Unified Errors, a non-proliferation treaty, and extensible types

This is already a real and serious issue for current errors, so I'm not sure what the point is here. E.g., the panopticon error enum is currently 72 bytes; if some upstream crate adds an error with an array or a huge struct like you suggest and it gets added to the foreign links, it will extend the size...

I assume just do what error-chain or any other type that needs to be recursive does, use a Box or pointer, but perhaps your point might be more subtle here, not sure.

The array idea is interesting, but as you suggest, there are definitely some problems.

Finally, I agree Box<Error> solves some problems, but it introduces others; and as you mention, can't currently pattern match.

I just don't agree; I thought I presented several reasons for why this is the case, and I don't think it's a matter of beginners not learning their options efficiently, as I tried to explain, 1-3 still all apply to beginners and non-beginners alike...

This is very interesting. So when you mentioned dynamic linking previously, I started thinking about how one might implement an open type like this for dynamic libraries and the problem becomes tractable when you are given a unique ID for each library that uses/extends an open type.

In linux dynamic linking this is actually the DTPMOD64 relocation in x86_64 (which is incidentally used by __tls_get_addr).

So theoretically, what's interesting is that if you have your unique ID and other libraries' IDs taking part in the open type, I believe you can generate a unique discriminant without possibility of collision.

But crytographic hashes are also an interesting approach to this problem, all interesting stuff :slight_smile:

Alternative crazy idea I had:

pub fn run() -> Result<(), impl Error> {
  let bytes = eat_bytes()?;
  info!("wow, bytes: {:?}", bytes);

Where ā€œimpl Errorā€ indicates a single concrete anonymous enum type with io::Error and SetLoggerError variants, which the compiler generates for you at compile time. Itā€™s only as big as it has to be to accommodate the error types returned by run() (rather than every error type imported anywhere in the program), it has a statically known size, and it can be transparently replaced with a custom error type later on.


Thatā€™s actually a really cool idea! I like the parallels with the hopefully forthcoming impl Trait

I believe it is would be backwards compatible with current errors as well, yes?

Iā€™m not quite sure what you mean by ā€œbackwards compatible with current errorsā€, but Result<(), impl Error> is already a valid return type with the impl Trait feature flag, and I believe all ā€œerror typesā€ are supposed to implement the Error trait today (io::Error and SetLoggerError both appear to), so I assume switching to this strawman feature would ā€œjust workā€ for any code that either a) uses ? and a custom error type today or b) uses Result<(), impl Error> and explicit error values today. Thatā€™s assuming callers didnā€™t find a way to depend on your concrete error type (which is a standard caveat for all impl Trait uses).

Sure, but impl Error is not going to generate a type that can wrap both an io::Error and a diesel::Error.

Ah I just meant that the open type version wouldnā€™t be backwards compatible in that the std lib would have to add all its errors to the open Exn type; or some compiler magic have to be involved otherwise. I guess this is more forwards compatibility, which I believe as you stated it would be.

Ya as notriddle said I thought this was the interesting use case that was being presented with impl Error idea (having the compiler aggregate the types into an enum for you).

Oh and all Error types def donā€™t have to impl Error trait, as thatā€™s in std, and core errors wonā€™t ever do that (or at least the impl will have a ā€œstdā€ feature flag)

Itā€™s an interesting idea to be sure, but if I understand the current impl Trait correctly, it abstracts away the concrete type, so it would be functionally identical to Box<Error>, just without allocation.

So, in the process of trying to make something very, very generic and also remove some offsetting logic out of one trait into another, I came across this problem, and the solution isnā€™t obvious, but it seems a case where the open error type idea shines very nicely, both ergonomically, and logically:

pub trait Pread<Ctx, E = error::Error, I = usize> : Index<I> + Index<RangeFrom<I>> + MeasureWith<Ctx, Units = I>
       Ctx: Copy + Default + Debug,
       I: Add + Copy + PartialOrd,
    fn pread<'a, N: TryFromCtx<'a, Ctx, <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output, Error = E>>(&'a self, offset: I) -> result::Result<N, E> where <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output: 'a {
        self.pread_with(offset, Ctx::default())
    fn pread_with<'a, N: TryFromCtx<'a, Ctx, <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output, Error = E>>(&'a self, offset: I, ctx: Ctx) -> result::Result<N, E> where <Self as Index<RangeFrom<I>>>::Output: 'a {
        let len = self.measure_with(&ctx);
        if offset >= len {
            // problem is here, what do i return? the error is/should be generic
            panic!("offset >= len")
        N::try_from_ctx(&self[offset..], ctx)

If errors were an open type, I would be able to return my custom Error enum, e.g. return Err(BadOffset(offset)) where the panic is, but while still allowing downstream clients/implementors of TryFromCtx to use their own custom errors in TryFromCtx, whose definition for completeness is:

/// Tries to read `Self` from `This` using the context `Ctx`
pub trait TryFromCtx<'a, Ctx: Copy = DefaultCtx, This: ?Sized = [u8]> where Self: 'a + Sized {
    type Error;
    fn try_from_ctx(from: &'a This, ctx: Ctx) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

I might be able to do this using dynamic dispatch, but Iā€™m not really an expert there, would require signature changes, and a performance hit that is not acceptable in this case for this crateā€™s usecases.

