WAIT WAT? We actually can provide a nice API with stable Rust! We have associated constants & conversion from lambdas to function pointers!
use std::collections::HashMap;
use sync::{Lazy, OnceCell};
// macro and indirect fn call
static HASHMAP: Lazy<HashMap<u32, &'static str>> = lazy! {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert(0, "foo");
m.insert(1, "bar");
m.insert(2, "baz");
// monomorpihized and macroless
fn hashmap() -> &'static HashMap<u32, &'static str> {
static HASHMAP: OnceCell<HashMap<u32, &'static str>> = OnceCell::INIT;
HASHMAP.get_or_init(|| {
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert(0, "foo");
m.insert(1, "bar");
m.insert(2, "baz");
Guess I am publishing a crate…