A big thank you for your calm and well-justified position - as expected of the Lang team. It seems that dot async is a very balanced choice with the least downsides among the other syntaxes mentioned. Also, the possibility of other postfix keywords is intriguing.
One thing that I’d like to get a confirmation of is whether sigils other than the ones mentioned in the blog post were given thought? A proposition of using double dot: expression..await
was mentioned in the last thread, and compared to #
and @
it seems to have much less “line noise”. It does repurpose an existing sigil, but that is a point that is shared between all other proposals, including the single dot. @mgeisler 's observation that unlike field access, await syntax is not cleanly “reorderable” because of it’s side effects, warrants having some visual difference between them. Between the sigil choices, a double dot seems to me to be the closest to the “single dot base case” and the most noise-free one that fulfills the criterion of visual dissimilarity.