[Pre-RFC] The error-handling approach in manner of static dispatch, using enum exchange


  • This article might be lengthy. If you want to stop reading because some example code seems verbose and has unacceptable ergonomic issue, please hold on – it may be addressed in later chapter.

  • For those who have read “checked exception simulation in Rust” before: 1) no distinguishing between throw/rethrow 2) throws syntax support has been removed. 3) logging has been generialized, with log level support.

  • All the features mentioned have been implemented in library CeX.


Introduce new combinators for Result, with perticular interest in recoverable error-handling in favor of static dispatch.

The new constructs are:

  • An EnumX proc-macro derive for enums.

  • New wrapper/combinator of Result: error() and map_error(), for error conversions.

  • New wrappers/combinators of Result: err_to_log(), err_log(), map_err_to_log() and map_err_log(), for logging.

Motivation and overview

Error-handling in manner of static dispatch has some fundamental advantages:

  • Using type system to express design constraints at compile time.

  • Be compitable with approaches using dynamic dispath, but not vice-versa.

This RFC discusses topics about error definition, must-have traits, error conversions and logging to conclude the general error-handling approach, in spirit of static dispatch and orthogonality.

Definition of recoverable error

In Rust, a recoverable error is a Result::Err. Neither panics nor exceptions (stack unwinding) are considered as recoverable error-handling.

From now on, “error” is used as the synonym of “recoverable error”, and “the static approach” is short for “the proposed approach of error-handling in manner of static dispatch”.

Traits that a plain error must have

The essence of plain error is to indicating branches for its caller, while composite errors do more, e.g. conversion and logging.

In general, a plain error should have no mandatory trait. In specific cases, errors may be expected to have certain traits. The static approach should allow plain errors with no traits, meanwhile be capable of adding traits as needed.

Library-provided error conversions

An error-handling library must provide error conversions in a systematical way. The static approach must provide such mechanism in favor of enum rather than trait object, because the latter will force users to implement mandatory traits.

An enum of errors for summarizing and converting is regarded as composite, while its variant types are plain errors.

To support enum conversions systematically, an EnumX proc-macro derive will be introduced and explained later.

Library-provided logging

The static approach must provide logging mechanisms, which

  • is customizable

  • does not force users to implement certain traits for plain errors.

  • can be completely opt-out and substituted by user-defined logging.

The example

Consider an artificial example. The task is to read 3 integer values a, b, and c from 3 different files and check if they satisfied the equation a * b == c.

To read integers from files, a read_u32() function is defined. It returns a u32 if everything is ok, or some file operations fails or parsing integer from text fails, resulting std::io::Error or std::num::ParseIntError.

To check the equation, an a_mul_b_eq_c() function is defined. It calls read_u32() and do the calculating, which introduces a new possible error type defined as struct MulOverflow( u32, u32 ) to indicate a multiplication overflow.

The three errors std::io::Error, std::num::ParseIntError and MulOverflow are considered as plain errors. To do error convertion, some composite errors should be defined with EnumX derived.

#[derive( EnumX )]
enum ReadU32Error {
    IO(    std::io::Error ),
    Parse( std::num::ParseIntError ),

fn read_u32( filename: &'static str ) -> Result<u32, ReadU32Error> {/**/}

#[derive( EnumX )]
enum AMulBEqCError {
    IO(       std::io::Error ),
    Parse(    std::num::ParseIntError ),
    Overflow( MulOverflow ),

fn a_mul_b_eq_c(
    file_a: &'static str,
    file_b: &'static str,
    file_c: &'static str
) -> Result<bool, AMulBEqCError>

ReadU32Error and AMulBEqCError are regarded as composite errors.

EnumX derive

The #[derive( EnumX )] attributes will tell proc-macro to generate convertions for ReadU32Error and AmulBEqCError:

  • Other EnumXs can be constructed from them if the others has all variant types defined in the source enum type.

  • They can be constructed from other EnumX if they has all variant types of the others.

  • They can be constructed from any variant type.

