Async / Await syntax straw poll

Quick update on the current standings as there has been a segnifigant shake up.

Current standings. (The poll is still open) With 668 responses:

  • Macro style - 65.8% approve, 32.3% disapprove
  • Keyword (prefix) - 65.4% approve, 33% disapprove
  • Keyword with ? - 29.8% approve, 69.2% disapprove
  • Keyword with try keyword - 18.6% approve, 81.3% disapprove
  • Keyword with tight binding - 31.1% approve, 68.8% disapprove
  • Function style syntax - 41.1% approve, 58.9% disaprove
  • Keyword with optional parentheses - 38.1% approve, 61.9% disapprove
  • Keyword with braces - 36.1% approve, 63.9% disapprove
  • Field access style syntax - 25.8% approve, 73.5% disapprove
  • Field! Access style syntax - 23.9% approve, 75.1% disapprove
  • Method call syntax - 49.6% approve, 50.0% disapprove
  • Postfix macro style - 47.6% approve, 51.7% disapprove
  • @ sigil - 20.1% approve, 79.9% disapprove
  • # sigil - 14.7% approve, 85.3% disapprove

In terms of favorites: Keyword leads with 33.7%, followed by method call style with 25.1% then macro style and Postfix macro style which are tied at 23.3%. Field access style is towards the bottom of the list with just 11.2% favorite.

Interesting notes:

  • Most of the votes have come in since the announcement of the proposed final syntax being field access style.
  • Field access style has not gone up in the rankings.
  • Sigils while popular early on, seem to be very unpopular with the more recent voters. (This may be a difference between those who are reading this form often vs those that wait for the weekly email)
  • The plain keyword syntax still leads in both approval and favorites.