Unsafe code annotations

Two quick thoughts:

  1. In order for this to be meaningfully different from a comment, there must be a tool that reads these and does something with them, right? Maybe an extension to cargo crev, since you’d presumably want a whole-crate review in addition to a review of any specific unsafe block.

  2. safe is a uniquely problematic name, even for a strawman, because if “safe unsafe code” is a legitimate thing to say, that makes the meaning of unsafe even more subtle than it already is. We definitely don’t need a serious bikeshed right now, but I’d like to suggest “sound” / #[sound()] for code that doesn’t cause UB and “unsound” for code that does cause UB (so “all safe code is sound”, “unsafe code may be sound or unsound”, “unsound code is always bad”, “unsafe code is fine if you can prove it’s sound” would all be true, which seems reasonable to me).