Error wrapper/combinator

  • error(): plain/composite error_type to a composite Err(error_type).

  • map_error(): plain/composite Err to a composite Err.

fn read_u32( filename: &'static str ) -> Result<u32,ReadU32Error> {
    use std::io::Read;

    let mut f = std::fs::File::open( filename ).map_error()?;
    let mut s = String::new();
    f.read_to_string( &mut s ).map_error()?;
    let number = s.trim().parse::<u32>().map_error()?;
    Ok( number )

fn a_mul_b_eq_c(
    file_a: &'static str,
    file_b: &'static str,
    file_c: &'static str
) -> Result<bool, AMulBEqCError>
    let a = read_u32( file_a ).map_error()?;

    let b = match read_u32( file_b ) {
        Ok(  value ) => value,
        Err( err ) => {
            if a == 0 {
                0 // 0 * b == 0, no matter what b is.
            } else {
                return err.error();
    let c = match read_u32( file_c ) {
        Ok(  value ) => value,
        Err( err   ) => match err {
            ReadU32Error::IO(    _ ) => 0, // default to 0 if file is missing.
            ReadU32Error::Parse( e ) => return e.error(),

    a.checked_mul( b )
     .ok_or( MulOverflow(a,b) )
     .map( |result| result == c )


The static approach does not provide the ability to do backtracing via predefined methods of plain errors. The users are free to do so, as long as they want, using whatever traits they like.

Instead, it will ask users to change the definitions of the composite errors, to turn on library-supported backtrace/logging.

#[derive( EnumX, Logger, Debug )]
enum ReadU32Error {
    IO(    Log<std::io::Error> ),
    Parse( Log<std::num::ParseIntError> ),

#[derive( EnumX, Logger, Debug )]
enum AMulBEqCError {
    IO(       Log<std::io::Error> ),
    Parse(    Log<std::num::ParseIntError> ),
    Overflow( Log<MulOverflow> ),

Note that a wrapper struct, Log and a derivable Logger trait are introduced. The enum with #[derive(Logger)] must use the same log items among all of its variants.

#[derive( EnumX, Logger, Debug )]
fn read_u32( filename: &'static str ) -> Result<u32,ReadU32Error> {
    use std::io::Read;

    let mut f = std::fs::File::open( filename )

    let mut s = String::new();
    f.read_to_string( &mut s )

    let number = s.trim().parse::<u32>()

    Ok( number )

fn a_mul_b_eq_c(
    file_a: &'static str,
    file_b: &'static str,
    file_c: &'static str
) -> Result<bool, AMulBEqCError>
    let a = read_u32( file_a ).map_err_log(frame!()).map_error()?;

    let b = match read_u32( file_b ) {
        Ok(  value ) => value,
        Err( err ) => {
            if a == 0 {
                0 // 0 * b == 0, no matter what b is.
            } else {
                return err.log(frame!()).error();
    let c = match read_u32( file_c ) {
        Ok(  value ) => value,
        Err( err   ) => match err {
            ReadU32Error::IO(    _ ) => 0, // default to 0 if file is missing.
            ReadU32Error::Parse( e ) => return e.log(frame!()).error(),

    a.checked_mul( b )
     .ok_or( MulOverflow(a,b) )
     .map( |result| result == c )
     .map_err_to_log( frame!() )

Log combinators

To summarize:

  • to_log(item) converts an E to Log<E> with a logged item.

  • log(item) appends an item to an existing Log<E>.

  • map_err_to_log(item) is a combination of map_err() and to_log(item)

  • map_err_log(item) is a combination of map_err() and log(item)

Log agent and items

A log agent can be an in-memory String, Vec, a file on disk, or any thing that the user is willing to use to collect log items. Both the log agent and its items are generialized and fully customizable.

pub trait LogAgent {
    type Item;

    fn new() -> Self;
    fn create_log( item: Self::Item ) -> Self;
    fn append_log( &mut self, item: Self::Item );

Users can implement this trait to customize the behaviours on to_log() using create_log(), and log() using append_log().

