I'm moving away, here's my two cents

The C language saw the light in 1972. GDB followed in 1986. That's both over 30 years.

Give Rust some time. I'm pretty sure debugging C in 1987 was much more of a PITA than it is for Rust right now, after only 1 year.

Calling C functions directly from you project's code (as opposed to via some wrapping crate) works against the entire purpose of Rust's safety bounds. The last thing I want to have to think about when writing Rust is segfaults, buffer overflows and the like. I would have to if I was to call C directly.

Rust is a cross-platform language. Rust is using C for FFI for the same reasons that you are using C for programming: platform independence. Abstractions. Letting you get stuff done at the end of the day.

In that case you might want to consider APL.

Anyway, joking aside, you must no forget that we are humans after all. We're not computational number-crunching machines. Regular expressions are a perfect fit for computers. But most human users struggle with them. Why? Because they are utterly dense in syntax and lack any visual structure (as does APL, one could say, btw). I still love 'em though. :innocent:

I wouldn't consider Go a clean language at all. It's small, sure. (Too small even.) But not clean.

func Reduce(
    in interface{},
    memo interface{},
    fn func(interface{}, interface{}) interface{}
) interface{} {

There are no fields in a trait. There are type defs. But those are statements. Semicolons are for statements. Structs list their members. Enums list their variants. Commas are for lists.

Compare Rust:

struct Foo {
    bar: Int,
    baz: Int,

With Swift, e.g.:

struct Foo {
    let bar: Int;
    let baz: Int;

(Idiomatic Swift omits the semicolons, but for the sake of semantic correctness I'm including them here.)

Notice how Swift has the let in there. The let turns bar: Int into a statement. Thus the semicolon. If Rust had used Swift's let syntax for fields, then you'd be right in expecting semicolons. But as it is Rust is simply consistent with its semantics.

The Input -> Output syntax is a common idiom in functional languages. Remember: There's more than just C out there.

Your criticisms sound a bit like C is your hammer and you haven't had a look at the other tools in your toolbox for a while. There are lots of things where C got it right. But even more where it didn't.

Wrong. See Aatch.

Different strokes for different folks. I came to Rust for the safety, sure. But most importantly I came for the incredibly strong type system and the expressive power through the use of tuples, pattern matching and closures. It's 2016 after all. Time to leave the cave.

Coming back to your point on verbosity:

I develop in both Rust and Swift. Their syntax very is similar (due to Swift taking quite a bit of inspiration from Rust). Trivial code is so much more ergonomic in Swift. But as soon as one tries to solve real problems the simplicity (or cleanness as you might call it) of Swift (compared to Rust) comes at a cost: Swift's syntax simply lacks the tools to express more sophisticated types or patterns (things will improve slightly with Swift v3, fortunately).

Rust aims to solve difficult problems. Difficult problems that I wouldn't dare try to solve in C or even Swift, e.g. while Rust makes it fun even.

Did you consider submitting an RFC for this? There are quite a few community-related RFC already.

This is specifically something that the Platform proposal by @aturon tries to tackle, btw.

So why then is Rust's logo a cogwheel? :wink: *cough*

Because platforms. Lots of them. Many without a package manager even. Also because there's no need to needlessly hurt oneself.

Now you're just messing with us, aren't you? O.o

No. It makes Rust consistent and ergonomic. Nothing prevents you from setting up your own fork/clone of crates.io. It's open source and one can simply point Cargo.toml to somewhere else.

Beg to differ.

Not sure which book you're referring to, but there's an entire chapter on traits and trait bounds in "The Book" explaining the concept in depth.

There is a list: Rust error codes index - Error codes index Such a list won't help you on an airplane or a dead spot though.

This is the part where I have to agree. But then again I'm probably not the target audience anyway. I don't read programming books cover to cover.

What I want from a technical book is to be presented the problem at hand followed by the solution and its reasoning. No fluff. No theoretical proofs. I also don't want to have to build a silly pet project in order to be able to follow the book. Chances are I don't care about your pet project.

