Pre-rfc: Skippable tests


Some test cases have indeterminite results in some cases. These cases should be distinct from a passing or failing state of a test today. It is possible to turn tests off at compile time by using features determined by a script, however, this does not work well for cross compilation or when the build and test environment are otherwise quite different.


Currently, tests in Rust's libtest have only a handful of end results:

  • success
  • failure (panic)
  • should panic (which must panic to succeed)
  • ignored (masked by default)

While this works for the vast majority of cases, there are situations where tests must change their behavior based on the available runtime. While many of these cases can be detected at build time, this is just not the case in general. Cases that I, personally, have come across in various projects (Rust and non-Rust):

  • Cross-compilation.: In cross-compilation, build-time detection of the target's feature set is generally not possible in any kind of reliable way (including all of the following items).
  • Complicated dependency specifications: Tests which require specific things may be hard to test at configure or build time. Even if the list of things is possible to get, ensuring that when those things change that the build is redone to sync up with the prevailing environment is another problem altogether. This includes all of the following items, but is certainly not limited to them.
  • Kernel version/feature detection: While possible at configure time, adding a dependency that is meaningful to ensure that the test suite is recompiled when the running kernel version changes is an unnecessary burden.
  • OpenGL support: Detecting whether the runtime OpenGL is suitable for testing usually involves creating an OpenGL context and querying for its limitations. Again, adding a dependency for "OpenGL limitations" is a burden. Doing this during the configure or step involves unnecessary complications. Many build systems do not even support running such code at configure time without building and running code itself (cf. CMake, autotools, etc.). Even if the build system is in a language which can make OpenGL contexts, it unnecessarily restricts what machines can build the project and its test suite.
  • Python module detection: This can also change external to the build system. Versions changing, availability in the given environment, etc. can all change externally. I've found it far easier to instead detect the module at test time and decide what to do at that point.
  • Complex test requirements: Kind of a grab bag of cases here. Generally, some tests may depend on some state of the enclosing build as to whether they are suitable or not. Requiring configure or build time detection of such things is either difficult or error-prone (as the detection code must be kept in-sync with the test itself). While it doesn't happen in Rust that often, in C++, some projects have examples which require various bits of the project to be built in order to actually work. Keeping the build system in the loop of what states of the project's build is suitable for each test is not easy when it is far easier for the test to just have a mechanism that says "this test is not suitable, please skip me".

As an example within one of my own crates, this test detects whether the remaining tests in that module make sense. The best it can do is inform that the rest of the tests in that module are meaningless (or have them report "success" when they really didn't do anything of the sort).

Guide-level explanation

There may be cases where the results of a test are not useful in the current environment. Usually, this can be detected at build time and a cfg be enabled to change test function attributes or hide entire modules. However, some tests are sensitive to states of the environment that may change at any time over the test executable's life. Some examples include:

  • Is the running user an administrator or not?
  • Is there enough memory available for this test to succeed?
  • Are there enough CPU cores available?
  • Can a suitable OpenGL context be made for this test?
  • Is an X server available?
  • Is a hardware token available?

In such cases, it is possible to skip the test through either a skip_if attribute or by panicking with a test::skip(reason) type. If a test ends up skipped, its result is not considered to be either a pass or a fail. When using the skip_if attribute, predicate item may be passed the name of a function to call. This function has a signature of Fn() -> Option<String>. If it returns None, the test will run and pass or fail based on the normal test behaviors. If it returns a Some(string), the string is taken to be the reason that the test does not make sense in the current execution environment.

Alternatively, a test may call panic_any!() with a type of test::Skip. This type contains the reason that the test should be skipped in it. There is a test::skip(reason) function to perform this as well.

As an example, a test which ensures that removing permissions from a file has the desired effect in the rest of the code generally will not work as intended when executing as root because removing read permissions from a file does not actually change anything in this case:

fn is_root() -> Option<String> {
    if libc::getuid() == 0 {
        Some("untestable when running as root".into())
    } else {

#[skip_if(predicate = is_root)]
fn test_revoke_permissions() {
    // remove permissions from a file and make sure it is not readable.

fn test_revoke_permissions_panic_skip() {
    if libc::getuid() == 0 {
        test::skip("untestable when running as root") // panics with the `test::Skip` type.

    // Rest of the test.

While it would be possible to detect root permissions at build time, this would compile the test out completely even though it could be expected to work if a non-root user ran the test.

The skip_if attribute supports a single argument, which must be supplied:

  • predicate: the path to a function with a fn() -> Option<String> signature.

If the predicate function panics, the test is considered to have failed whether or not should_panic is provided on the test function or not.

Currently skip_if is only available for #[test] and #[bench] functions, not within doctests.

Reference-level explanation

The implementation of this is largely in libtest. The TestDescAndFn gains a new field skipfn which, if provided, is run before the test. If it returns a reason, a new test result is constructed and handled appropriately in the output formatters. If the skipping function panics, the test is considered to have failed regardless of #[should_panic] or not.

The implementation takes the same panic-wrapping approach as the test itself does, but instead of handling panics and returning a result for should_panic to decide, panics are just treated as a hard failure.