Note that log item is generalized and not restricted to strings. The static approach provides a typed logging system that has the power to support both common logging tasks and highly customized ones.

Some common log items could be predefined for convenience, e.g. A Frame to store the source of the error with file name, module path, line/column numbers, and an optional context info. A call similar to .log( frame!( "An unexpected {:?} was detect.", local_var )) is up to the job. The frame!() macro uses the same syntax with format!(), but results in a Frame struct rather than a string.

Users can switch between type aliases to choose different log agents or items.

type Log<E> = cex::Log<E,Vec<Frame>>; // Vec agent, Frame item
type Log<E> = cex::Log<E,Vec<String>>; // Vec agent, String item
type Log<E> = cex::Log<E,String>; // String agent, String item
type Log<E> = cex::Log<E,MyLogAgent>; // User-defined agent and item

Compile time opt-in logging

Using type aliases to turn on/off logging at compile time.

type Log<E> = cex::Log<E>; // do logging
type Log<E> = cex::NoLog<E>; // no logging

Runtime opt-in logging: Logging-level

The type alias to turn on logging-level support.

type Log<E> = cex::Log<E, Env<Vec<Frame>>>;

The logging-level is defined by an environment variable CEX_LOG_LEVEL. Client code providing a value no greater than it, is allowed to do logging.

let mut f = std::fs::File::open( filename )
    .map_err_to_log(( LogLevel::Debug, frame!() ))

Note that the item is a tuple, the first field of which is the level.

The ergonomic issue of extra annotations

  • Composite errors work with ? at the cost of extra annotation map_error().

  • Logging requries explicit method calls of map_err_to_log()/map_err_log().

To address the issue, users can tag the fn with an #[cex], with optional arguments.

  • A #[cex] will append .map_error()s to try expressions, unless they end with it already.

  • Besides, a #[cex(log)] will append .map_err_log(frame!())s to try expressions.

  • Besides, a #[cex(log(expr))] will append .map_err_log(#expr)s to try expressions.

  • A #[cex(to_log)] is similar with #[cex(log)], but provides map_err_to_log instead of map_err_log.

  • A #[cex(to_log(expr)] is similar with #[cex(log(expr))], but provides map_err_to_log instead of map_err_log.

  • Besides, a #[cex(map_err(expr))] will append .map_err(#expr)s to try expressions.

  • All the logging attributes will append nothing if the try expressions end with .map_err_to_log()/.map_err_log()/.map_err() already.

  • All the #[cex] tags will append nothing for functions, closures and try expressions inside the #[cex] fn that are not tagged with #[cex] themselves.

The modified example:

#[derive( EnumX, Logger, Debug )]
enum ReadU32Error {
    IO(    Log<std::io::Error> ),
    Parse( Log<std::num::ParseIntError> ),

fn read_u32( filename: &'static str )
    -> Result<u32, ReadU32Error>
    use std::io::Read;

    let mut f = std::fs::File::open( filename )?;
    let mut s = String::new();
    f.read_to_string( &mut s )?;
    let number = s.trim().parse::<u32>()?;
    Ok( number )

#[derive( Debug, PartialEq, Eq )]
struct MulOverflow( u32, u32 );

#[derive( EnumX, Logger, Debug )]
enum AMulBEqCError {
    IO(       Log<std::io::Error> ),
    Parse(    Log<std::num::ParseIntError> ),
    Overflow( Log<MulOverflow> ),

fn a_mul_b_eq_c(
    file_a: &'static str,
    file_b: &'static str,
    file_c: &'static str
) -> Result<bool, AMulBEqCError>
    let a = read_u32( file_a )?;

    let b = match read_u32( file_b ) {
        Ok(  value ) => value,
        Err( err ) => {
            if a == 0 {
                0 // 0 * b == 0, no matter what b is.
            } else {
                return err.error();
    let c = match read_u32( file_c ) {
        Ok(  value ) => value,
        Err( err   ) => match err {
            ReadU32Error::IO(    _ ) => 0, // default to 0 if file is missing.
            ReadU32Error::Parse( e ) => return e.error(),

