Will it ever be possible to optimize away trivial futures?

If you look for declare in the LLVM IR, you'll see these futures_* functions:

<futures_executor::local_pool::ThreadNotify as futures_task::arc_wake::ArcWake>::wake_by_ref
<futures_task::waker_ref::WakerRef as core::ops::deref::Deref>::deref
<futures_executor::enter::Enter as core::ops::drop::Drop>::drop
<futures_executor::enter::EnterError as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt

All of these functions are being imported from already compiled machine code in upstream crates, and without turning on LTO (or changing the code to use #[inline]) they can't be optimized away.

Some of them make sense to not get cross-crate codegen (like the fmt::Debug impl for the error), but not most of them.

Looking through though, seems like #[inline] is needed for futures_task::waker_ref::WakerRef:

While the rest could use it, they seem to be all leaves (i.e. likely not blocking optimizations):

Rust doesn't have any closed-world assumptions (at least yet AFAIK) wrt virtual calls, so devirtualization is only const-prop (if we include "constant-folding loads from constant globals" under the same umbrella).

And the only things that can block const-prop are either true dynamism (e.g. switching executors at runtime) or hidden static knowledge. Always look for the latter, because it's much more common to forget an #[inline] (and/or mislead LLVM into thinking some value can mutate, though I don't see that here), especially when there's no hint of true dynamism from the source code.