I have a work-in-progress implementation on my fork which implements it for #[test] and #[bench] functions. Adding support for doctests is left out for now. In addition, a few corner cases are left as "TODO" items, largely around what if the predicate is not suitable, error messages, and parsing the attribute into a callable..


This does make testing more complicated, but I don't know of another way of handling such dynamic requirements reliably from

Rationale and alternatives

I think this design keeps itself out of the way for existing test suites which don't need to deal with this. For tests suites that do, it is easy to add a single attribute to the affected tests and implement a quick check. The cost of not doing this is that these test suites continue to have to do largely unsuitable or inaccurate checks in or report "fake" success reports for tests that aren't actually doing what they should due to environmental states.

Prior art usually also has mechanisms where skipping is supported from within the test. Rust does not have a throwing mechanism (other than panic! which is already covered via the #[should_panic] attribute) and adding a return path seems excessive given that the "happy path" would then also need to "return" some kind of indication that the test ran fine.

In addition, using an attribute to call another function makes it easier to handle when a collection of tests all need to skip for the same reason. Using an attribute allows them all to share the same code without adding anything which might constitute "noise" to the test function body itself.

Prior art

Other test harnesses support the concept of "skipping" tests. This is used as a state that is neither success nor failure and is usually used to indicate that a test is not applicable in the current environment. It is used as a separate state because without it, the test must either report success without actually testing what it purports to test or report failure and prevent "all green" states which is typically wanted within development workflows.


CMake, a very popular C++ build system (full disclosure, the RFC author is a CMake developer), supports this in its CTest tool which is a test harness runner (though it supports running commands rather than test functions directly). In CTest, tests can have "test properties" named SKIP_RETURN_CODE and SKIP_REGULAR_EXPRESSION which will cause the test to be skipped if it exits with the indicated return code or its output matches the given regular expression. This state is not reported as success or failure but as a third state of "skipped" (rendered on CDash in a "Not Run" column).

add_test(NAME skip COMMAND …)
set_test_properties(skip PROPERTIES
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    printf("SKIPME\n"); // Will cause the test to be skipped.
    return 125; // As will this; either is sufficient, but both are available.

Given the nature of CTest running arbitrary commands, there's no good way to indicate why a test was skipped. It is generally left to the test to print out its reasoning to stdout or stderr where the content will be preserved (by CTest) and displayed (when uploaded to CDash).


The pytest framework is available for Python. Here, there are a few ways to indicate that a test should be skipped.

  • Static Declarative: The pytest.mark.skip decorator which (optionally) accepts a reason keyword argument. This argument contains a description of why the test cannot be run.
  • Dynamic Declarative: The pytest.mark.skipif takes a boolean as its only required argument. If this condition is True, the test is skipped (this additionally takes a reason argument).
  • Imperative: The pytest.skip function may be called (with a required reason positional argument). This is used for more conditions which require runtime information in order to detect their suitability. This is also usable at the module level as well with the allow_module_level=True argument.
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="I wrote this on a Monday")
def test_garfield_static():

@pytest.mark.skipif(time.localtime().tm_wday == 0, reason="Mondays, am I right?")
def test_garfield_dynamic():

def test_garfield_imperative():
    if time.localtime().tm_wday == 0:
        pytest.skip(reason="Mondays, am I right?")

Both declarative methods may be used at the class (group of test) level as well.


Ruby's RSpec testing library supports skipping tests via a similar mechanism to the dynamic declarative and imperative modes available in pytest. They are reported as "Pending" in this case.

RSpec.describe "an example" do
  example "is skipped dynamic declaratively", :skip => true do

  example "is skipped dynamic declaratively with a reason", :skip => "blue moon" do

  it "is skipped imperatively" do


The XCTest test framework provided by Apple as part of its normal SDK provides XCTSkip which may be thrown from a test function to indicate that it should be skipped.

Test Anything Protocol (TAP)

The TAP specification supports directives on test results:

ok 23 # skip Insufficient flogiston pressure

Additionally, entire collections of tests can be skipped at a higher level (akin to adding such a declaration to a Rust module with tests):

1..0 # Skipped: WWW::Mechanize not installed


Automake supports running commands as a test suite via its TESTS variable. Any program in the list which returns with a status code of 77 is considered to have been skipped.


Autoconf supports skipping tests through the AT_SKIP_IF macro. This uses the same 77 return code expectation as Automake.

Unresolved questions

Should the return value of a skipfn be Option<String> or some other structured type? The downside of a more structured type is the requirement that the test crate exposes symbols which need to be used (currently all of these are for #[bench] tests and behind a feature gate).

Should there be an imperative mechanism. If so, should it replace the attribute? I don't think so because the type that we want to panic on (using panic_any!) would likely live in the test crate. For similar reasons as the above, that would effectively lock usage of the imperative mechanism behind a feature gate.

Should multiple skip_if attributes be supported? I don't think it's strictly necessary since making a function to call .or_else() on the chain of candidate skipping functions is possible already. But it could be added in the future (with specifications on the order in which they report skip reasons are collected).