    Ok( a.checked_mul( b )
        .ok_or( MulOverflow(a,b) )
        .map( |result| result == c )
        .map_err_to_log( frame!() ) // this is a plain error, needs `to_log`
    ? )

Example for nested #[cex]:

use cex_derive::cex;

#[derive( EnumX, Debug, PartialEq, Eq )]
enum CexErr {
    Text(&'static str),

fn misc() -> Result<(),CexErr> {
    fn bar() -> Result<(),i32> { Err(42)? }
    let _bar = || -> Result<(),i32> { Ok( bar()? )};
    let _bar: Result<(),i32> = try { Err(42)? };

    #[cex] fn _baz() -> Result<(),CexErr> { Err(42)? }
    let _baz = #[cex] || -> Result<(),CexErr> { Ok( bar()? )};
    let _baz: Result<(),CexErr> = #[cex] try { Err(42)? };


assert_eq!( misc(), Err( CexErr::Code( 42 )));

Example for log level support in #[cex]:

type Log<E> = super::Log<E, Env<Vec<Frame>>>;

#[derive( EnumX, Logger, Debug, PartialEq, Eq )]
enum CexErr {
    Code( Log<i32> ),
    Text( Log<&'static str> ),

#[cex(to_log(( LogLevel::Debug, frame!() )))]
fn _cex_to_log() -> Result<(),CexErr> { Err(42)? }

#[cex(log(( LogLevel::Info, frame!() )))]
fn _cex_log() -> Result<(),CexErr> { Ok( _cex_to_log()? )}


Put plain errors in public API’s composite Err type, as long as they are part of the design constraints. Changing them may cause compile errors in client code, which is guaranteed by type system. These errors are regarded as intrinsic errors of the API.

If the API author wants to add new errors in the future without breaking compatibility, he could tag the enum with #[non_exhausted].

To treat extrinsic errors as extrinsic, some trait object could be utilized to erase their types and treat them as one variant in the composite error. For example, if the API author want erase std::io::Error in the API, the function signatures can be written as:

#[derive( EnumX, Debug )]
enum ReadU32Error {
    Parse( std::num::ParseIntError ),
    Other( cex::DynErr ),

fn read_u32( filename: &'static str )
    -> Result<u32,ReadU32Error>
    use std::io::Read;

    let mut f = std::fs::File::open( filename ).map_dyn_err()?;

    let mut s = String::new();
    f.read_to_string( &mut s ).map_dyn_err()?;
    let number = s.trim().parse::<u32>()?;
    Ok( number )

The cex::DynErr is a wrapper of some trait object. Current library implementation utilizes failure::Error.

This is an example how the static approach, as the foundamental error-handling mechanism, is able to work with dynamic dispatch approaches as needed. If users had picked up the dynamic approach as the foundamental, it is not possible to adopt the static approach if needed.

Fallback to fat enum

A classic way of using enums in error-handling is “wrapping errors”. It collects all the possible errors into a fat enum, as “the crate error”, and every public API in the crate will return Result<T>, which is a type alias type Result<T> = Result<T,crate::Error>;.

The main advantage of the static approach over it, is expressing errors excactly in function signatures. However, if the users feel it is too weight to use the static approach, they can simply define a fat enum and use the result type alias again. The code can still be benefited from logging mechanisms provided by the static approach.

This is a proof that “wrapping errors” is a special case of the static approach.

Detailed design

Minimum structural enum

The EnumX derive is the key technology to support error conversions. It is essentially a library-implemented language feature: a minimum supported structural enum, aka enum exchange.

We use “minimum supported” because it does not support:

  • Uniquifing, duplicated variant types to be uniquified.

  • Flattening, EnumX enum nested in another one to be decoupled, making all its variants bubbling up.

It is obvious that these are not possible to implement with enum unless type system changes.

