It's intended as a new await
syntax proposal, however, I'm not certain on 100% that it's really new considering the enormous amount of the previous discussion. At least brief search over summaries on some threads didn't give me any occurrences, so if it's duplication I just want to draw again attention on it, and I forward apologize for an accidental steal of someone's underappreciated idea.
Background and introduction
I wasn't a very big fan of using await
keyword from the very beginning of a whole await-syntax discussion because I've had a feeling that there's simply no place for it. However, I did some syntax experiments that still contain it and recently I've found a solution that either looks reasonable for me.
It's also postfix, it's consistent with many other Rust language constructs, it doesn't confuse with field access or method invoking, don't suffer from wrong associativity problems, and it doesn't make any compromises on code readability or self-documentation.
The grammar is:
EXPR await?
Why does it even make a sense?
Because there's a lot of good arguments behind this syntax!
It looks very pleasant aesthetically
It looks familiarly with other constructs
Consider how references syntax looks:
&Foo, &mut Foo, &'a mut Foo
Consider how function traits syntax looks:Fn() -> ..., FnOnce() -> ..., FnMut() -> ...
Consider how memory wrappers names looks:Cell<T>, RefCell<T>, UnsafeCell<T>
It's clear that
is nothing but a more concrete case of?
It looks exactly like all keyword should look
Unlike officially proposed syntax it doesn't look like a domain item inside of a method call chain:
and like all other keywords it remains space-separated from domain.
It still has proper associativity
Even if there's whitespace before
it still remains connected more tightly to the preceding expression because the question mark is stronger as we are accustomed that it's always applied at the end of an expression. -
It could be extended only in a proper manner
In the future, it's possible to add other postfix operators, but nobody will ask to allow existed keywords in postfix position, e.g.
, etc. -
It has a consistent formatting style
is readable either at the end of a line and on a new line, whileawait?
is only readable at the end of a line; if it becomes too long, then a single solution is to create a temporary binding.
Similarity with error handling
It's obvious that the semantics of ?
operator would be completely changed and if previously it was strictly associated with error handling and Try
trait, now it's more like that.
Now error handling is highly tied with awaiting futures:
But that also a very big advantage of this syntax!
It explicitly says that
is fallible operation and now if some code will not execute then it's enough to spot all occurrences of?
to find places where interruption might occur. -
The difference between
is irrelevant in most of the times as mostly when we readawait??
we only interested in a previous expression to result in a valid value
And more real-world examples
Below is code from await-syntax repository (also the source for code on images) rewritten with await?
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#![feature(async_await, await_macro, futures_api)]
use failure::{bail, format_err, Error, ResultExt};
use fidl::endpoints;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device_service::{
self as wlan_service, DeviceServiceMarker, DeviceServiceProxy,
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_minstrel::Peer;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme::{
self as fidl_sme, ConnectResultCode, ConnectTransactionEvent, ScanTransactionEvent,
use fuchsia_app::client::connect_to_service;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::prelude::*;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use structopt::StructOpt;
mod opts;
use crate::opts::*;
type WlanSvc = DeviceServiceProxy;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let opt = Opt::from_args();
println!("{:?}", opt);
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().context("error creating event loop")?;
let wlan_svc = connect_to_service::<DeviceServiceMarker>()
.context("failed to connect to device service")?;
let fut = async {
match opt {
Opt::Phy(cmd) => do_phy(cmd, wlan_svc) await?,
Opt::Iface(cmd) => do_iface(cmd, wlan_svc)) await?,
Opt::Client(cmd) => do_client(cmd, wlan_svc) await?,
Opt::Ap(cmd) => do_ap(cmd, wlan_svc) await?,
Opt::Mesh(cmd) => do_mesh(cmd, wlan_svc) await?,
async fn do_phy(cmd: opts::PhyCmd, wlan_svc: WlanSvc) -> Result<(), Error> {
match cmd {
opts::PhyCmd::List => {
// TODO(tkilbourn): add timeouts to prevent hanging commands
let response = wlan_svc.list_phys() await?
.context("error getting response")?;
println!("response: {:?}", response);
opts::PhyCmd::Query { phy_id } => {
let mut req = wlan_service::QueryPhyRequest { phy_id };
let response = wlan_svc.query_phy(&mut req) await?
