This code is the MAVLink protocol handler, and generated by one of the MAVLink specification. It is C/Rust mixed project, so to compile it you will need Rust, CC an any C compiler.
To check how slow rustc is, check this out, and run cargo test in the GroundControl/demo dir
Exactly this project is compiled with error, cause the borrow checker complains in one place.
But anyway, the problem is that compilation is unacceptably slow.
/GroundControl/lib generated API
/GroundControl/demo/src/use_case is generated sample of using generated API
/GroundControl/demo/src/test the test
I generate variation of this project, with same functionality, in C, C++, C#.... They are the compiled in seconds !
What wrong with my Rust project? How can I speed up compilation?
Intel I7-7700K
SSD Samsung 970 PRO
cargo -V
cargo 1.39.0-nightly (ab6fa8908 2019-09-25)
rustc -V
rustc 1.40.0-nightly (22bc9e1d9 2019-09-30)