To avoid overlapping impls in generialized plain errors, a phantom generic argument is utilized.

pub trait IntoEnumx<Dest,Index> {
    fn into_enumx( self ) -> Dest;

pub trait MapError<T,Src>
    where Self : Into<Result<T,Src>>
    fn map_error<Dest,Indices>( self ) -> Result<T,Dest>
        where Src : Sized + IntoEnumx<Dest,Indices>
        self.into().map_err( |src| src.into_enumx() )

Neither std::convert::From nor std::ops::Try provides such phantom argument. It is the root cause that map_error() is required.

Interaction with other features

The static approach is the nature result of applying EnumX on Err, implemented in Result combinators. So it won’t cause issues other than ergonomic, such as asyn issues, thread safety issues, etc.


  • Static dispatch may have negative impact on rapid-development/prototyping.

  • Highly orthogonal APIs are complex for beginners and occasional users.

  • The requirement of #[cex] to be ergonomic.

Rationale and alternatives

The static approach is best effort in separating mechanisms from policies. Any other error-handling approaches could be considered as special cases and utilized as fallback.

  • Any trait-object based approach is flexible at cost of losing compile time constraints and runtime penalty. The static approach can use them as a supplement, but not vice-versa.

  • Any other approach in static dispatch, is not as concise/powerful as the proposed one, unless they mimics “structural enum”.

Prior art

The key idea of enum exchange, is inspired by “union types” in Typed Racket.

Its original implementation with generics support is referenced to frunk_core::coproduct.

Unresolved questions

Intrusive backtrace via traits implemented by plain errors are unresolved by design.

Future possibilities

Ok combinators(available in library implementation) may find the usecases in the future.

Fully language-supported “union types” will make the implementation trivial, and get rid of #[cex].

Changing in std::ops::Try traits may help getting rid of #[cex] too.

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First instinct: why is logging part of this at all? Is this approach incompatible with existing things like the log crate?


This logging method serves mainly for two purposes: backtrace and attaching additional context info. These are common functions that an error-handling library is going to provide.

If users do not want to use this logging method, they can decide not to wrap the plain errors with Log<_,_>, and use whatever logging library they like.

It just shows the possibilities that error conversions and logging/backtrace can be devided into orthogonal APIs.

Are you suggesting that logging should be removed in the RFC and leave it in library doc? It may be the case, and the RFC will be slimming ( seems good ).

It seems ideal that a language feature support attaching context information to errors (what you’ve just generally called logging despite it just attaching information and not logging anything directly), but that it shouldn’t hold such a large position of the explanation surface area at least. Rather, maybe just .map_err(with_frame!()) to map the error to a FramedError(E, Frame) or similar. (A library should of course be free to instead use a Vec<Frame> or whatever they see fit.)

What I fail to see is what you’re actually proposing to add to the language. As is your RFC reads like an advertisement for CeX/EnumX.

If you want a clearer, more understandable RFC, I’d recommend making it just the EnumX part (required enum conversation machinery) and in motivation discuss how it enables better error handling strategies, such as CeX.

If it doesn’t gain anything other than exposure from being added to the language distribution, then it’s fine off just being a library. If it’s as good of an option and integrates as well with code not using it as you seem to be trying to claim, it’s a great candidate to join error-chain, failure, etc as error handling library/frameworks.

I still think conversion can be almost perfectly done just using From using a generic middle representation like Coproduct (which IIUC the EnumX uses something similar-ish internally?).


// Becomes

impl Error;
impl Into<Coproduct>;
impl From<$variant_ty>;
default impl From<impl Into<Coproduct>>
  where Self: From<for all coproduct types>;
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This bound isn't possible without higher rank types, which seems like something we won't get for a while.