This does interact with eRFC 2318 (tracking issue) in that custom test frameworks would need to support skipping logic.

Is predicate the best name for the argument name? I'm not sure it is, but couldn't come up with something better right now.

Future possibilities

In addition to skip_if(predicate = …), skip_if(cfg = …) might be plausible to let users know of a given test that is not available on their platform.


I definitely think there's value in having a feature for skipping tests. Objective-C and Swift have XCTSkip, and I'm curious why you went with the attribute route instead of a statement that's called in the body of the test. I personally have liked how XCTSkip works.

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XCTSkip works when thrown. Rust does not have such a mechanism. I suspect pytest.skip also works by throwing a specific exception type under the hood. Rust's test functions do not have return values and there's no throwing (other than panic), so this seems to be the best way forward. In addition, multiple tests can reuse the same function much more easily this way rather than putting literal code into test functions.

Thanks for the comment; I'll be sure to add details about it to the RFC. I've now added XCTest as prior art and a note to the alternatives section about throwing or other in-body mechanisms.

Rust tests can return errors: Rust Playground I haven't checked, but I think it might be possible to do a downcast check.

Ah, it needs to return some impl Termination type. I suppose that could work. Though that means:

fn can_skip() -> Result<(), Skip> {
  if unsuitable() {
    return Err(Skip);

  Ok(()) // This is required just because the test can skip :/
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Skipping could be implemented with panics. For example, a global variable can be used to signal whether or not the test was skipped, and calling skip() could set the flag and then panic.

That sounds…terrible, but that's because I've been wrangling with globals and threading in C++ lately :slight_smile: . It doesn't work at all when tests are executed in parallel; how would the skip() in test A not interfere with an unrelated panic in test B?

(Disclaimer: This post is spitballing; I haven't thought through any of this carefully.)

I don't think there's anything particularly fundamental about unit tests being able to return the same types as main, since Termination is itself still unstable.

So one possibility here would be to have a different UnitTestTermination trait that supported some new non_exhaustive enum which could have different variants for different kinds of skips, so that the test body could return it.

Or maybe that wouldn't be needed, and there could be a special error type that could be treated as "this means skip" when returned from the function?

And in a different direction, how often do you want the same check on multiple tests? I'm imagining something like

fn is_root() -> test::PredicateReturnType { ... }

that would decide whether or not to run the tests in the module.

(Though that's a major change to the model of how tests are understood, so is perhaps way too much scope creep...)

It is unstable, but which types impl Termination is already stable by their ability to be returned from test functions. What it is called isn't very interesting to me for this purpose.

That would involve some other way to continue supporting Result<> return types from test functions. It seems a bit more complicated than would seem warranted (to me). Any specific type we return would need some stable remnant exposed which would likely mean it getting never exposed due to test's non-existent path to stability.

This would be fine for things testing kernel features or the like, but where I want it for permission detection, only one test in the module actually tests that. Forcing it to be in its own module seems…excessive.

Yeah, that would have far greater repercussions for the custom test harness RFC and test organization. Currently there's just at global static array of TestDescAndFn instances without any structure at the top (though the structure could, perhaps, be gleaned from the test name, that sounds hacky).

Sure it works. Thread local storage. I think it might not work if you call skip() from a new thread spawned by a test, but I think that's reasonable.


We had this problem with println! in threads spawned by tests not being captured. I'd like to not add a new thing for that.


No thread local is needed, you could panic with std::panic::panic_any(test::Skipped); and the test runner can downcast the panic to check if it’s an instance of that.


Whouldn't that effectively gate test skipping on the test crate becoming stable though?

(Most?) crate tests use unwinding panics to determine whether a test succeeded or failed already. Adding a specific panic value that indicates a skip wouldn't be that different from how propagating other failures works today.

I'm not sure how complicated it would be to support that system for any tests that use panic=abort though.

Yep, but that's true of any API that isn't purely attribute based.

The default test runner doesn't support panic=abort, so much so that cargo doesn't allow you to enable it for tests.

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Support for panic=abort has been around for a long while, but it is only available in nightly via -Z panic-abort-tests.

Another problem with using panic! as the mechanism is that crates like serial_test cannot be used with skipping because the panic would (almost certainly) poison the mutex used to implement the test serialization.

Edit: Hmm, though it handles should_panic (I would assume), so maybe that's still OK?

More prior art for you:

  • The Test Anything Protocol, which originated with the regression tests for the Perl interpreter and has spread to several other test harnesses, has a mechanism for reporting that tests have been skipped via 'directives'.

  • Automake's simple "run a bunch of test programs" test harness considers any test program that exits with status 77 to be reporting that its test has been skipped.

  • Autotest scripts can use AT_SKIP_IF to skip a test.

Thanks. I'll add these to the RFC.

In a broader note, it seems that most here are in favor of a panic_any!() API rather than an attribute. I can add it, but I'd like to keep the attribute so that it has a hope of becoming stable. Is there anything wrong with having both mechanisms available?

I've added the TAP, Automake, and Autoconf examples to Prior Art and added guide-level discussion about test::Skip as a type to check for imperative skipping.