Macro like function to impl

fn main() {
    let foo = Foo;!(1, 2, 3);!(1);

pub struct Foo;

impl Foo {
    macro fn bar {
        ($($x:ident),+) => {{

Seems cool :)

It’s not very easy… see e.g. here for lengthy discussion of a similar topic. Making a macro truly associated to a type is even harder, as it goes against the current evaluation model (macro expansion happens much earlier in compilation than when type information becomes available).

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I think there is some differents in your link with my post.

In my sample code, it just simply generates some function, not meant to call the macros.


Seems quite straight forward.

And where does the function foo_i32_i32_i32 come from?

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Generates by the macro fn bar

I think the expanding could happen when the call!(1,2,3) happens.

Just replaced with the expanded code in place.

So it is calling a macro, effectively…

Anyway, as I mentioned above, this is not simple:

as it goes against the current evaluation model (macro expansion happens much earlier in compilation than when type information becomes available)

… and the lengthy discussion I’ve linked contains much mention of “type-based dispatch”. Including a relatively recent comment here addressing the concept of type-based dispatching of macros in general, which says

I’m fairly certain that the feature idea you show here fits sufficiently well into this field of “type-based dispatch” of macros that this comment fully applies.