Macros 2.0 is a planned thing. Macro invocations will also always have the ! to indicate that they expand to more code than just a simple function call.
Whether and how macros are able to interact with the type system is an unresolved question.
macro my_macro($thing:ident) {
// expands to
However,convincing people to change the language to suit your usecase requires that you have a good/convincing argument why this is an important feature that should be in the language,and non-contrived examples of using this feature that could be implemented if it were accepted.
I would recommend that you look for other cases where people asked for reflection in Rust,and start compiling them so that you can have a good argument for it.
BTW:As I said before I am not opposed to adding reflection to the language,I just don’t need it.
“Macro fns” expand to little more than just an #[inline(always)] function call - it’s a function call that can define statics. That’s it. That’s the whole selling point. It’s for performance.