I'm trying to learn Rust and I'm having some difficulties. I just finished Traversy Media's "Rust Crash Course" tutorial and loved Rust, but:
The Rust Programming Language + Rust by Example I think both are not suitable for beginners. In both, many chapters seem to be written to be used as a resource on the subject rather than teaching the subject.
I have a theory. These two books may be the source of the common view that Rust is difficult to learn. If you read a 600-page book in which every detail of the language is written to learn which language, you may think that the language is difficult. These two books are recommended for anyone who wants to learn about Rust. Think about the rest.
As a solution, I think there may be a light version of the book for beginners. This version will have the most important and widely used features of the language, but not abstract and elaborate theories.
Another solution would be to not recommend the same books to anyone who wants to learn Rust.
Many books and other resources can be recommended, with categories such as books for beginners, books for those who want to improve their knowledge.
As a final solution, it is left to the experts of the book writing business, only the focus can be on the documentation.
I am seriously considering this. If I had started Rust with these two official books, I might have postponed learning about Rust to a later date.
The Rust Programming Language Do not skip the guessing game in the 2nd part, which is called "you can read the other parts first, then come here" in the introduction, I think it was one of the most useful parts. The "Common Programming Concepts" and "Understanding Ownership" sections, in which the basic concepts of the language were explained, were also good. BUT in the book, every feature of the language is tried to be explained, but there is not much guidance on what is important, this leads to information crowd and scatter. That's why I only finished the first 10 chapters. On the other hand, the general opinion about the book is that it is good. The content in the online version I read covers Rust 2018, supports versions 1.55 and higher. The release date of 1.55 is September 2021, but this topic is left unexplained. (561 pages*****)
Rust by Example An online and interactive book on Github by Steve Klabnik and other contributors. You can run the sample codes without leaving the browser. Same problems here. That's why I passed some places quickly, even skipping, but I still completed them.