It's not very discoverable, but [start..][..length] is a fairly standard trick to reslice given a start and a length.
As with any other proposal adding new operators, this has to contend with macro_rules! lexing treating it as two separate tokens and not preserving jointness information. This would mean passing code through a no-op ($($t:tt)*) => ($($t)*) macro could change how it parses, which is at best a giant footgun.
The first proposal which adds a new operator will probably set a precedent for further proposals to follow, but until that happens, any proposal needs some plan to address this and explain how the proposal is so beneficial that it outweighs whatever edition differences it would require.
But ..= is not treated as two separate tokens (.. and =), right?
In almost all programming languages where ambiguity exists, a token comprises the longest possible string that forms a legal token, when read from left to right. [And obviously, ..+ should be a separate legal token along with ..=.] So, I do not see any problems with lexing.
Moreover, I searched for ..+ in a large Rust code base and did not find anything, so this change will not break any existing code.
I was worried that [start..][..len] would generate worse code than [start .. start+len] due to having two separate places to panic on, but apparently both have two separate panic jumps. In that case I'll stick with [start..][..len], because it's reasonably concise and already an existing syntax.
No, you need to worry about overflow for [i..][..n] also (it just will be "range end index n out of range" instead of "attempt to add with overflow"). The thing is i + n - 1 must be a valid index.
Yeah, you are right. But this is a very rare case (when i + n causes integer overflow while i + n - 1 is not).
Actually, I don't have enough experience in Rust, and this feature is probably not a good fit for this language. (I have proposed ..+ operator for some other programming languages also to get a response.)
Syntax sugar needs to clear a high bar of usefulness to justify its addition to the language. In this case the functionality is almost trivial, and imho would be better served by a free function range(start, step), or a method on Range. The specific case of array slicing already has a DRY solution, even if it's slightly obscure. This makes a new range operator even harder to justify.
I didn't see if anyone raised this point yet - what about a() ..+ b, would a() get evaluated twice, as in a() .. (a() + b)? Or does it work like let start = a(); start..(start + b), in which case only Copy types are allowed (.. and ..= permit any type)?
I do think the feature is useful, but I would think that to be maximally useful this syntax ought to result in a new type (not Range). Using a different type (RangeOffset, perhaps) dodges the problem in the previous paragraph as well as any overflow issues as discussed upthread.
But then you still have to implement Iterator for RangeOffset... something like this?
struct RangeOffset<A, B> {
start: A,
length: B,
impl<A, B> Iterator for RangeOffset<A, B>
A: Step + Add<B, Output=A>,
... here I must unfortunately leave the rest to someone who got more sleep last night.
(even though ranges probably shouldn't be iterators, sometimes it's convenient that they are!)
Ranges could have an offset method [1], allowing one to write (0..len).offset(start), though it's a bit confusing to have len before start. But the method itself could be useful in other situations too.
Shouldn't it be possible to create the range let start = a(); start..(b + start) instead, since + should (I assume) be commutative for types used in a range? It would make it possible to use non-Copy type that way.
I think he's asking about the exact desugaring. let start = a(); start..(b + start) doesn't work if start: !Copy. let start = a(); &start..&(&start + b) doesn't work either since
the trait `SliceIndex<[{integer}]>` is not implemented for `std::ops::Range<&usize>`