Types as Contracts

Now that's funny, because I fully agree with this. :wink: It is exactly this kind of thinking which lead me to a model that uses no provenance tracking, a model where a pointer really is just a location in memory and does not also carry some "magic" meta-data about how it was computed. For example, I think unsafe code authors will expect the following two snippets should be contextually equivalent, meaning that snippet A can be replaced by snippet B no matter the surrounding code:

// ptr1, ptr2: *mut i32
// A
if (ptr1 as usize == ptr2 as usize) {
  *ptr1 = 42;
// B
if (ptr1 as usize == ptr2 as usize) {
  *ptr2 = 42;

So, what is your (and any other unsafe code author reading this) thinking here? Is it expected/acceptable/a catastrophe for a model to ever make a distinction between the two programs above?

My problem with this is that I do not think alias-based models provide that. They typically involve some form of provenance tracking, which means whether it is okay for you to use a pointer or not depends on how the pointer was computed. The two snippets I gave above are generally not equivalent in models that track how pointers are computed. (E.g., to use @ubsan notation, it may be that for some third pointer ptr3, we have ptr3 $ ptr1 but not ptr3 $ ptr2, so one snippet may be allowed while the other is not.)