I've ran into problem that was hard to figure out, and it resulted in pretty ugly syntax. It boils down to:
- The
isn't automatically deduced type
can't simply refer to its own name
I started with:
pub trait Tr {
type Distance: PartialOrd + Add;
fn foo<T: Tr>(a: <T as Tr>::Distance, b: <T as Tr>::Distance, c: <T as Tr>::Distance) {
c > a + b;
but it wouldn't compile:
<T as Tr>::Distance
, found<<T as Tr>::Distance as core::ops::Add>::Output
I've also tried:
type Distance: PartialOrd + Add<Output=Distance>;
but it wouldn't compile either.
So I've ended up with:
pub trait Tr {
type Distance: PartialOrd + Add<Output=<Self as Tr>::Distance>;
which I think is quite ugly. Could this syntax be simplified? e.g. by default assume that Add
's Output=Self
or at least allow type
to be self-referential without going through <Self as Trait>