Generic-type-dependent static data

Hi folks,

One of the things I miss in Rust is lack of static data depending on generic types parameters.

The text below is my proposal.

I’d like to hear feedback.

Type-dependent statics


Implement either:

  • static data: T = ... where T is a function type parameter
  • or allocate_static<T>() intrinsic

The problem

Currently, it’s not possible/expensive to write generic code with per-type storage.

Something like this C++ code is not possible in Rust:

template <typename T>
const T& singleton() {
  static T t;
  return t;

int main() {
  cout << "pointer to empty string: " << singleton<string>() << "\n";
  cout << "pointer to zero int: " << singleton<int>() << "\n";
  return 0;

Try it

singleton function can be implemented in Rust using a global hash map which has a type as a key. This is inefficient because requires locking.

I think Rust can gain from being able to implement singleton() function efficiently.

Example use cases

I can think of several use cases for that feature:

Singleton function

Sometimes a pointer of a default object of any type is desired. Something like Default for &T for arbitrary <T>.

fn singleton<T: Sync+Default>() -> &'static T { ... }

struct MyData<T> {
    message1: Option<Message<T>>;

impl<T> MyData<T> {
    fn get_message_or_default(&self) -> &Message<T> {

Lazy-init can be implemented without macros and can be used in generic code

There’s a lazy-static crate which uses macros (it cannot be used in generic code to create static data per type parameter).

With proposed API lazy_static-like functionality can be implemented as a library function:

// `K` type parameter is used here to avoid clashing
// between different functions using the same object type,
// e. g. `HashMap<String, u32>`
fn lazy_init<T: Sync, K>(init: FnOnce() -> T) -> &'static T {
    // Lazily initialized storage
    static data: AtomicPtr<T> = AtomicPtr::new(0);
    if data.is_null() {
        let t = Box::new(init());
        if data.compare_exchange(0, t.raw()) == 0 {
    unsafe { data.get() as &'static T }

struct FooMarker;

fn foo() {
    let my_map = lazy_init::<_, FooMarker>(|| {
        let mut m = HashMap::new();
        m.insert(0, "foo");
        m.insert(1, "bar");
        m.insert(2, "baz");

    // my_map is of type `&HashMap<u32, &str>` here
    // it is initialized on first function invocation

Global small object allocator

Small objects of fixed size can be allocated more efficiently than with malloc (faster and with smaller overhead).

/// Allocator for for type `<T>`
struct Arena<T> { ... }

impl Arena<T> {
    /// Allocate a memory of
    fn allocate(&self) -> *mut T { ... }
    fn deallocate(&self, ptr: *mut T) { ... }

/// Similar to `Box<T>` but uses `Arena<T>` for allocation.
struct SmallObjectBox<T>(*mut T);

impl SmallObjectBox<T> {
    /// Allocates a new box without need to pass a pointer to arena
    fn new(t: T) -> Self {
        let t_ptr = singleton::<Arena<T>>().allocate();
        ptr::write(t_ptr, t);

impl Drop for SmallObjectBox<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

singleton<Arena<T>>() allows fast access to the global per-<T> allocator.

Per type object counter

This simple tool can be used for debugging memory leaks (e. g. too many pooled objects).

/// Holds a number of objects of type `<T>`
struct ObjectCount<T> {
    construct_count: AtomicUsize,
    drop_count: AtomicUsize,
    marker: marker::PhantomData<T>,

/// Place this struct inside an object you are counting
/// Note it has zero memory overhead
struct ObjectCounter<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);

impl<T> Default for ObjectCounter<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        /// Increment counter on construction

impl Drop for ObjectCounter<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        /// And increment another counter on drop

impl<T> ObjectCounter<T> {
    /// Allocated object count
    fn constructed_count() -> usize {

    /// Live object count
    fn object_count() -> usize {
        - singleton::<ObjectCout<T>>().drop_count.load()

struct MyPreciousResource {
    object_counter: ObjectCounter<MyPreciousResource>,

struct MyOtherResource {
    object_counter: ObjectCounter<MyPreciousResource>,

fn how_many_objects() {
    println!("precious resource: {} constructed, {} live",
    println!("other resource: {} constructed, {} live",

This simple low-overhead tool can be useful to analyze performance problems when specialized tools are not available or not applicable.

Proposed API 1: allow statics inside functions

There are (at least) two alternative APIs which could provide desired functionality.

First API is a language extension similar to C++ statics.