Again: that's me. I also can't stand GIFs/memes/jokes in tech talks. So maybe I'm just dead inside or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

From a technical standpoint however I consider "The Book" (and "Rust by Example") one of the best books out there. On any language.

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Wrappers are fine because they tell additional information about the external functions to the compiler. The core language. std::mem can do some work but the state of the program cannot be predicted. In the example I gave on my post, the signal triggers the compiler if there is a compiler attached. If I just continue, the program runs fine and the output is also fine. The state of the memory is very well know in a C program and so it should be in a Rust. If you really want to go hardcore you could read the gcc internals, something absent in Rust (not talking about LLVM). There are programs from operating systems to web apps in Rust, that's exactly what is expected from a multi-purpouse language. If the Rust developers want to target a programmer that will make a trivial program or a functional language program, It's easy, you are fine. If the developers want to target someone that will go deep in the operating system, the hardware (including the memory) should be described so the programmer knows what to expect.

If Rust depends on libc, it will never be a replacement for C. It will always be a layer on top of it. libc could be reimplemented little by little by actually using syscalls. Different operating systems need different syscalls but if C can do it, Rust can do it too.

I know other languages other than C and I'm expecting a multi-purpouse "tool", just like C but better. Your comparison sucks.

It works for every language, for every distribution. Why not Rust? You probably don't know how it works. Windows user?

Imposing things is authoritarian. I will not comment further on your post. Most of your counter-points are based on opinion and some of them I have answered in previous posts.

Tiny note: all the docs come included with Rust when you install it, so you have access to this even when you don't have connectivity.

Windows users are one of the reasons we have Cargo. Relying on package managers and such is extremely painful. Who is going to go out of their way to support Windows? A lot of crates don't even bother, but because they use Cargo it still usually works just fine on Windows. I appreciate Cargo because it means anyone can publish a crate very easily and it makes it very easy to use it from nearly everywhere. If you don't want things to be easy, what is wrong with you?

On Windows Rust barely depends on libc at all, however it cannot avoid depending on other libraries. The entire system interface to Windows is done via a set of DLLs that export a C interface, there is no stable syscall interface to use, especially since a lot of system functionality is implemented in user mode anyway. Rust uses whatever the system interface is for a given platform. For linux Rust uses libc because it is easier and handles quite a bit of stuff for us, however there is nothing stopping Rust from one day working with syscalls directly and avoiding libc on Linux, it just requires some developers to put time and effort into it, which is in rather short supply at the moment.


rustup doc


This is of course a matter of taste. But taste is important or even essential in all the important crafts. So it's important to talk about taste.

If you look at recently developed languages like Go, Rust, Swift and others, you will see many "imposed things". Too much constraints and your language feels like a cage, too much freedom in your language, and the average code in your language that you find in the wild looks like a blackberry bramble, because most programmers are lazy and untidy.

Go is even more constrained than Rust. C language allows much more freedom compared to Rust. But you pay this freedom later. Most programmers aren't able to handle lot of freedom, so better introduce some constraints. Constraints are also useful to make code more uniform between different programmers, so reading code written by others is less of a pain and it feels less like stepping on the sands of Mars.

Haskell doesn't even let you mutate variables! That's a huge constraint. Yet, well chosen constraints set your mind free in other directions.

I have tried many languages, and I think Go is too much constrained for me for hobby projects (but If I have to write server code with some unusual coworkers, then even Go could be OK), while C gives really too much freedom.

Most of the C code I see is an horrendous soup of types, mutations, implicit and explicit type casting, weird syntax combinations with multiple mutations inside single expressions, undisciplined pointer arithmetic, often against the rules of the C language, often using undefined behaviours, or relying on specific compilers and platforms. Quite often when I translate C code to Rust I find out of bound bugs, integral overflow bugs, and more, even for small C programs. Rust feels just right to me. But I'd like to introduce four or five new warnings/errors in Rust :slight_smile:


For many people, myself included, "just like C" precludes "better". There are many things in C that Rust does away with, and many things not in C that Rust adds, specifically in the service of being a better multipurpose tool.