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I can’t help but think it’s possible with frunk::Coprod. It definitely needs specialization and/or types promising to never implement a trait to pass the orphan rules, but I think it’s probably possible.

impl<Head, Tail> From<Coproduct<Head, Tail>> for T
    Head: Into<Self>,
    Tail: Into<Self>,
{ .. }

impl<Head> From<Coproduct<Head, CNil>> for T
    Head: Into<Self>,
{ .. }

Since Coprod is basically just (((A | B) | C) | ()), it can be done recursively. So that signature would be something along the lines of:

default impl<Head, Tail, Other> From<Other>
    Other: Into<Coproduct<Head, Tail>>,
    Coproduct<Head, Tail>: Into<Self>,
    fn from(other: Other) -> Self {
        let coprod: Coroduct<Head, Tail> = other.into();

For what it’s worth, I wasn’t able to do this without using just From and frunk::Coproduct. I got close, but unfortunately the Indices type parameter shows up and isn’t constrained. (Also apparently Middle, I just realized…)

// vvv derived vvv
impl From<AB> for ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B] {
    fn from(that: AB) -> Self {
        match that {
            AB::A(it) => ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::inject(it),
            AB::B(it) => ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::inject(it),
impl From<::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B]> for AB {
    fn from(co: ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B]) -> Self {
        let co = match co.uninject() {
            Ok(it) => return AB::A(it),
            Err(co) => co,
        let co = match co.uninject() {
            Ok(it) => return AB::B(it),
            Err(co) => co,
        match co {}
impl<Middle, Other, Indices> From<Other> for AB
        Other: Into<Middle>,
        Middle: ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::CoproductEmbedder<
            ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B],
        Self: From<::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B]>,
    fn from(other: Other) -> Self {
        let middle: Middle = other.into();
        let coprod: ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B] =
            middle.embed::<::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B], Indices>();
// ^^^ derived ^^^

pub enum AB {
error[E0207]: the type parameter `Middle` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
  --> tests\mini_example.rs:29:6
29 | impl<Middle, Other, Indices> From<Other> for AB
   |      ^^^^^^ unconstrained type parameter

error[E0207]: the type parameter `Indices` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
  --> tests\mini_example.rs:29:21
29 | impl<Middle, Other, Indices> From<Other> for AB
   |                     ^^^^^^^ unconstrained type parameter

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0207`.
error: Could not compile `ad-hoc-enum`.

Perhaps we could find a way to constrain it in the signature in order to make rustc happy, but for now this specific approach seems like it’s not going to work without a middle trait like used for (Labelled)Generic to introduce a new inference variable for Indices (transform_from).

EDIT: And here’s the approach more closely following my above sketch:

impl From<AB> for ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::Coprod![A, B] {
    fn from(that: AB) -> Self {
        match that {
            AB::A(it) => ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::inject(it),
            AB::B(it) => ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::inject(it),
From<::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct<Head, ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::CNil>>
for AB
        Head: Into<Self>,
    fn from(
        co: ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct<Head, ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::CNil>,
    ) -> Self {
        match co {
            ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::Inl(it) => it.into(),
            ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::Inr(it) => match it {},
impl<Head, Tail> From<::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct<Head, Tail>> for AB
        Head: Into<Self>,
        Tail: Into<Self>,
    fn from(co: ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct<Head, Tail>) -> Self {
        match co {
            ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::Inl(it) => it.into(),
            ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct::Inr(it) => it.into(),
impl<Head, Tail, Other> From<Other> for AB
    Other: Into<::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct<Head, Tail>>,
    ::ad_hoc_enum::frunk::coproduct::Coproduct<Head, Tail>: Into<Self>,
    fn from(other: Other) -> Self {
        let coprod = other.into();
error[E0207]: the type parameter `Head` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
  --> tests\mini_example.rs:43:6
43 | impl<Head, Tail, Other> From<Other>
   |      ^^^^ unconstrained type parameter

error[E0207]: the type parameter `Tail` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
  --> tests\mini_example.rs:43:12
43 | impl<Head, Tail, Other> From<Other>
   |            ^^^^ unconstrained type parameter

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

Unconstrained input types are the bane of trying to do this, as rustc does need to solve something to figure out this path. We need a new function that’s not From::from to introduce that inference point, unfortunately.

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