Why MIR tries to get the discriminant of a tuple?

By looking at the MIR of the following program

fn main() {
    match (1, 2) {
        (num, den) if den != 0 => true,
        _ => false

I see that MIR has a statement

_3 = discriminant(_2);           // bb0[3]: scope 0 at src/main.rs:2:5: 5:6

that tries to read the discriminant of the tuple _2: (i32, i32).

Is there actually a discriminant associated to tuples? Or is it just a meaningless MIR statement, that survived so far because it’s dead code that is not translated to IR?

There is no discriminant for tuples, but the access is still intentional and achieving something (even if it’s a hack):


I see, thanks!

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