.context("error querying phy")?;
println!("response: {:?}", response);
async fn do_iface(cmd: opts::IfaceCmd, wlan_svc: WlanSvc) -> Result<(), Error> {
match cmd {
opts::IfaceCmd::New { phy_id, role } => {
let mut req = wlan_service::CreateIfaceRequest { phy_id: phy_id, role: role.into() };
let response = wlan_svc.create_iface(&mut req) await?
.context("error getting response")?;
println!("response: {:?}", response);
opts::IfaceCmd::Delete { phy_id, iface_id } => {
let mut req = wlan_service::DestroyIfaceRequest { phy_id: phy_id, iface_id: iface_id };
let response = wlan_svc.destroy_iface(&mut req) await?
.context("error destroying iface")?;
match zx::Status::ok(response) {
Ok(()) => println!("destroyed iface {:?}", iface_id),
Err(s) => println!("error destroying iface: {:?}", s),
opts::IfaceCmd::List => {
let response = wlan_svc.list_ifaces() await?
.context("error getting response")?;
println!("response: {:?}", response);
opts::IfaceCmd::Query { iface_id } => {
let response = wlan_svc.query_iface(iface_id) await?
.context("error querying iface")?;
println!("response: {:?}", response);
opts::IfaceCmd::Stats { iface_id } => {
let ids = get_iface_ids(wlan_svc.clone(), iface_id) await??;
for iface_id in ids {
let (status, resp) = wlan_svc.get_iface_stats(iface_id) await?
.context("error getting stats for iface")?;
match status {
zx::sys::ZX_OK => {
match resp {
// TODO(eyw): Implement fmt::Display
Some(r) => println!("Iface {}: {:#?}", iface_id, r),
None => println!("Iface {} returns empty stats resonse", iface_id),
status => println!("error getting stats for Iface {}: {}", iface_id, status),
opts::IfaceCmd::Minstrel(cmd) => match cmd {
opts::MinstrelCmd::List { iface_id } => {
let ids = get_iface_ids(wlan_svc.clone(), iface_id) await??;
for id in ids {
if let Ok(peers) = list_minstrel_peers(wlan_svc.clone(), id) await? {
if peers.is_empty() {
println!("iface {} has {} peers:", id, peers.len());
for peer in peers {
println!("{}", peer);
opts::MinstrelCmd::Show { iface_id, peer_addr } => {
let peer_addr = match peer_addr {
Some(s) => Some(s.parse()?),
None => None,
let ids = get_iface_ids(wlan_svc.clone(), iface_id) await??;
for id in ids {
if let Err(e) =
show_minstrel_peer_for_iface(wlan_svc.clone(), id, peer_addr) await?
"querying peer(s) {} on iface {} returned an error: {}",
peer_addr.unwrap_or(MacAddr([0; 6])),
async fn do_client(cmd: opts::ClientCmd, wlan_svc: WlanSvc) -> Result<(), Error> {
match cmd {
opts::ClientCmd::Scan { iface_id, scan_type } => {
let sme = get_client_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
let (local, remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let mut req = fidl_sme::ScanRequest {
scan_type: scan_type.into(),
sme.scan(&mut req, remote).context("error sending scan request")?;
handle_scan_transaction(local) await?
opts::ClientCmd::Connect { iface_id, ssid, password, phy, cbw, scan_type } => {
let sme = get_client_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
let (local, remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let mut req = fidl_sme::ConnectRequest {
ssid: ssid.as_bytes().to_vec(),
password: password.unwrap_or(String::new()).as_bytes().to_vec(),
radio_cfg: fidl_sme::RadioConfig {
override_phy: phy.is_some(),
phy: phy.unwrap_or(PhyArg::Vht).into(),
override_cbw: cbw.is_some(),
cbw: cbw.unwrap_or(CbwArg::Cbw80).into(),
override_primary_chan: false,
primary_chan: 0,
scan_type: scan_type.into(),
sme.connect(&mut req, Some(remote)).context("error sending connect request")?;
handle_connect_transaction(local) await?
opts::ClientCmd::Disconnect { iface_id } => {
let sme = get_client_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
sme.disconnect() await?
