Questions about partial borrow

Some questions I have about partial borrows, but didn't want to sidetrack Destructuring Droppable structs - #61 by Jules-Bertholet.

  1. partial-borrow crate has been found to be unsound by RustBelt, how does this reflect on partial borrows feature?
  2. In Yoshua Wuyts' latest blog (Further simplifying self-referential types for Rust) self-referential and partial types are mentioned. Are they sufficiently explored to ensure they don't cause unsound behavior?
  3. From my understanding, it might be possible to prove partial borrows are sound with a different model and/or set of assumptions, correct?

It doesn’t. The potential unsoundness is in the tricks the crate uses to emulate partial borrowing on stable Rust, not in partial borrowing itself.


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