Byte-aligned Vec


I’m working on a rust implementation of Apache Arrow and one of the requirements is to have 64-byte aligned arrays of primitive types so I cannot simply use Vec<T> but have had to implement my own type that uses libc and lots of unsafe code.

I saw that Rust 1.25 introduced byte-aligned structs with #[repr(align(16))] and if I could somehow do the same for Vec I would be very happy. I’m wondering if any language features are in the works for this or whether there are other strategies for this?



I’m assuming you don’t need to align the Vec itself but need to have a Vec where the elements are aligned? You can just define a type with the correct alignment and create a Vec of that:

struct MyType {
    /* ... */
type Aligned = Vec<MyType>;

No, I actually need the start of the data aligned. So if I have a Vec I need the data to start on a 64-byte aligned address but then have the items 4-byte aligned in the i32 example.

Oh, that’s an interesting requirement. I don’t think that’s supported in any standard/safe way. Can you allocate a Vec that’s too big and start indexing at a particular element offset to get your required alignment?

That could work I guess. Seems kinda hacky and wasteful, but definitely safer than what I’m doing now.

I guess what I asking for is Vec::with_capacity(n: usize, align: usize). I wonder how much work it would be to add something like that to Rust? It is probably not something I can tackle since I’m not a C expert.

We wouldn’t want to add that API to Vec itself because it’d need to track the requested alignment as a new field. We’re getting close to stabilizing some of the allocator API which will let you make a custom type that does this though.

allocator API does sound like the way to go for this. Are these stabilizations being targeted to a particular Rust release yet?

It’s not totally pinned down, but hopefully sometime near 1.28 or so?

How does the Java and C++ implementations deal with the alignment requirement? You can always directly talk to the C allocator through posix_memalign/free to make these allocations now.

OK, thanks. Yes, I’m using posix_memalign for now.

Just make a type that is a 64-byte aligned array of 16 i32s (or just 64 u8s, although if you are using it as i32s it’s more elegant to use i32s), make a Vec of that, and then a newtype over that Vec that implements Deref to &i32 by transmuting.

Add an extra size field to the newtype if you need to keep track of size at primitive granularity.


That is pure genius. Simple and elegant. Thank you!

Just a safety note: that can be done only with read-only Deref for Vec. Any push to transmuted vec could re-allocate storage as i32s.

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