Code similar to C++ should be possible:

fn foo_bar<A, B>() {
    static mut data: A = A::new();
    // work with data

An instance of data field is created for each set of function type parameters (for each function instantiation).

However, this can be confusing for users, e. g. some may assume that these invocations:

foo_bar::<String, u32>();
foo_bar::<String, u64>();

create only one data static, while compiler should create two statics because a function is instantiated twice.

The main drawback of this approach is another Rust language specification complication.

Another drawback is backward incompatibility: currently static cannot depend on function type parameters and created only once for all function instantiations (play).

The main advantage of this approach is its zero overhead.

Proposed API 2: allocate_static intrinsic

The previous approach is user-friendly but requires significant language changes.

Alternatively, desired feature can be implemented as a simple compiler intrinsic:

fn allocate_static<T>() -> *mut T;

During instantiation, this function allocates a memory of size T in the mutable part of the data section.

The function returns a pointer to a memory area which is zero-initialized on the first invocation.

Described above singleton() function can be implemented like this:

struct SingletonHolder<T> {
    // 0: initial
    // 1: locked
    // 2: initialized
    state: AtomicU8,
    data: T,

fn singleton<T: Default+Sync>() -> &'static T {
    let holder = allocate_static::<SingletonHolder<T>>();
    loop {
        if holder.state.load() == 2 {
            return &;
        if holder.compare_exchange(0, 1) == 0 {
            // lock aquired
            ptr::write(&mut, T::default());
            // release lock

I think this API does minimal changes in Rust and relatively easy to implement.

Related requests and projects

See also generic statics, associated statics, etc.

Also something about a high-performance bus for events or something

Previously discussed in How about "generic global variables"? – it does not seem possible to have this feature, guarantee that each static exists only once per set of type parameters, and keep the dylib crate type (or any other dynamic linking between rust crates – as opposed to the cdylib crate type, which creates a finished artifact that can be used by non-Rust code).

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Note that we already can implement lazy static without/ish macros, like this:

fn foo() -> &'static HashMap<String, String> {
    static SLOT: OnceCell<Foo> = OnceCell::new();
    SLOT.get_or_init(|| HashMap::new())

Or this:

static FOO: Lazy<HashMap<String, String>> = lazy!{

Note that we already can implement lazy static without/ish macros, like this:

Macros are not the largest issue for me. The point is that it does not work in generic code.

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Previously discussed in

Thank you for the link!

it does not seem possible to have this feature, guarantee that each static exists only once per set of type parameters, and keep the dylib crate type

I don't see it as a significant issue. If C++ developers can live with these limitations of dynamic libraries, then Rust developers should be OK too.

Rust can emit a compile-time error if generic globals are used in dylib crate.

I think ~99% of developers do not use dylib, and the remaining 1% of developers can work around this limitation.

In C++, there is at least a good way to link many separate libraries that need to share the static into a single DLL. The rustc dylib crate type can't be used in that way, and bundling crates into a cdylib library to achieve the sharing has the disadvantage that you have to define & expose a C ABI from it and unsafely interact with it from the rest of the application.

This incompatibility can lead to basically three different outcomes:

  1. greatly inhibits adoption of generic statics (because it breaks clients of your libraries; and if this is a concern then using generic statics internally in your library becomes a semver-breaking change)
  2. effectively kill the remaining uses of dylib because they can't use a large portion of the ecosystem
  3. a middle way, splitting the ecosystem into code that (transitively) uses generic statics and code that is compatible with dylib

The first and last option are clearly pretty bad outcomes. I wouldn't mind killing dylib, but if one wants to go that route then one should be honest about it and formally gather consensus to really kill dylib as well as hypothetical future ways to build Rust applications that involve any sort of transparent dynamic linking.

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In C++, there is at least a good way to link many separate libraries that need to share the static into a single DLL. The rustc dylib crate type can’t be used in that way.

Sorry, I read the thread and couldn't understand why Rust can't do exactly the same C++ linker does.

This incompatibility can lead to basically three different outcomes:

I agree that writing portable code will be a bit harder.

However, there are tons of differences between different platforms, e. g.:

  • wasm code cannot use libraries which use threads
  • low-level libraries cannot use any library which uses std
  • some libraries simply don't work on Windows
  • some people forget about integer endianness and assume it's little
  • some developers still use an old version of rustc and expect libraries to work with an old compiler
  • insert your own

If you are aiming at portability, you have to write code carefully and dealing with lots of limitations already.

I don't like the idea of forcing developers to write inefficient code (performance-inefficient, or duplicate code instead of using generics) so that 1% developers could gain from portability.


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