.map_err(|e| format_err!("error sending disconnect request: {}", e))
opts::ClientCmd::Status { iface_id } => {
let sme = get_client_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
let st = sme.status() await??;
match st.connected_to {
Some(bss) => {
"Connected to '{}' (bssid {})",
None => println!("Not connected to a network"),
if !st.connecting_to_ssid.is_empty() {
println!("Connecting to '{}'", String::from_utf8_lossy(&st.connecting_to_ssid));
async fn do_ap(cmd: opts::ApCmd, wlan_svc: WlanSvc) -> Result<(), Error> {
match cmd {
opts::ApCmd::Start { iface_id, ssid, password, channel } => {
let sme = get_ap_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
let mut config = fidl_sme::ApConfig {
ssid: ssid.as_bytes().to_vec(),
password: password.map_or(vec![], |p| p.as_bytes().to_vec()),
let r = sme.start(&mut config) await??;
match r {
fidl_sme::StartApResultCode::InvalidArguments => {
println!("{:?}: Channel {:?} is invalid", r,;
fidl_sme::StartApResultCode::DfsUnsupported => {
"{:?}: The specified role does not support DFS channel {:?}",
_ => {
println!("{:?}", r);
opts::ApCmd::Stop { iface_id } => {
let sme = get_ap_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
let r = sme.stop() await?;
println!("{:?}", r);
async fn do_mesh(cmd: opts::MeshCmd, wlan_svc: WlanSvc) -> Result<(), Error> {
match cmd {
opts::MeshCmd::Join { iface_id, mesh_id, channel } => {
let sme = get_mesh_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
let mut config = fidl_sme::MeshConfig { mesh_id: mesh_id.as_bytes().to_vec(), channel };
let r = sme.join(&mut config) await??;
match r {
fidl_sme::JoinMeshResultCode::InvalidArguments => {
println!("{:?}: Channel {:?} is invalid", r,;
fidl_sme::JoinMeshResultCode::DfsUnsupported => {
"{:?}: The specified role does not support DFS channel {:?}",
_ => {
println!("{:?}", r);
opts::MeshCmd::Leave { iface_id } => {
let sme = get_mesh_sme(wlan_svc, iface_id) await??;
let r = sme.leave() await?;
println!("{:?}", r);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
struct MacAddr([u8; 6]);
impl fmt::Display for MacAddr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], self.0[3], self.0[4], self.0[5]
impl FromStr for MacAddr {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut bytes = [0; 6];
let mut index = 0;
for octet in s.split(|c| c == ':' || c == '-') {
if index == 6 {
bail!("Too many octets");
bytes[index] = u8::from_str_radix(octet, 16)?;
index += 1;
if index != 6 {
bail!("Too few octets");
async fn handle_scan_transaction(scan_txn: fidl_sme::ScanTransactionProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut printed_header = false;
let mut events = scan_txn.take_event_stream();
while let Some(evt) = events.try_next() await?
.context("failed to fetch all results before the channel was closed")?
match evt {
ScanTransactionEvent::OnResult { aps } => {
if !printed_header {
printed_header = true;
for ap in aps {
ScanTransactionEvent::OnFinished {} => break,
ScanTransactionEvent::OnError { error } => {
eprintln!("Error: {}", error.message);
fn print_scan_header() {
println!("BSSID dBm Chan Protected SSID");
fn is_ascii(v: &Vec<u8>) -> bool {
for val in v {
if val > &0x7e {
return false;
return true;
fn is_printable_ascii(v: &Vec<u8>) -> bool {
for val in v {
if val < &0x20 || val > &0x7e {
return false;
return true;
fn print_scan_result(ess: fidl_sme::EssInfo) {
let is_ascii = is_ascii(&ess.best_bss.ssid);
let is_ascii_print = is_printable_ascii(&ess.best_bss.ssid);
let is_utf8 = String::from_utf8(ess.best_bss.ssid.clone()).is_ok();
let is_hex = !is_utf8 || (is_ascii && !is_ascii_print);
let ssid_str;
if is_hex {
ssid_str = format!("({:X?})", &*ess.best_bss.ssid);
} else {
ssid_str = format!("\"{}\"", String::from_utf8_lossy(&ess.best_bss.ssid));
"{} {:4} {:8} {:9} {}",
if ess.best_bss.protected { "Y" } else { "N" },
async fn handle_connect_transaction(
connect_txn: fidl_sme::ConnectTransactionProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut events = connect_txn.take_event_stream();
while let Some(evt) = events.try_next() await?
.context("failed to receive connect result before the channel was closed")?
match evt {
ConnectTransactionEvent::OnFinished { code } => {
match code {
ConnectResultCode::Success => println!("Connected successfully"),
ConnectResultCode::Canceled => {
eprintln!("Connecting was canceled or superseded by another command")
ConnectResultCode::Failed => eprintln!("Failed to connect to network"),
ConnectResultCode::BadCredentials => {
eprintln!("Failed to connect to network; bad credentials")
async fn get_client_sme(
wlan_svc: WlanSvc,
iface_id: u16,
) -> Result<fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy, Error> {
let (proxy, remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let status = wlan_svc.get_client_sme(iface_id, remote) await?
