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The reason for this error is that generic types have a variance in each of their parameters, which is inferred from how each parameter is used in the type's definition:
Variance matters because it determines how MyStruct<T> and MyStruct<U> are related, via subtyping. For example, if you have two lifetimes 'a and 'b where 'a outlives 'b, then you may want to be able to pass a MyStruct<&'a i32> where a MyStruct<&'b i32> is expected.
This is fine if MyStruct<T> uses T directly, as in field: T. But if MyStruct<T> instead contains a field: fn(T), this relationship must be reversed, and you would instead want to pass a MyStruct<&'b i32> where a MyStruct<&'a i32> is expected.
Because variance is inferred from how parameters are used, for a use to "count" it must force a particular kind of variance. PhantomData pretends, for the purpose of inferring variance, to be its parameter- which is how you specify variance for parameters that aren't otherwise used in that way.