  • Declarators rather than types (which in the end is the reason for -> rather than int foo())
  • Trivially unsafe casts (which, incidentally, mean that no, C does not know "the state of memory")
  • Preprocessor (which has various horrific knock-on effects in C by its mere existence, but losing it inherently makes FFI more manual)
  • Total lack of compiler awareness of aliasing/ownership (Eliminating this is the reason Rust can be safer, but now FFI needs to know what the ownership is on the C side)


  • Generics. Oh my Blub, generics. I love them so.
  • Trait bounds. If I love generics, trait bounds inspire utterly inappropriate desire in me.
  • Closures. Good grief, closures. I never ever ever want to have to call qsort() the C way again.
  • Sum types, with total (and pattern-y) matching. My state machines have never been clearer.

Sorry, but you sound like "In my little Debian Linux world, everything works fine. Why don't you guys understand?!"

Look at this tutorial how to create debian packages:


And this only works for Debian based distributions! So this solution doesn't even work for the entire Linux ecosystem!

In cargo it's just

cargo package
cargo publish

Your toml file, which you used as build script, is reused 100%. I really don't understand why someone would preffer not only a more complicated solution, but also a less capable one!

I'm sorry, but your post is too biased in order to take it serious.


No it isn't. Not with undefined behavior basically all over the place. Once you introduce a single instance of undefined behavior you cannot guarantee for anything anymore. That's exactly what Rust tries to avoid at all costs.

Things aren't as simple as you make them look. You cannot just make a language that's "just like C but better". The things that make C an inherently unsafe language are at the very core of what is C. If you rip those out you end up with a disfunctional mess. One needs to start from scratch. That's what the Rust team did. And very successfully so, if you ask me.


Mac/Linux user. I do know how it works, thanks. :wink:

You're confusing "having reasonable defaults" with what you call "authoritarian" here.

You might want to not talk down on others or belittle their knowledge (on which you both clearly don't have enough insight) if you want any constructive answers. Just saying.

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Moderator note: This thread is getting out of hand. Please remain polite and be cordial and constructive. I’ll repeat our advice from earlier: If you have responses to this criticism, please remember to be polite. Adding information is fine, but let’s not start any big fights over opinions, especially since the author has apparently made up their mind already. Don’t feel obliged to respond to every single point.


This is the most interesting part of your post to me. First, a nit - closures which don't capture any variables from the environment are anonymous functions.

I don't think a "multiparadigm" language means the language will be equally optimized for writing code in the variety of styles which have been reified into the "imperative paradigm," the "functional paradigm," and so on. I think it means the idiomatic style of the language takes influences from these paradigms. But any language, whether squarely within a paradigm or taking from multiple, has its own idioms which it optimizes for.

If you try to write C in Rust or Haskell in Rust you will have a bad time. There's not much anyone can do about that.


I'm not sure to which level Cargo is capable of building packages from other languages.

It can, by shelling out to other tools, but comparing Cargo to DPKG isn't quite Apples/Oranges. Cargo is a build system with first-class support for external dependencies. It's intended to be used during development, or as part of making an installer. DPKG is an installer system with first-class concept of dependencies. There's overlap, but they're not the same thing.

Unless, of course, you actually apt-get localinstall your programs while you're still working on them.


I sense longing for something like lrs...

IMO cargo and apt-get (system package manager) have a different target audience:

  • apt-get is more an end user/sysadmin tool and mainly used to install executables/programs. Sure, those also depend on libraries, but in the end, the user usually installs a program.
  • Cargo is more developer/language centric and usually used for libraries.

I believe that popular end-user applications developed in Rust will also be made available in the distro package managers including all necessary dependencies. OTOH I don't think it's useful to include every single package on crates.io (and every single version of them) in the distro package managers.


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