It could be found easily that, we need constrain 'a outlives 'b, since when we wrote Bounded<'a: 'b, 'b, T>, the compiler returns an error, said that '1 must outlives 'static.
It seems that, the lifetime is inverted here: The constrain 'a:'b is bypassed by 'b:'a.
I suspect it is a compiler bug, but have no idea how to fix it.
I have publish a crate for such feature, allowing duplicating any borrows (even &mut). You could test the functions in that crate
The crate is released for debug purpose, let people know and test whether the bug has been eliminated or still exists.
As for whether it is for issue 25860.. I have no idea since my code is trying to simplify the most recent implementation of that issue.
What's more, my simplification shows that, 'b in the fake-static crate is unnecessary. 'a: 'static might be inferred from the &'static &'a pattern directly, and then we create a fake data that bypass the &'static &'a check, which leads to the final error.
pub fn make_static<'a, T>(input: &'a T) -> &'static T {
fn helper<'a, T>(_: [&'static&'a();0], v: &'a T) -> &'static T { v }
let f: fn([&'static&();0], &T) -> &'static T = helper;
f([], input) // we need not to create a &'a&'b unit directly.
pub fn make_static_mut<'a, T>(input: &'a mut T) -> &'static mut T {
fn helper_mut<'a, T>(_: [&'static&'a();0], v: &'a mut T) -> &'static mut T { v }
let f: fn([&'static&'static();0], &'a mut T) -> &'static mut T = helper_mut;
// let f: fn([&'static&();0], &mut T) -> &'static mut T = helper_mut; // it also works
f([], input)
It is worth mention that, make_static_mut just duplicate the input. After call make_static_mut, both the input and the return value are useable, which seems to be a disaster.