Make range_step and range_inclusive adaptors of Range

Code changes:

  • range_inclusive(a, b) => (a .. b).inclusive()
  • range_step(a, b, c) => (a .. b).step(c)
  • range_step_inclusive(a, b, c) => (a .. b).inclusive().step(c)

This unifies our “range” syntax as well as continues our trend of “composition over combinations”. I started poking at a proper implementation/RFC for this change but got caught up in details of the precise/traits/bounds these would require, and other fiddly details. So I’m making a quick issue on this topic just to get the idea out there for more people to poke at.

Some sketches of ideas:

// basic trait we need for `.step()`. Takes Amount as an input because 
// it's not clear if there's a "right" choice for Amount, and if it should 
// be unique. e.g. one could support StepBy i16 and u16 on a i16
// (i16 is more natural to StepBy, but insufficient to span its own range).
// Mandating only usize seems otherwise wrong.
trait StepBy<Amount> : Step {
   // equivalent to calling `step` `amount` times. Returns Err 
   // if some boundary condition like overflow occurs.
   fn step_by(&mut self, amount: &Amount) -> Result<(), ()>; 
   // equivalent to calling `step_back` `amount` times. Returns Err 
   // if some boundary condition like underflow occurs.
   fn step_back_by(&mut self, amount: &Amount) -> Result<(), ()>;
   // steps_between_by???
  • Should step().inclusive() and inclusive().step() work?
  • Can/should Inclusive be written as a wrapper that accepts either Range or RangeStep generically and does the right thing? Thus avoiding the need to create a RangeStepInclusive type?
  • Should .step(x) permit x to be negative?
  • Should that then “work” for start > stop? Or should such behaviour be relegated to "use rev"?
  • If we allow backwards ranges without rev then you need some way to check for x being “negative”.
  • If we don’t allow it, at what level do we enforce it? Unspecified behaviour? Still require a notion of negative just to check?
  • Should inclusive be encouraged for “other” range uses (e.g. overloaded array indexing) or “only” for iteration? (Note, I believe inclusive needs an extra boolean flag to remember if it has yielded stop yet).

Thanks for running with these ideas, @Gankra!

Another question is: we could conceivably support ... for inclusive ranges, since we already use that notation with that meaning in pattern matching. (This came up in a recent thread that I can’t find right now). Should we do that instead of .inclusive?

This would solve everything but the .step()

well there would be differences between .rev().step(x) and .step(x).rev() if x is not a divisor of the range length. so .step(-x) would probably be .rev().step(x), but might cause more confusion than it's worth.

What is the behavior of this?

let mut x = 0_i32..1_i32;
let _ =;

Should it be None or Some(1)?

I assume inclusive/step would take their ranges by value so the output would be None (and the compiler would warn that the output of x.inclusive() is unused).

I assume that inclusive() and step() would return new iterators, not modify an existing iterator in-place. So the answer should be that the x.inclusive(); statement would have no effect, and this program will print None.

I like this a lot. The trend toward composition is very welcome! It requires re-learning a few things, but it becomes natural quite quickly.

@stebalien @sivadeilra I got it slightly wrong. Let me try it again.

What is the behavior of this?

let mut x = 0_i32..1_i32;
let _ =;
let mut y = x.inclusive();

It is not clear whether it should print None or Some(1)

@theme the fields of range are public, so the effects of calling next and next_back are well-observable: next moves start forward, next_back moves stop backward. So calling next will make the range 1…1 which should work through inclusive.

How does .inclusive() work with (u8::MIN, u8::MAX)? I think you need more fields than start and end for an inclusive range.

if you look at the old range_inclusive implementation, you can see that there was an additional boolean:

Yes, as I mention in the original post, I believe this boolean is necessary to distinguish these two states in inclusive:

(x, x) // x not yielded
(x, x) // x yielded

However this is not a problem in the transition from exclusive to inclusive (we can safely assume the first state, always).

A step operator would be nice also. Here, % could be considered similar to modulus, though I’m not proposing this. It looks really weird even if it could work. range_step(a, b, c) => a..b%c

Currently, the fields of range are not public.

Additionally, I am not sure how to implement .inclusive() exactly correctly without a performance hit. I believe that even a slight performance hit on range (say, 1 additional instruction per iteration) would have a measurable effect due to the fact that some programs spend most of their time looping in ranges.

Examples of hard-to-handle code:

  • This should output None:
let mut x = 0_u8..1_u8;
let _ =;
let _ =;
let mut y = x.inclusive();
  • This should also output None:
let mut x = 0_u8..1_u8;
for _ in 0_i32..256_i32 {
    let _ =;
let mut y = x.inclusive();

They are public:

This is necessary for using Range in indexing to do subslicing.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to prevent calling these after the range starts iterating? We can have two range types like Range<Initial> and Range<Started> and implement .inclusive() and .step() only for Range<Initial>. HTTP library Hyper does this to prevent changing HTTP headers after response has been sent.

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If you wanted to do that, you’d probably want Range and RangeIter. where Range::iter(self) returns a RangeIter (transform methods such as inclusive() and step() would be defined on Range). However, to make this ergonomic, we’d probably want IntoIterator first.

It should be noted that @aturon is changing the way Range iteration works. I think Step is dying altogether, and you just need to impl Iterator for Range<MyType>.

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