.context("error sending GetClientSme request")?;
if status == zx::sys::ZX_OK {
} else {
Err(format_err!("Invalid interface id {}", iface_id))
async fn get_ap_sme(wlan_svc: WlanSvc, iface_id: u16) -> Result<fidl_sme::ApSmeProxy, Error> {
let (proxy, remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let status = wlan_svc.get_ap_sme(iface_id, remote) await?
.context("error sending GetApSme request")?;
if status == zx::sys::ZX_OK {
} else {
Err(format_err!("Invalid interface id {}", iface_id))
async fn get_mesh_sme(wlan_svc: WlanSvc, iface_id: u16) -> Result<fidl_sme::MeshSmeProxy, Error> {
let (proxy, remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let status = wlan_svc.get_mesh_sme(iface_id, remote) await?
.context("error sending GetMeshSme request")?;
if status == zx::sys::ZX_OK {
} else {
Err(format_err!("Invalid interface id {}", iface_id))
async fn get_iface_ids(wlan_svc: WlanSvc, iface_id: Option<u16>) -> Result<Vec<u16>, Error> {
match iface_id {
Some(id) => Ok(vec![id]),
None => {
let response = wlan_svc.list_ifaces() await?
.context("error listing ifaces")?;
Ok(response.ifaces.into_iter().map(|iface| iface.iface_id).collect())
async fn list_minstrel_peers(wlan_svc: WlanSvc, iface_id: u16) -> Result<Vec<MacAddr>, Error> {
let (status, resp) = wlan_svc.get_minstrel_list(iface_id) await?
.context(format!("Error getting minstrel peer list iface {}", iface_id))?;
if status == zx::sys::ZX_OK {
.map(|v| {
let mut arr = [0u8; 6];
} else {
println!("Error getting minstrel peer list from iface {}: {}", iface_id, status);
async fn show_minstrel_peer_for_iface(
wlan_svc: WlanSvc,
id: u16,
peer_addr: Option<MacAddr>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let peer_addrs = get_peer_addrs(wlan_svc.clone(), id, peer_addr) await??;
let mut first_peer = true;
for mut peer_addr in peer_addrs {
let (status, resp) = wlan_svc.get_minstrel_stats(id, &mut peer_addr.0) await?
.context(format!("Error getting minstrel stats from peer {}", peer_addr))?;
if status != zx::sys::ZX_OK {
"error getting minstrel stats for {} from iface {}: {}",
peer_addr, id, status
} else if let Some(peer) = resp {
if first_peer {
println!("iface {}", id);
first_peer = false;
async fn get_peer_addrs(
wlan_svc: WlanSvc,
iface_id: u16,
peer_addr: Option<MacAddr>,
) -> Result<Vec<MacAddr>, Error> {
match peer_addr {
Some(addr) => Ok(vec![addr]),
None => list_minstrel_peers(wlan_svc, iface_id) await?,
fn print_minstrel_stats(mut peer: Box<Peer>) {
let total_attempts: f64 = peer.entries.iter().map(|e| e.attempts_total as f64).sum();
let total_success: f64 = peer.entries.iter().map(|e| e.success_total as f64).sum();
"{}, max_tp: {}, max_probability: {}, attempts/success: {:.6}, probes: {}",
total_attempts / total_success,
" TxVector succ_c att_c succ_t att_t \
probability throughput probes probe_cycles_skipped"
peer.entries.sort_by(|l, r| l.tx_vector_idx.cmp(&r.tx_vector_idx));
for e in peer.entries {
"{}{} {:<36} {:7} {:7} {:7} {:7} {:11.4} {:10.3} {:6} {:20}",
if e.tx_vector_idx == peer.max_tp { "T" } else { " " },
if e.tx_vector_idx == peer.max_probability { "P" } else { " " },
e.probability * 100.0,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn format_bssid() {
format!("{}", MacAddr([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]))
fn mac_addr_from_str() {
MacAddr([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef])
MacAddr([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef])
Feedback needed
It could be too late to post yet another proposal, but at least this syntax wasn't discussed previously, it wasn't listed as a viable alternative in any summary, and it wasn't subject of any straw poll.
I hope not only me excited about it and that it still has a little chance of being appreciated before the final decision made by the Rust language team isn't posted yet.