Release cycle triage proposal

As we discussed on IRC, I have sometimes considered four categories:

  • Fix it now.
  • Retriage regularly (say, every release).
  • Retriage periodically (as a background task).
  • Do not retriage unless requested to do so. Will get fixed when it gets fixed.

Currently, we don't have the "retriage regularly category", I don't think. I would sort of like to use a milestone-per-release as the "fix it now" category; P-high for retriage regularly; P-medium for retriage periodically; and P-low for "do not retriage unless requested".

The idea would be that after every release we focus on p-high bugs, than focus on p-medium bugs until the next release.

At some point we also discussed the idea of reviewing issues opened since the last triage meeting and so forth. But I think that would require more regular meetings.


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