with each other, and I would find it surprising if any such rules were applied. I certainly find the current behavior quite surprising.

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Yes, but this doesn't prevent other problems I found. Thus, RFC 3263 could be implemented. No one expect ^ current behaviour. And the last version of my proposition is compatible cause RULES 15 clearly state pre-release don't have any compatibility requirement.

This proposition here was to prevent change rule of current Cargo for nothing. I wanted to see what rules Cargo should use for Rust project, to see if a better solution was available. And if RFC 3263 solution could be bad for the future.

But the problem of RFC 3263 is that it's require a breaking change anyway... It's not that simple to change the rule without introduce a security problem. Both RFC hit mostly the same drawback. So, why not take this occasion to define better Rust SemVer Rules ?

I think we may see more and more pre-release in rust since a lot of crates reach version 1.

Now posted officially RFC: Rust SemVer 2 by Stargateur · Pull Request #3266 · rust-lang/rfcs · GitHub

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