Anyway, just came up, and thought of this, so figured Iā€™d post a little pain point.

As I see it, only reasonable solution might seem to be to remove the generic errors, and use explicit error hardcoded into the signature, which kind of sucks :confused:

@m4b Sorry if I havenā€™t been reading closely enough and you already answered this, but: would it be possible to do exhaustive error handling (without a ā€œwelp, some other thing happenedā€ wildcard arm) if we used an open error type? Giving that up seems like a pretty significant sacrifice.

My usual solution would be to require the generic error to impl From<MySpecificError> and return MySpecificError for my error cases.

Perhaps Iā€™m missing something obvious, but I donā€™t understand. The signature is generic, pread_with returns an error of type E, which is fixed/given by the TryFromCtx impl. I canā€™t return a reified MyError in the pread_with body unless I change the return type to be fixed to my error

Yes with open type would always require a wildcard in pattern matching.

The ā€œimpl Errorā€-esque suggestion, which afaiu would ask the compiler to aggregate the error type with every error return into an enum, so exhaustive pattern match might be possible there, dunno

Oh I think the obvious part I missed was to call E::from(myerror) or into :smile: thanks for this very interesting suggestion @phaylon

The impl Debug idea (I shouldā€™ve picked Debug instead of Error the first time, oh well) probably would not allow exhaustive matching either. The whole point of impl Trait is to prevent the calling code from needing to know or being able to rely on whatever the exact concrete type is, without giving up the benefits of returning a single concrete type. The same applies to returning enums of error types: if you allow calling code to exhaustively match on it, then you canā€™t ever change the set of error types youā€™re returning without breaking them, and weā€™re back to the same sort of inflexibility that prompted this thread in the first place. This similarity in backwards compatibility requirements is actually one of the reasons I thought of the impl Trait syntax earlier.

Personally, Iā€™m confused as to what if any concrete goals everyone has in this thread. I originally thought the goal was allowing us to ā€œjust addā€ a line like foobar()?; to one of our functions without having to go modify a potentially unbounded number of function signatures and call sites just to deal with the new error type itā€™s returning. Thatā€™s something I can totally get behind. But if that is the goal, then Iā€™m pretty sure exhaustive matching in the caller is just fundamentally not possible no matter what the proposed solution, so Iā€™m not sure why thatā€™s being pointed out as a negative.

Regarding your Pread example (now that Iā€™ve spent several minutes parsing itā€¦), I see how an ā€œopen error typeā€ would be a solution, but it seems like returning a generic PReadWithError<E> enum with the two variants OffsetOutOfRange and E would also be an equally good solution that achieves all the same goals you specified. So tying back to my confusion point: What is it that makes an open error type the best solution in that example? (hopefully focusing on semantics rather than syntax, since weā€™ve both thrown out strawman syntaxes to minimize the typing burden)

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You've made some really great points which I think get at the heart of things here.

Yes, I hadn't thought too much about impl version wrt pattern matching but I think this statement gets at the essence of why I think non exhaustiveness in matching is a feature in this case (or a side effect, depending on how you look at it)

For me, what you state right here is the goal, which I believe is point 2, especially with respect to you mentioning refactoring call sites, etc.

And again, I think you noting that non exhaustive matching not being negative is also really crucial here.

As for Pread suggestion, I believe another developer on the API issue in scroll where this is being suggested mentioned that as a possibility; I'd have to see how it interacts and I suspect there will be similar trade offs.

I don't know if an open type is the best solution, but I feel like it addresses 1-3 in a way that is very satisfying both on a semantic as well as ergonomic level (but perhaps as others have justifiably pointed out, not at the implementation level)

It would be hella convenient, that much is hard to disagree with.

Though I'm still a bit apprehensive about how it would fit into the broader crate ecosystem. Backwards compatibility prevents migrating existing errors in std and other high-exposure libraries, and using it for new stuff only would be a glaring API inconsistency.

It's a minor concern all things considered, but having two established ways of working with errors that are so alien to each other, feels uncomfortable.

Could you clarify what you mean here? Wouldn't future versions of say, std with errors simply pub type Exn := io::Error, and etc.? Hence old code would still work with io::Error (it didn't go anywhere); and any new libraries/binaries could opt into the open type/whatever by simply changing their signatures, or keep old behavior ; or similarly, perhaps like a trait, use std::exn::Exn; would allow the error to be apart of the unified open type (but only when it's imported, otherwise it's the old behavior)

For what it's worth, I have a PR in to error-chain to make it no_std compatible (but dependent on libcollections):

I'm not entirely happy with the state of this PR, mostly because it vendors std::error into error-chain for use in no_std environments (std::error is not in core, although it used to be).

Some ideas about how to move std::error to core::error here, although I've been told "scenarios" work will solve this entire general problem (I hope!):